The Aster would burn up about half its fuel just getting to the point where an ASM-135 would typically launch from (~40,000ft, released from an F-15 flying almost vertically @ nearly Mach 1). And the flight till that point would be the most demanding part (from a propulsion standpoint).
The performance difference wouldn't be as impressive were the ASM-135 to be launched from ground/ship. Even if it were to retain enough power to reach about 200-odd kms (where the SM-3 blew up USA-193), which is doubtful in of itself (most likely not possible), I doubt it would retain enough energy to throw the KKV (ASM-135 would probably have used an A-bomb payload back in the day, but those aren't used nowadays) into a reliable interception path.
From what I can gather, the target satellite in the recent Indian test was travelling at a relative Mach 26+.