Mastering the cold part of an engine is a first step.What does a M88 core Kaveri engine add to the know-how and know-why of Indian industry and research institutions when the technologies india really lag are said to be metallurgy, specifically higher Turbine Entry Temp and hence Single crystal blade? Agreed, a M88 cored Kaveri may be realised, but I wonder how much does it add to indian efforts in those directions given no company or designer will part with their crown jewels say 2000deg TET SCB turbine? And what about further iterations or new develpments in indian gas turbine industry, if at all one comes into existence? Will that then be forever dependent on ToT from, say France for example?
What do you prefer? A 100% indian engine that don't work, or a 50/50 engine with Safran tech that runs ?
Take your time to create your own technological and R&D environment so as to developp that famous hot core. It is one of the harder technological sub assembly to developp in the world so far.... It takes dozen and dozen years...