India-Nepal Relations

Acting too clever for their size.

Being clever and bold requires only guts which Indians lack. Indians are introvert and whatever they do is for domestic audience. Ghar ka sher bahar geedad!

MEA should leak that they are considering exact map of Treaty of Sagauli to be ratified and see the chills it send and visit from Nepali special envoys.

So Indians have ample of time to waste resources on useless crap! One side Pakistanis, other side now Nepalis, soon Sri Lanka will ask Rameshwaram. Lack of talent in MEA is the cause. These diplomats are not doing their work properly.
Being clever and bold requires only guts which Indians lack. Indians are introvert and whatever they do is for domestic audience. Ghar ka sher bahar geedad!
Oh shekhiyaan na maar, kusra. Nepalis have reduced the bhotiyas & lepchas - original inhabitants of Sikkim to a minority. What's more , evangelical groups have made huge strides in Darjeeling, Siliguri & Sikkim within the Nepali & Lephcha community in particular. It's estimated they're more than 10% of the population there.Same is true in Nepal. Christianity is the fastest growing religion there. Kya ukhaad liya tumne wahan?
Oh shekhiyaan na maar, kusra. Nepalis have reduced the bhotiyas & lepchas - original inhabitants of Sikkim to a minority. What's more , evangelical groups have made huge strides in Darjeeling, Siliguri & Sikkim within the Nepali & Lephcha community in particular. It's estimated they're more than 10% of the population there.Same is true in Nepal. Christianity is the fastest growing religion there. Kya ukhaad liya tumne wahan?

Forget Nepal, Islam is the fastest growing religion in India. Kya ukhaad liya? :LOL:
In India the lower caste has no problem in becoming Muslim , Christian or whatsoever. Who the he** are you to tell them what to be what not to be. Hindus in India themselves don't follow their tradition who will respect you?
Forget Nepal, Islam is the fastest growing religion in India. Kya ukhaad liya? :LOL:
In India the lower caste has no problem in becoming Muslim , Christian or whatsoever. Who the he** are you to tell them what to be what not to be. Hindus in India themselves don't follow their tradition who will respect you?
What was your post to which I responded? Indians are introverted & lack guts!! And the Nepalis were never colonised. So, what's happening to Khadgha Bahadurs today? In all the years when they were neighbors to British India, Christ's message held no charm for them? What changed now? USDs are more attractive than Nepali rupees?
What was your post to which I responded? Indians are introverted & lack guts!! And the Nepalis were never colonised. So, what's happening to Khadgha Bahadurs today? In all the years when they were neighbors to British India, Christ's message held no charm for them? What changed now? USDs are more attractive than Nepali rupees?

Isn't sikkim a responsibility of Central government? But who in India listens to central government? Mamta sings her own tune, people in south don't like northies, people in hindi belt comment on people from N-E. Who is going to give a damn about India? Ask yourself!

Not just Khadka bahadurs but even Tenali ramans are running after Dirham, atleast in Sikkim the situation is not like Kerala and West Bengal.

Go and first control West Bengal giving access to all the people doing conversion in N-E. Assamese tried to bash them out but didn't you see they became victims of politics? It all started due to Bengalis trying to be oversmart and lick boots of britishers.

AFAIK it could be Indian government only asking them to make such statements for a strategic cause. It seems staged ;) so relax .
Isn't sikkim a responsibility of Central government? But who in India listens to central government? Mamta sings her own tune, people in south don't like northies, people in hindi belt comment on people from N-E. Who is going to give a damn about India? Ask yourself!

Not just Khadka bahadurs but even Tenali ramans are running after Dirham, atleast in Sikkim the situation is not like Kerala and West Bengal.

Go and first control West Bengal giving access to all the people doing conversion in N-E. Assamese tried to bash them out but didn't you see they became victims of politics? It all started due to Bengalis trying to be oversmart and lick boots of britishers.

So if your own people are converting, everybody but themselves are to be blamed. 🤣🤣

O saabzi!!
Timi ke baniraheka chhau?

The topic of conversation here are the great unconquered, unvanquished, proud , Hindu nepali people cutting across castes. Not the cowardly dhimmi Indian Hindus.You could add the Nepalis in Sikkim & Darjeeling Siliguri to it too but they come second in the list of priorities of our discussion.

