There is a great deal of misreporting around the SC blades development. So let me write a long post.
The DMRL has created a Single Crystal blades way back in 2003. The blades were called DMS3, 3 here signifies 3rd generation. People often say DMS4 is the 3rd gen blade, that's wrong, 4 signifies fourth gen. I'll get to the DMS4 later.
When it first came around the DMS3 was described as :
"DMS3 is a third generation single crystal nickel-base superalloy developed by the Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory. This alloy offers more than 80 deg C metal temperature advantage over the first generation single crystal superalloy CMSX-2 and about 8 deg C advantage over modern third generation alloys such as CMSX10. DMS4 has a nominal composition (in weight %) of: 67Ni-2.4Cr-4Co-5.5W-6.5Re-9Ta-0.1Hf-0.3Nb-5.2Al. The alloy has a density of 9.08 g/cc and a total refractory content of 21.4 wt. % including 6.5 wt. % Re to provide improved creep resistance. Mo and Ti have been completely eliminated in order to ensure adequate phase stability."
So was it put to use in Kaveri ? No it wasn't. Reason ? It had many deficiencies and GTRE wanted them removed. Deficiencies like a lack of a well designed cooling system, insufficient creep resistance etc. A lot of these problems are borne out of the fact that this was a "first time" development.
Things went silent for a long time. Then around 2013 DMRL stated that they have upgraded the 3rd gen SC blades into 4th gen standard, they have overcome the problems of the older blades. DMRL named the new 4th gen blades DMS4. This was around AI13 and got a lot of media attention. But as was expected of Indian media, they f**ked up the reporting. They reported DMSR4 as a 3rd gen SC blade.
But it seems the DMRL learned from previous experience. Just making a lump of exotic metal won't do, it has to be properly designed too with all the intricacies like cooling channels and physical properties like creep resistance. So to gather experience DMRL sought help from HAL's Koraput facility. The Koraput facility makes, among other things, the AL-31FP, RD-33 and R-25 jet engines for the Su-30MKI, Mig-29K/UPG and Mig-21 Bison respectively. Among these, the AL-31FP is the most continuously produced item. DMRL learned from HAL about the more practical needs from a SC blade, they eventually ended outdoing the AL-31FP's blades. Well to be fair, the AL-31FP, for all her power, is still an old engine.
View attachment 8539
This HAL Koraput-DMRL partnership continues till date. Check post no #375 on page no 19 of this thread for more info. HAL for some reason tries to play down the partnership. Maybe we played around with the AL-31FP without asking the Russians.
In any case, the DMS4 outdoes most contemporary 3rd to 5th generation SC blades in creep tolerance department :
View attachment 8540
Note : "CM" is designation for American made blades. "DM" is Indian. The DMD4 is a DS blade made by the DMRL that the Kaveri uses today.
Two main competitors of the DMS4 stands out : the American made CMSX10 and the Japanese made TMS 196. The graph above shows you the difference between the CMSX10 and the DMS4. Notice how the DMS4 is just barely better than the CMSX10, the Americans designate the CMSX10 as a 3rd gen SC blade. Our 4th gen(we use American classification of generation BTW) is just narrowly better, the American 4th gen/5th gen is not available in open source to do a comparison. But I'm sure the DMS4 wouldn't stand a chance.
The Japanese however have their own terminology of generations and it makes no sense to us. For example, their best SC blade so far was developed by the National Institute for Materials Science(NIMS) in Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan. The development was fully funded by the IHI Corporation and the material developed(called TMS 196) was used in the making of blades for the IHI Corporation XF5 afterburning turbofan used in flying the prototype of the Japanese stealth fighter Mitsubishi X-2 Shinshin. The Japanese call the TMS 196 a 5th generation SC blade.
Here is the twist, the XF5 produces less thrust with the afterburner "on" than Kaveri produces with the afterburner "off"(49KN vs 53KN). Suffice it to say, their 5th gen blade doesn't come close to our 4th gen. The TMS 196 can survive a max temperature of about 1150 deg C where as the DMS4 can easily survive 1200 deg C with out any cooling and TBC. The manufacturing process of DMS4 involves a multi-stage heat treatment at 1160 deg C, the TMS 196 wouldn't even survive that.
The Kaveri today has a Turbine Entry Temperature(TET) of 1455 deg C using DS blades that can survive 1050 deg C and other supplements. Replace the DS blades with the SC blades and we have ourselves a 150 deg C gain in TET which should push the overall TET to 1600+ deg C. That's supercruise territory. Not all engines with 1600+ deg C TET supercruise, but all supercruising engines need a TET over 1600 deg C. Other things mater a lot too. Like thrust to weight ratio, distortion tolerant intake and compressor and obviously an efficient design.
