GTRE Kaveri Engine

I think Tejas is dead and the Indian aeronautics industry with, at least for the next twenty years, that everyone knows it but that nobody accepts it in your country.
In the long run, you will have no choice. It is EITHER the construction of a stable industrial base, OR an increase in squadron capacity through off-the-shelf purchases.
But both in the short term, it's just impossible. If you want to keep your IAF re-equipment, you'll have to buy off the shelf, build and assemble under license, and acquire the skills that will allow you to relaunch a national program later. But here, the Tejas as an aircraft is very largely obsolete. It's a pity because the Kaveri would have had a good potential, possibly on a twin engine.
I agree with you. If we can't get a national program going for a new engine or the Kaveri itself, The next cycle of acquiring new aircraft type for IAF and & IN will happen only after 20-25 years.
For the Kaveri, it's at a standstill, the Indians are not making any progress on this project. Safran's propal remains in the pipes, but they're not doing anything about it yet.
My opinion is that they are doing as usual in India? They are so afraid of making a bad decision or getting swollen that they are kissing the *censored* of all the other Western manufacturers to wait for a better possible proposal. In the meantime, without a national engine, the Tejas risks abandonment altogether, and uncertainties about the Tejas make the new engine uncertain. In short, a vicious circle and a snake biting its tail.
What exactly is the Safran proposal? Can you elaborate on it, please?
I agree with you. If we can't get a national program going for a new engine or the Kaveri itself, The next cycle of acquiring new aircraft type for IAF and & IN will happen only after 20-25 years.
How is the Kaveri linked to future progress on our aircraft building program be in the LCA - Mk2 / MWF or the AMCA? As it is both of these AC are configured as of now to fly on imported engines.
How is the Kaveri linked to future progress on our aircraft building program be in the LCA - Mk2 / MWF or the AMCA? As it is both of these AC are configured as of now to fly on imported engines.
It is linked. We will be forced to buy whatever is thorwn at us by aircraft manufacturers in future. GE 404 is an example. USA is moving to ADVENT and they are offering us GE414EPE for AMCA which will be inducted sometime in 2035. This is how they will ensure that we never come to any standards in making good fighter jets and stay dependent on them forever.
Everything about india is under embargo here due to poltical sensitivity... So i think we should wait for PAS19.

What's PAST 19?

Political sensitivity of France? Why so?

Next tranche Rafael order is anyway after delivery of few Rafales post September 19.

Any change in government may alter plans.

Same government if elected back also might increase or change few other proposals.

So I guess we are 8 days away from election results.
I don't know, it's commercial confidential! But I get from SAFRAN that the proposal was made long ago and that nothing happens from the indian party. But the proposal is still valid!
I read reports online a few months back that Safran was charging a bomb. I wonder why does anyone in the MoD think such help would come cheap. I also read that the K-9 (?) In it's current iteration can't deliver any more output.In order for it to get to G-404 standards , it'd require extensive re engineering.Which in turn doesn't make sense as it'd be equivalent to building a whole new engine.Any clarifications on it?

Will Kaveri continue to have local cores or is Safran going to supply it? Assuming it's the latter will there be any ToT involved? What about IPR? Who will own it? Can you shed light on this aspect?
For the Kaveri, it's at a standstill, the Indians are not making any progress on this project. Safran's propal remains in the pipes, but they're not doing anything about it yet.
My opinion is that they are doing as usual in India? They are so afraid of making a bad decision or getting swollen that they are kissing the *censored* of all the other Western manufacturers to wait for a better possible proposal. In the meantime, without a national engine, the Tejas risks abandonment altogether, and uncertainties about the Tejas make the new engine uncertain. In short, a vicious circle and a snake biting its tail.

Kaveri for IUSAV will go ahead as planned.

Kaveri for Tejas has been dead for a long time. So Tejas will not be abandoned, F404 and F414 all the way.

We need a new engine for AMCA, so we have no choice but to kiss a**. Bureaucratic retards here.
How is the Kaveri linked to future progress on our aircraft building program be in the LCA - Mk2 / MWF or the AMCA? As it is both of these AC are configured as of now to fly on imported engines.

For Tejas it's irrelevant. But for AMCA it is. We will become a dependency.
What's PAST 19?

Political sensitivity of France? Why so?

Next tranche Rafael order is anyway after delivery of few Rafales post September 19.

Any change in government may alter plans.

Same government if elected back also might increase or change few other proposals.

So I guess we are 8 days away from election results.

Paris Air Show. There's no T there.
Well, even for Tejas, there are MLU's to be considered.

