Some nice pics are also shared of the above facility
India boosts submarine fleet as region’s warship traffic picks up
India is working on a new class of attack submarines after the government approved almost $5 billion for the
What is MoI?
India and Japan signed MoU for co-development of UNICORN mast.
NGCs might be perfectly placed to receive these. Along with ofcourse P17B.
Did you do a breakup of the number of ships on orderThere is acceptance of necessity for 31 more powerful warships and submarines
31 ships according to me:
1. Project 75I class SSK = 06
2. Next Generation Corvette = 08
3. Additional Kalvari class SSK = 03
4. P-17B class FFG = 07
5. Next Generation Survey Vessels = 05
6. Multi Purpose Vessels = 02
Numbers are not rounding up for me. It is exceeding 63Did you do a breakup of the number of ships on order
Numbers are not rounding up for me. It is exceeding 63
Ships which are under construction:
1. Samarthak class MPV = 02
2. Kalvari class SSK = 01
3. Visakhapatnam class DDG = 01
4. Nilgiri class FFG = 07
5. Talwar class FFG = 04
6. Mahe class ASWSWC = 08
7. Arnala class ASWSWC = 08
8. Sandhyak class SVL = 03
9. Nistar class DSV = 02
10. Diving Support Craft = 05
11. Fleet Support Ship = 05
12. Cadet Training Ship = 03
13. Next Generation OPV = 11
14. Next Generation Missile Vessel = 06
Total = 66
I have excluded the 02 P77 class SSNs.
One thing that we have improved heavily is auxiliary fleet. From DSRV to survey vessel, every capability is increasing.Here is a chart of Indian Navy order book for last 2 years. I had to fill in the blanks with assumed figures so it is not very accurate.
However the purpose is to illustrate a trend. For long time we had 40-ish ships on order, which dipped 37 ships at its lowest point in July 2022. After than a Modi gormint just went into order mode leading to the highest of 67 ship on order.
The trend is set to continue with Navy systematically working through its AON list. The main hard rocks to overcome are IAC-2, P-75I, MCMV and LPD.
P-75I seems to have a faint light at end of tunnel
IAC-2 files will be moved once IN bags the 26 Rafale order
MCMV and LPD is as distant as ever
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