So why doesn't the Kaveri today use SC blades ? Well using SC blades with the engine as is and without making any design changes wouldn't allow us to extract maximum benefits of the SC blades. As such the thrust will increase but thrust to weight ratio, which is already not good, will fall further.
The Kaveri was designed from ground up with the DS blades and thus it is sub-optimal with SC blades. What can be done however, is to design the Kaveri from ground up with SC blades. Such an endeavour would be expensive and the Kaveri wouldn't remain Kaveri anymore. This is what the MoD has chosen, apparently. Read post #326, #327 and #337 on page no 17.
A number of tenders have been put out by GTRE regarding the developments of what is described as "Distortion tolerant compressor". Then in AI19 a model of the new compressor was put out.
View attachment 8541
The fan will achieve an overall compression ratio of 30:1, Kaveri had a compression ratio of 21.5:1. The fan was touted to be flow distortion tolerant, as in it can suck air from a serpentine intake and can survive supersonic oblique compression shock infront of the intake. Make of that what you will. As to why is that needed, I'll just leave these here :
AMCA experimental intake :
View attachment 8542
Ghatak UCAV experimental intake :
View attachment 8543
We will see what comes of it. In the meantime, DMRL hasn't been sitting there. They have tasted success with the development of the DMS4 and they want to continue on that.
Ramachandran Sankarasubramanian - Google Scholar Citations
Remember the HSTDV that was recently flight tested :
View attachment 8544
DMRL is providing materials for the scramjet combustion chamber, nozzle, outer skin etc. Basically any part of the HSTDV that is expected to heat up exorbitantly. Here is a breakdown of temperature each section is likely to face :
View attachment 8545
The HSTDV failed to sustain ignition of the scramjet engine. There will be another test in 4 months or so. However it does validate that DMRL has developed alloys that can survive temperatures of 2000+ deg C.
The problem today with Kaveri isn't material. Its design. The new engine to replace Kaveri will also feature a higher bypass ratio than the Kaveri's measly 0.16. Hopefully we will take lessons from what we've learned so far from the Kaveri and lets see if we can stitch up some new deal with the French. Some assistance in design will be very beneficial.
Very detailed information. SplendidThere is a great deal of misreporting around the SC blades development. So let me write a long post.
The DMRL has created a Single Crystal blades way back in 2003. The blades were called DMS3, 3 here signifies 3rd generation. People often say DMS4 is the 3rd gen blade, that's wrong, 4 signifies fourth gen. I'll get to the DMS4 later.
When it first came around the DMS3 was described as :
"DMS3 is a third generation single crystal nickel-base superalloy developed by the Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory. This alloy offers more than 80 deg C metal temperature advantage over the first generation single crystal superalloy CMSX-2 and about 8 deg C advantage over modern third generation alloys such as CMSX10. DMS4 has a nominal composition (in weight %) of: 67Ni-2.4Cr-4Co-5.5W-6.5Re-9Ta-0.1Hf-0.3Nb-5.2Al. The alloy has a density of 9.08 g/cc and a total refractory content of 21.4 wt. % including 6.5 wt. % Re to provide improved creep resistance. Mo and Ti have been completely eliminated in order to ensure adequate phase stability."
So was it put to use in Kaveri ? No it wasn't. Reason ? It had many deficiencies and GTRE wanted them removed. Deficiencies like a lack of a well designed cooling system, insufficient creep resistance etc. A lot of these problems are borne out of the fact that this was a "first time" development.
Things went silent for a long time. Then around 2013 DMRL stated that they have upgraded the 3rd gen SC blades into 4th gen standard, they have overcome the problems of the older blades. DMRL named the new 4th gen blades DMS4. This was around AI13 and got a lot of media attention. But as was expected of Indian media, they f**ked up the reporting. They reported DMSR4 as a 3rd gen SC blade.
But it seems the DMRL learned from previous experience. Just making a lump of exotic metal won't do, it has to be properly designed too with all the intricacies like cooling channels and physical properties like creep resistance. So to gather experience DMRL sought help from HAL's Koraput facility. The Koraput facility makes, among other things, the AL-31FP, RD-33 and R-25 jet engines for the Su-30MKI, Mig-29K/UPG and Mig-21 Bison respectively. Among these, the AL-31FP is the most continuously produced item. DMRL learned from HAL about the more practical needs from a SC blade, they eventually ended outdoing the AL-31FP's blades. Well to be fair, the AL-31FP, for all her power, is still an old engine.