My query is very simple. Why are proud Nepali Hindus converting to Christianity Today, be they in Nepal or in the NE?

Why is Sikkim the responsibility of the central government? What's Mamata Bannerjee got to do with it? She's an unabashed Muslim lover. Unless you want them to be doing the converting. Plenty of Dirhams to be had too. Dollars & Dirhams. Khadgha Bahadur & Limbu Rams seemed spoiled for choices.

Who knows the next time you're there along with your Nepali relatives, you may see your Bhotiya relatives too with names like John & Mary asking you to accompany them to Church. Nothing wrong with it too especially if you're being stuffed with dollars.Before you laugh, consider this, they're already 10% of the Population in Sikkim. Not much accurate information available about Nepal but the numbers there are sizeable too. And they're rapidly converting.Hallelujah!!

Compare the share of Christians there in 2001 to what it was in 2011 & brace yourself for what it'd be in 2021.
Isn't sikkim a responsibility of Central government? But who in India listens to central government? Mamta sings her own tune, people in south don't like northies, people in hindi belt comment on people from N-E. Who is going to give a damn about India? Ask yourself!

Do you sound like this throughout the year? Or is it jus Purnima & Amavasya phenomena?
Timi ke baniraheka chhau?

sppai bane ko cha .. so you don't worry. :)
The topic of conversation here are the great unconquered, unvanquished, proud , Hindu nepali people cutting across castes. Not the cowardly dhimmi Indian Hindus.You could add the Nepalis in Sikkim & Darjeeling Siliguri to it too but they come second in the list of priorities of our discussion.

The topic is something else. Any how for your own knowledge After Indian independence, there was revolution in Nepal against Hindu Monrachy in 1951 supported by the British boot licker Indian national congress in India and confrence of nepalese congressi and indians used to happen some where in Araia, Bihar. Congress from day one wanted Nepal to be secular state. After the inclusion of Sonia Antonia the momentum began again in 90's finally they won and India helped to uproot Hindu Monarchy in Nepal. Altough that time BJP was in power but seeds were sown long ago and final phase started during I K gujral's tenure.

Before secularism got into play, the monarchy was strict and such incidents of conversion were not there or dealt with law. Maoism was intentionally then supported to control that but then it back fired because of Chinese influence.

sab India kiya dhara hai Nepal ke sath. Khud ko sambhalo and the rest will follow your foot steps.
sppai bane ko cha .. so you don't worry. :)

The topic is something else. Any how for your own knowledge After Indian independence, there was revolution in Nepal against Hindu Monrachy in 1951 supported by the British boot licker Indian national congress in India and confrence of nepalese congressi and indians used to happen some where in Araia, Bihar. Congress from day one wanted Nepal to be secular state. After the inclusion of Sonia Antonia the momentum began again in 90's finally they won and India helped to uproot Hindu Monarchy in Nepal. Altough that time BJP was in power but seeds were sown long ago and final phase started during I K gujral's tenure.

Before secularism got into play, the monarchy was strict and such incidents of conversion were not there or dealt with law. Maoism was intentionally then supported to control that but then it back fired because of Chinese influence.

sab India kiya dhara hai Nepal ke sath. Khud ko sambhalo and the rest will follow your foot steps.
So the brave, unconquered, unvanquished Nepali people weren't converted earlier only because of the monarchy. And here we thought that they were staunch Hindus who as per you preferred death instead of being conquered & accept a foreign religion.

Besides, the Nepalis who were subjects of the British Raj in Darjeeling Siliguri didn't convert to Christianity earlier. What explains their conversion now? Add Sikkim & the conversion of Bhotias, Lepchas & Nepalis there too. Or are you going to argue that as long as the Chogyal was ruling, the missionaries didn't stand a chance to which I'd say the Chogyal was deposed in 1974 .

Up until the late 1990's such missionary activities were limited. What changed in the last 2 decades? After all Sikkim has much better HDI as compared to the rest of India? Why are Khadgha Bahadurs & Limbu Ram's converting?
So the brave, unconquered, unvanquished Nepali people weren't converted earlier only because of the monarchy.

The Hindus in Nepal adapted the Indian way of life and system, I am not talking about the tradition I am talking about the government system and administration and here they are with uncertain future.