The engine doesn't need a change if the thrust is adequate. Considering there are so many platforms worldwide that use F404 and F414, the Americans will continue to develop superior engines of this class anyway.
I read reports online a few months back that Safran was charging a bomb. I wonder why does anyone in the MoD think such help would come cheap. I also read that the K-9 (?) In it's current iteration can't deliver any more output.In order for it to get to G-404 standards , it'd require extensive re engineering.Which in turn doesn't make sense as it'd be equivalent to building a whole new engine.Any clarifications on it?

Will Kaveri continue to have local cores or is Safran going to supply it? Assuming it's the latter will there be any ToT involved? What about IPR? Who will own it? Can you shed light on this aspect?
It is difficult to talk about these subjects, because we have to talk on behalf of companies when negotiations have not even begun. But I think that in the short term we should make a Kaveri with the Core of the M-88 which can accept a turbine inlet temperature of 1850°, with the launch of a co-development of a new Core which would be able to accept 2000° in a first step and 2100° in a second step. SAFRAN has already developed the technologies to make the Core at 2000° but has not yet applied them to an engine.
But here, the Tejas as an aircraft is very largely obsolete
Tejas will be the indian mainstay as the Mig21 replacement. Its real military strengh is another thing.
India political top brass has no choice than to continue the production. It's a political, economical and honor question.
Tejas will be the indian mainstay as the Mig21 replacement. Its real military strengh is another thing.
India political top brass has no choice than to continue the production. It's a political, economical and honor question.
With all due respects, I doubt whether the Mk1a or the Mk2 / MWF is going to be obsolete in our part of the world for at least another 2 decades. Look at the Russians and the Su-57. They expect it to mature by the mid to late 20's.Further iterations can't be ruled out before developmental work of the 6th gen FA proceeds. And if that's the case with the Russians, you can bet the Chinese 5th gen FA will take at least that much time to mature if not more. By the time the Franco German 6th gen takes wings along with a similar program by the Americans the rest would still be in the midst of developing 6th gen technologies.
With all due respects, I doubt whether the Mk1a or the Mk2 / MWF is going to be obsolete in our part of the world for at least another 2 decades. Look at the Russians and the Su-57. They expect it to mature by the mid to late 20's.Further iterations can't be ruled out before developmental work of the 6th gen FA proceeds. And if that's the case with the Russians, you can bet the Chinese 5th gen FA will take at least that much time to mature if not more. By the time the Franco German 6th gen takes wings along with a similar program by the Americans the rest would still be in the midst of developing 6th gen technologies.
I fully agree.
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I agree with you. If we can't get a national program going for a new engine or the Kaveri itself, The next cycle of acquiring new aircraft type for IAF and & IN will happen only after 20-25 years.
A Tejas abandonment ?
Too politically sensible.
Too risky for HAL workload.
I think that independantly of the real efficiency of this plane that the programm will continue, with US engines for some years, and maybe with a revival Kaveri after.
At least something like 200 units. If not it will be a blow for indian pride.
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What does a M88 core Kaveri engine add to the know-how and know-why of Indian industry and research institutions when the technologies india really lag are said to be metallurgy, specifically higher Turbine Entry Temp and hence Single crystal blade? Agreed, a M88 cored Kaveri may be realised, but I wonder how much does it add to indian efforts in those directions given no company or designer will part with their crown jewels say 2000deg TET SCB turbine? And what about further iterations or new develpments in indian gas turbine industry, if at all one comes into existence? Will that then be forever dependent on ToT from, say France for example?
What does a M88 core Kaveri engine add to the know-how and know-why of Indian industry and research institutions when the technologies india really lag are said to be metallurgy, specifically higher Turbine Entry Temp and hence Single crystal blade? Agreed, a M88 cored Kaveri may be realised, but I wonder how much does it add to indian efforts in those directions given no company or designer will part with their crown jewels say 2000deg TET SCB turbine? And what about further iterations or new develpments in indian gas turbine industry, if at all one comes into existence? Will that then be forever dependent on ToT from, say France for example?

It's not necessary that we will get ToT for it. But as long as we get uninterrupted supplies, it should work out fine.

Anything else has to be developed on our own. But we most definitely need a usable engine.
Tejas will be the indian mainstay as the Mig21 replacement. Its real military strengh is another thing.
India political top brass has no choice than to continue the production. It's a political, economical and honor question.

it is also the most raional from current expenses POV. no AF in the world will be fully F 35 unless it has a limited air force.