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In"black hawk down" where an RPG gets a Black Hawk heli.. in that case, the RPG is on a high ground (rooftop). Doesnt have to be a vertical profile.

Those RPGs had plates welded on as a make shift arrangement to deflect some of the back blast coming back at the shooter.

Shooters were present both on rooftops as well as on ground around the crash site.

If the helicopter is receding away , then RPG can be launched at a angle close to horizontal inclination.

If the helicopter is approaching the shooter the angle will increase towards vertical inclination.

The helicopters were target of opportunity , so the shooters were located in and around the crash site on ( ground ) and above ( buildings ) the site.

One helicopter which went down was on a descent , when multiple RPGs were fired and one got lucky in that it managed to hit the helicopter and within 4.5 s to self destruct.

In a vertical inclination flight RPG flight path is very unpredictable and susceptible to moderate winds / cross winds.

You have to be very lucky .
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"We will fight Pakistan till the last Pakistani" - Indian Army


It is always meant to denote a policy wherein we will encourage/incentivize Pakistanis to fight their own state. How better to bring down a house than encouraging the household members to dismantle it?

It can be done by not doing anything at all at times, doing a lot at other times, or intervening directly at times, or merely rendering a verbal support at times.
In Pakistan they are called Burger Paindoo.

What do you mean by pressure on west is off? And what exactly was promised to spare Karachi that night? I don't think we would have fallen for "no future attack" or "action against terrorists by Pakistan" cuz that will be really naive, I don't think even world leaders would have believed that.
I meant not our west.... west and north of Pakistan....That's were the other terror organisations prosper....

Why we spared Karachi.... Time will tell..... Or probably soon we will come to know
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Reading the above comments makes anyone think that India has allien technology and Optimus prime is their air cheif. Yet the vintage Mig Bison
something still happening?
View attachment 4706
View attachment 4707

Both Ind and Pak have this at the same time.. moving away from the border areas
Missile standoff going on.
Your Brahmos units are too close for comfort and our Babur, raad are out of storage.
That's why your side has been seeing many Pakistani drones flying in your territory to keep watch on Brahmos.
Likewise your drones are flying in our territory keeping watch on our missiles.
Missile standoff going on.
Your Brahmos units are too close for comfort and our Babur, raad are out of storage.
That's why your side has been seeing many Pakistani drones flying in your territory to keep watch on Brahmos.
Likewise your drones are flying in our territory keeping watch on our missiles.
you guys seriously are worried about small things. you can shoot down whatever comes into your airspace.. why worry? please continue sheltering hafeez saeed and Masood Azhar.. dont worry about brahmos and migs and mirages.. sleep tight.. PAF is keeping watch..
you guys seriously are worried about small things. you can shoot down whatever comes into your airspace.. why worry? please continue sheltering hafeez saeed and Masood Azhar.. dont worry about brahmos and migs and mirages.. sleep tight.. PAF is keeping watch..
Yes but if a cruise missile exchange starts the air space will be very busy and dangerous for passenger jets.
That's why closed.
Yes but if a cruise missile exchange starts the air space will be very busy and dangerous for passenger jets.
That's why closed.
but why? you guys are all powerful.. you dont think India would dare to attack you now right? with our aircraft down and our Mighty Su 30 down and all that.. we dare not attack you.. you should continue to support Politically and morally the Kashmir cause.. to hell with missiles and commercial flights and all.. its very important to support Madrasas that churn out extremely high research and development content that solves poverty and hunger issues in pakistan and Kashmir..
Reading the above comments makes anyone think that India has allien technology and Optimus prime is their air cheif. Yet the vintage Mig Bison

Missile standoff going on.
Your Brahmos units are too close for comfort and our Babur, raad are out of storage.
That's why your side has been seeing many Pakistani drones flying in your territory to keep watch on Brahmos.
Likewise your drones are flying in our territory keeping watch on our missiles.

yes dude. I don't think it will be a smart move. I want to tell you how sorry I'm for my countrymen and their attitude over the past few days. We should recognize the enormous accomplishment of Pak Fauj and Fizaiya. Our commitment to truth must be more than our commitment to propoganda. I'm therefore asking all of them to come clean instead of putting on more bluster.
but why? you guys are all powerful.. you dont think India would dare to attack you now right? with our aircraft down and our Mighty Su 30 down and all that.. we dare not attack you.. you should continue to support Politically and morally the Kashmir cause.. to hell with missiles and commercial flights and all.. its very important to support Madrasas that churn out extremely high research and development content that solves poverty and hunger issues in pakistan and Kashmir..
Your modi has gone mad and mobilised missiles soon after we downed two of your jets. The intelligence was presented in national assembly and is as authentic as it gets.
The plan was to fire Brahmos at our air bases and claw back some honour after 27th of February humiliation.
Your modi has gone mad and mobilised missiles soon after we downed two of your jets. The intelligence was presented in national assembly and is as authentic as it gets.
The plan was to fire Brahmos at our air bases and claw back some honour after 27th of February humiliation.
so whatever was said in your national assembly is true then? why so many flip flops by your minister and ISPR on JeM and LeT being on your soil? Musharraf says JeM is in your soil too..
As things stand now, all our cruise missile forces are on the ready, albeit with convtional warheads not nuclear.
And a standoff is ongoing
so whatever was said in your national assembly is true then? why so many flip flops by your minister and ISPR on JeM and LeT being on your soil? Musharraf says JeM is in your soil too..
I don't know about that but the chances of a large scale cruise missile exchange are very real.
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