"Next Generation" OPVs by GRSE:
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compared to Pipavav shipyard's design from 2010s:
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A pvt shipyard's design vs A PSU design for OPVs. You can see the coherence in ship design coming out of a pvt shipyard vs whatever disjointed mess the so called
"Next Generation" OPVs are.
Once you take a look at the previous generation Saryu class OPVs, you might think that the design has regressed a bit.
Saryu class:
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These chai-samosa PSU workers cant innovate one bit. PSU shipyards dont exist to serve the navy, they exist to create guaranteed job employment. As long as IN shipbuilding is cornered by MDL, GRSE, GSL, etc, etc there is no hope. Pvt shipyards will need to come in. Modi govt's efforts towards privatization has fizzled out too. He's now going towards the opposite direction. God help this country.
This malaise of the entire system[retarded govt policies + govt owned shipyards] also explains why Indian navy is built up the way it is. All its frontline ships have imported subsystems including the radar/propulsion/missiles. A pvt shipyard would've started working with local companies to offer solutions on its own. But the chai-samosa workers are not concerned with these petty little things.
The perfect example of chai-samosa workers is actually the MBT program. We started licence manufacturing of Vickers Mk.1 in 1965. almost 60 yrs later, we still licence manufature foreign tanks.