India Anti-Satellite (ASAT) Missile Developments

He's saying 23-25k Km/hr or 23,000 to 25,000 Km/hr.
Oh, I see. 23-25k KM/hr equals 6.388-6.944 KM/sec. Satellites in LEO travel at ~7.5 KM/sec, which is consistent to what @vstol Jockey had said about RV begin slower to de-orbit and fall back to earth. Also, the DRDO says range of this missile is more than a 1000 KMs and as @vstol Jockey said ICBMs barely fly above 500 KMs.

So to summarise, we saw a satellite 300 KMs high up traveling at ~7.5 KM/sec using our long range radars(LRTR). Fired a multi-stage missile at it, guided the missile using those radars. When the missile got close enough, the heat shield was ejected exposing the IIR seeker which then established a visual lock on the target from ~200 KMs away. Using that lock, the kinetic kill vehicle struck the target traveling at a relative velocity of 10.45 KM/sec with a 10 cm accuracy.

Ladies and Gentleman, what we have here is called a mid-stage ICBM interceptor. Yes, ICBM, not IRBM nor MRBM. This is why this test is important, not because of what we did(shoot a satellite) but because of what can be done(shoot an ICBM).
Mark my words, you will see the first stage from this missile on K-4.
Just to brag... I was the first one who pointed out sideways vernier thrusters on PDV, which is used in this ASAT too.

Till it works we wont mind you breaking the news for us.

By the way have you already booked your tickets to Pakistan to fight India?
Mark my words, you will see the first stage from this missile on K-4.
Just to brag... I was the first one who pointed out sideways vernier thrusters on PDV, which is used in this ASAT too.

K4 will have a highly speciliazed system focussed on bouyacy stability and underwater ignition. Why would this system need any of those? The two systems will be completely different in requirements and specifications.
I believe this is somewhat relevant here
I believe this is somewhat relevant here
BTW, which submarine in PN can carry anykind of ballistic missile? And how many of them will be operational for another 3-5 yrs?
BTW, which submarine in PN can carry anykind of ballistic missile? And how many of them will be operational for another 3-5 yrs?

He meant 450 km Babur-III SLCM and 2900 km Shaheen-III/Ababeel IRBM. Upgraded Agosta 90B can be equipped with Babur-III and will be delivered next year, second one in 2021. Same goes for S-20 which will start delivering in 2022. PN will have at least 10 AIP & Babur-III equipped subs in the next decade.