Besides, the Nepalis who were subjects of the British Raj in Darjeeling Siliguri didn't convert to Christianity earlier. What explains their conversion now?

The system which Nepal earlier followed was protecting the Hinduism, Indian funded Nepalese congressis were against the Monarchy especially in 90's the monarchy couldn't protect the subversion due to flawed system introduced by India in Nepal.
Add Sikkim & the conversion of Bhotias, Lepchas & Nepalis there too. Or are you going to argue that as long as the Chogyal was ruling, the missionaries didn't stand a chance to which I'd say the Chogyal was deposed in 1974 .

No doubt things have been ruining and people are unable to do anything because law does not permit. Thanks to Indian system.
Up until the late 1990's such missionary activities were limited.

No, in 90's it all started with full force and what you are seeing now is the result of that.
What changed in the last 2 decades? After all Sikkim has much better HDI as compared to the rest of India? Why are Khadgha Bahadurs & Limbu Ram's converting?

System got changed. People were happy before now they are not. Simple.

When a Hindu sees a Hindu exploiting another Hindu and favoring some one other then such things happen. Lower caste people are given reservation but they don't utilize it for the upliftment, they utilize it and show it as a trophy against Brahmins. Where as Muslims and others help the community and don't compete with eachother within the community at least in India.

It's a bad, that subversion has been done. Same goes for Nepal, the subversion has been done. And it will get bad. Congress and Left has ruined India to the core and the effects can be seen in Nepal and Sri Lanka.
This has more to do with KP Sharma Oil's battle for survival as PM. Apparently as per terms set for the unification of all the disparate communist parties before the last elections grandfathered by China, the terms set were that in a few years, Sharma Oli would resign paving the way for the faction led by Prachanda to take over as PM.

Apparently this agreement has now run into rough weather with Prachanda & others trying to undermine Sharma Oil's government. India's inauguration of the Lipulekh road came as a shot in the arm for him. The media played up the incident, Sharma Oli capitalised on it & is now milking it for all its worth. Don't be surprised if he accuses Prachanda & the others opposed to him as being Indian agents as well. This is clearly Nepal's internal politics driving the agenda just to save one man's seat in government.
This has more to do with KP Sharma Oil's battle for survival as PM. Apparently as per terms set for the unification of all the disparate communist parties before the last elections grandfathered by China, the terms set were that in a few years, Sharma Oli would resign paving the way for the faction led by Prachanda to take over as PM.

Apparently this agreement has now run into rough weather with Prachanda & others trying to undermine Sharma Oil's government. India's inauguration of the Lipulekh road came as a shot in the arm for him. The media played up the incident, Sharma Oli capitalised on it & is now milking it for all its worth. Don't be surprised if he accuses Prachanda & the others opposed to him as being Indian agents as well. This is clearly Nepal's internal politics driving the agenda just to save one man's seat in government.
Reminds me of Malaysian PM Matahir.
The dispute in Kalapani is about the origin of River Kalinadi. This river forms the boundary between India and Nepal. Indian position is that the eastern tributary is the original Kalinadi while Nepal says that the western tributary is original Kalinadi. These two tributaries meat down stream and the total area between these two tributaries is only 35sqkm. This has been the disputed territory in Kalapni which is the Lipulekh area. The road built by India is far away from this area but Nepal under pressure from China has now claimed the entire area of the Kalapni as its territory.

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Reminds me of Malaysian PM Matahir.

Reminds me of almost every Indian PM except Indira Gandhi and Lal Bahadur shastri.

"Hum yah kardange hum wo kardenge, Bharat vishwa guru hai" , oh badi badi policies. :LOL:

The dispute in Kalapani is about the origin of River Kalinadi. This river forms the boundary between India and Nepal. Indian position is that the eastern tributary is the original Kalinadi while Nepal says that the western tributary is original Kalinadi. These two tributaries meat down stream and the total area between these two tributaries is only 35sqkm. This has been the disputed territory in Kalapni which is the Lipulekh area. The road built by India is far away from this area but Nepal under pressure from China has now claimed the entire area of the Kalapni as its territory.
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Don't worry it's Doval's own territory, he will make sure that he gets the border disputed sorted but also gets something more ;). As I said before, sometimes things are staged. Before taking on Pakistan and China, all border disputes with Nepal, B'desh , SL, Mayanmar should be sorted out.
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