Punjab's TFR is <1.5
There isn't gonna be any considerable insurgency there like in the 80s. I don't think the K-stan angle plays into this - seems mostly aimed at Tibet/Pakjab. Oh well, what's in a name.
Even if TFR is low, the young population is the real threat. Low TFR means less economic certainty, so more possibility of discontentment. And for an insurgency, you need few tens of thousands, a number Pakistan can recruit and train quite quickly.
While I hope it doesn't happen, it's still gonna be funny to see them panic when Ranjeet comes for them.
FICV should be named Akali Baba, it will be the trifecta.
It's definitive proof that Sikh Empire is an Indian empire, and that even Pakjab that was part of the Sikh Empire is Indian. It will force the separatists to rethink their priorities.
But I do wish we move toward alphanumeric designations instead. Less baggage, plus easier to export if a foreigner can at least pronounce the name properly. HF was a nice prefix for fighters for example.
Anyway, we have a long history of naming tools, we shouldn't change that culture for the top stuff. It's something for our descendents to worry about.
The Stryker deal is political. No doubt about it. Like the Talwar Batch-3 from Russia even though we can quite easily design & build similar/better frigates at home. If we want the Americans or Russians to share stuff they wouldn't otherwise (like F414 ToT or N-subs), we're gonna have to sweeten the pot by taking on additional financial & industrial commitments at some level.
Stryker is definitely not political. Explained in post 402.
It's fine for plains, it needs to go through desert and mountain trials, but it's much more necessary than the WhAP requirement. So it's a high priority program. The Strkyer is necessary to launch offensive operations into enemy territory.
Talwar wasn't a political decision either. The IN ended up delaying their last tranche of 3 ships 'cause the delays in local production of other ships led to cost overruns, including Gorky and Vicky. They later increased their original requirement of 3 to 4 and built 2 in India, which was partly politically motivated, but that decision was mostly to support industry. IN went for all 10 'cause Indian shipyards could not keep up. Before that there was no plan to import any ship.
However, with the Americans, I think there's something else going on at a higher level than what we let on.
Yep. It will morph into something more visible in the future.
I think there's an effort (seems very haphazard & coincidental, but maybe that's by design) to create combined arms formations that are largely compatible to operate alongside US Stryker Brigade Combat Teams.
The recce battalions will function alongside armor and infantry units. But they work independently before the main body moves.
We also need to build and distribute some of this tech onto other vehicles, even soldiers.
We're making the excuse of dividing procurement on basis of cost (and that's not entirely without merit) but I think what this will result in is certain formations that are more interoperable with US ground forces than others. Even for ATGMs we're likely to divide the procurement between Javelin/Spike for 'frontline' units and the cheaper MPATGM/Amogha-3 for everyone else. SIG716s with NATO-spec calibre for some units while AKs go to others. Stryker for some & WhAP for others. AH64 for some & LCH for others.
The goal is standardization. AH-64s will support armored brigades, LCH will support infantry and mountain brigades and so on. Small arms can be divided, that's okay, but vehicles will not.
Spike and Javelin are currently dead. The Spike we ordered piecemeal was an LR version, which won't be standard issue for mass. The only way they can come back is if they win the competition for mass that will be held in a year or two alongside all the other upcoming rifle tenders in which MPATGM will also compete alongside other Indian competitors.
Stryker will get Javelin as part of the package, but that's specific to it. It's not for mass.
I just wonder how we'll handle the all-important Comms/BMS layout. Maybe this is why the old BMS plan got shelved and creating Theatre Commands & IBGs is taking so long. We're having to redraw not just the tactical but the strategic aspect of each formation as well.
BMS has two programs: Project SAMA, an interim one, and AIDSS, the main one. TCS is ongoing too.
Then there's a whole bunch of other programs like Sanjay, Avgat, Anuman etc. Sanjay integrates tens of thousands of sensors like cameras, thermal imagers, motion detectors etc. Avgat is some kinda mapping system, and Anuman is to deliver weather info to artillery teams in the field.
We are doing very well here.