View attachment 8539
This HAL Koraput-DMRL partnership continues till date. Check post no #375 on page no 19 of this thread for more info. HAL for some reason tries to play down the partnership. Maybe we played around with the AL-31FP without asking the Russians.
In any case, the DMS4 outdoes most contemporary 3rd to 5th generation SC blades in creep tolerance department :
View attachment 8540
Note : "CM" is designation for American made blades. "DM" is Indian. The DMD4 is a DS blade made by the DMRL that the Kaveri uses today.
Two main competitors of the DMS4 stands out : the American made CMSX10 and the Japanese made TMS 196. The graph above shows you the difference between the CMSX10 and the DMS4. Notice how the DMS4 is just barely better than the CMSX10, the Americans designate the CMSX10 as a 3rd gen SC blade. Our 4th gen(we use American classification of generation BTW) is just narrowly better, the American 4th gen/5th gen is not available in open source to do a comparison. But I'm sure the DMS4 wouldn't stand a chance.
The Japanese however have their own terminology of generations and it makes no sense to us. For example, their best SC blade so far was developed by the National Institute for Materials Science(NIMS) in Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan. The development was fully funded by the IHI Corporation and the material developed(called TMS 196) was used in the making of blades for the IHI Corporation XF5 afterburning turbofan used in flying the prototype of the Japanese stealth fighter Mitsubishi X-2 Shinshin. The Japanese call the TMS 196 a 5th generation SC blade.
Here is the twist, the XF5 produces less thrust with the afterburner "on" than Kaveri produces with the afterburner "off"(49KN vs 53KN). Suffice it to say, their 5th gen blade doesn't come close to our 4th gen. The TMS 196 can survive a max temperature of about 1150 deg C where as the DMS4 can easily survive 1200 deg C with out any cooling and TBC. The manufacturing process of DMS4 involves a multi-stage heat treatment at 1160 deg C, the TMS 196 wouldn't even survive that.
The Kaveri today has a Turbine Entry Temperature(TET) of 1455 deg C using DS blades that can survive 1050 deg C and other supplements. Replace the DS blades with the SC blades and we have ourselves a 150 deg C gain in TET which should push the overall TET to 1600+ deg C. That's supercruise territory. Not all engines with 1600+ deg C TET supercruise, but all supercruising engines need a TET over 1600 deg C. Other things mater a lot too. Like thrust to weight ratio, distortion tolerant intake and compressor and obviously an efficient design.
So why doesn't the Kaveri today use SC blades ? Well using SC blades with the engine as is and without making any design changes wouldn't allow us to extract maximum benefits of the SC blades. As such the thrust will increase but thrust to weight ratio, which is already not good, will fall further.
The Kaveri was designed from ground up with the DS blades and thus it is sub-optimal with SC blades. What can be done however, is to design the Kaveri from ground up with SC blades. Such an endeavour would be expensive and the Kaveri wouldn't remain Kaveri anymore. This is what the MoD has chosen, apparently. Read post #326, #327 and #337 on page no 17.
A number of tenders have been put out by GTRE regarding the developments of what is described as "Distortion tolerant compressor". Then in AI19 a model of the new compressor was put out.
View attachment 8541
The fan will achieve an overall compression ratio of 30:1, Kaveri had a compression ratio of 21.5:1. The fan was touted to be flow distortion tolerant, as in it can suck air from a serpentine intake and can survive supersonic oblique compression shock infront of the intake. Make of that what you will. As to why is that needed, I'll just leave these here :
AMCA experimental intake :
View attachment 8542
Ghatak UCAV experimental intake :
View attachment 8543
We will see what comes of it. In the meantime, DMRL hasn't been sitting there. They have tasted success with the development of the DMS4 and they want to continue on that.
Ramachandran Sankarasubramanian - Google Scholar Citations
Remember the HSTDV that was recently flight tested :
View attachment 8544
DMRL is providing materials for the scramjet combustion chamber, nozzle, outer skin etc. Basically any part of the HSTDV that is expected to heat up exorbitantly. Here is a breakdown of temperature each section is likely to face :
View attachment 8545
The HSTDV failed to sustain ignition of the scramjet engine. There will be another test in 4 months or so. However it does validate that DMRL has developed alloys that can survive temperatures of 2000+ deg C.
The problem today with Kaveri isn't material. Its design. The new engine to replace Kaveri will also feature a higher bypass ratio than the Kaveri's measly 0.16. Hopefully we will take lessons from what we've learned so far from the Kaveri and lets see if we can stitch up some new deal with the French. Some assistance in design will be very beneficial.
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