General News, Questions And Discussions - Indian Navy

Right now MRSAM is fulfilling both the roles of point defence as well as local area defence. In near future:

1) LRSAM - All 3 variants might be acquired by the IN or just the one with 250 km range. Role will be fleet area defence as well as anti AShBM role. 150 to 250 km range.

2) MRSAM - Local area defence. Role will against anti ship and cruise missiles. 70 km range.

3) VL-SRSAM: Point Defence. 25-50 km range.

AD-1 and AD-2 might be acquired to be used on NGD for ABM role.
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#Under Construction: (68)

1. Samarthak class MPV = 02
2. Kalvari class SSK = 01
3. Visakhapatnam class DDG = 01
4. Nilgiri class FFG = 07
5. Talwar class FFG = 04
6. Mahe class ASWSWC = 08
7. Arnala class ASWSWC = 08
8. Sandhyak class SVL = 03
9. Nistar class DSV = 02
10. Diving Support Craft = 05
11. Arihant class SSBN = 02
12. Cadet Training Ship = 03
13. Next Generation OPV = 11
14. Next Generation Missile Vessel = 06
15. Fleet Support Ship = 05

#Future Projects:

• RFP:
1. Project 75I SSK class = 06
2. Next Generation Corvette = 08
3. Kalvari class SSK = 03

1. Next Generation Survey Vessels = 05

1. High Speed Landing Crafts = 06
2. National Hospital Ship = 01
3. Multi Purpose Vessels = 02
4. Fast Interceptor Craft-I = 120
5. LHD class = 04
6. Mine Counter Measure Vessels = 12
7. New Water Jet Fast Attack Craft = 21
8. Technical Support Craft = 01
This antenna sits on the top of mast on the Mogami class FFG. That's where our ships have their EW/COMINT arrays. We need to adopt a naval four-face AESA to realize the full EMCON potential of this product imo.

Any updates on the LRMFR naval radar the DRDO has been working on? TIA
Apparently the NGC is going to have an AESA, most probably Elta-2248. However, since it will carry the VL-SRSAM, it could get the X-band (primary?) radar instead. Very interesting.

The same radar could also replace the Revathi radar on P-28 class corvettes.

Can't wait for the concept design of the NGC to be out.
This is an awesome news😍. Hoping for more Indo-Japanese collaboration in the naval sector.
Any tech collab with the Japs is going to be very limited imo. Look at how the US2 Shinmaywa amphib ac deal fell flat after years of hype.

They stayed out of the P-75I program, ostensibly because of unwillingness to ToT. Yet, they were very happy to offer the same tech to Aus.

Leave alone military tech, the Japs are also acting up on ToT for the bullet train project.
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Any tech collab with the Japs is going to be very limited imo. Look at how the US2 Shinmaywa amphib ac deal fell flat after years of hype.

They stayed out of the P-75I program, ostensibly because of unwillingness to ToT. Yet, they were very happy to offer the same tech to Aus.

Leave alone military tech, the Japs are also acting up on ToT for the bullet train project.
Japan has an outdated military export control regime. Selling military platform is hard for them.

US-2 deal was deprioritised because of our fund crunch not because they did anything. They reduced price and made it close to $100 mil and even agreed to local assembly.

They have invested and financed a significant amount of money in India through JICA. More than any other country, they are a very suitable military partner in almost every way.
Any tech collab with the Japs is going to be very limited imo. Look at how the US2 Shinmaywa amphib ac deal fell flat after years of hype.

They stayed out of the P-75I program, ostensibly because of unwillingness to ToT. Yet, they were very happy to offer the same tech to Aus.

Leave alone military tech, the Japs are also acting up on ToT for the bullet train project.
Japan is more or less a colony of the US, don't expect any independent decisions from them. They toe the line set by US, especially when it comes to strategic defence tech
The Japanese have a lot of tech that would 'upset the balance of power in the region' as the US DSCA likes to call it. And that's why they stick to photo oops during exercises and cross-posting officers. I'd have loved to see the Soryu or Tagei class LIB powered SSK in Indian service as a Quad ally. But not going to happen.

Japan is a pacifist country that calls its military services 'self-defence forces'. They'd never sell us anything that would even remotely add to our offensive capabilities, with or without US prodding.