BTW, did you open that 300 MB TIFF? It has pretty good reso.
Its all the same resolution more or less, the huge file is just a very large area to show the location in relation to everything else I think?
BTW, did you open that 300 MB TIFF? It has pretty good reso.
This is somewhat hard to digest.Most probably, the IAF struck the target 100-200m away with 4x SPICE-2000 SOWs (with general purpose munitions), INTENTIONALLY, to send a message to Pakistan
India - Pakistan Standoff 2019
There you go...
To be honest, I think we are trying to grasp at the straws here...
SPICE is a VERY precise kit (3m CEP), there is no doubt about that. It is indeed possible to surgically target something 100-200m off the actual target using SPICE, so I don't think there was any risk of collateral damage .This is somewhat hard to digest.
Why will IAF bomb areas near to population? The bombs did go off. Why will they do that? If even 10 civilians would have been killed, it would have become a political and diplomatic nightmare for India. I think IAF messed up something royally.
I'm guessing the second photo is the latest one. The northeast corner of the roof has been replaced for sure.The reference reflectivity of these roof areas have noticeably changed in contrast from PRE to POST (if you reference it to the area inbetween 1) and 2):
Notice how there is not such variation in other parts of the roofing (if this is some random effect).
3 is a missing feature, though could be due to the different angle (and thus apparent reflectivity).
If you could get a sample of previous pictures of this level of detail/zoom (say few months before etc), we can check for the base variation in the roof seasonally (to account for anything else going on picture wise). If this stands out in contrast to even that....there is likely evidence here.
Like @Paro said, roof replacement of ingress areas would be the FIRST thing done in a cover up....well before sanitizing completely inside.
Actually, I am working on it. Now that I have the complete picture of the region I can apply my own algorithms on it. To begin with a simple edge detector to find crater like formations.
First of all I'm relieved that someone acturally tried to build a convincing case for the Balakot strike. So far we've heard many absurd explanations that seem to defy the science of how explosives work. I'll now go through this analysis to offer my rebuttal and point out the inconsistencies in this article. To be clear, I do have respect for professionals irrespective of which side of the border or part of the world they come from. But they're as human as any of us are. In my life I have come across professionals, particularly from the armed forces (on both sides of the border), who upheld varying degrees of professionalism. So when I question their claims and confront them with facts, its nothing personal, rather only my tendency to not accept something that doesn't adds up. It is important to realize that this article is the author's version of how things PROBABLY played out, and involves a lot of conjecture. Questions challenging the established narrative should not be disregarded without irrefutable evidence.
Here's where the whole hole theory (no pun intended) began: Twitter user @rajfortseven, the retd. Col. Vinayak Bhatt of the IA. He posts his personal IMINT analysis, which has not been always correct (if anybody is interested, I can refer them to some tweets and why he was wrong there). The resolution of the PlanetLabs imagery is about 72 cm, and as the author rightly points out, we see SMUDGES. If anbody would care to look at the historical Google Earth imagery of the structure, they would realize that similar smudges have been on the roof of the structure in the past as well, in different locations. The most likely explanation for the smudges is the different nature of the CGI sheets used on the roof, probably due to repairs over the years. They might as well be tree branches broken off by high winds.
We now have 50 cm resolution satellite imagery from European Space Imaging, showing no signs of damage, captured on February 27th, 5 days before the date of the PlanetLabs imagery which was captured on March 4th. This imagery shows no visible holes or damage to the structure's roof. In all probability, Col. Bhat erred in his analysis and the low resolution combined with dark smudges gave him this idea. It is important to realize that the holes theory is the foundation of the entire argument.
Besides, Col. Bhatt concluded that SPICE-250s, not SPICE-2000s, were used in the strike. So which version is true?
Images - India, Pakistan Airstrike | European Space Imaging
There are two problems with the penetrator theory:
1. There is no indication of presence of any penetrator like that in IAF's service.
2. The said target did not require the use of a penetrator warhead. A "floor counting" fuse attached to a general purpose bomb would've achieved the required results. It is very hard to believe that a civilian structure at Balakot was in fact a bunker (built probably in the late 90s), the kind only found in military bases for the high command, considering that the location is neither an active war zone nor a military base.
There is no credible, irrefutable evidence of any kind of human loss in the attack. So, far, all claims have been conjecture (questionable audio and video clips, report of one odd journalist). There is no need to elaborate more on that.
Precisely! And to add to that, the hole theory proposes 4x holes and hence 4x SPICE-2000 SOWs, i.e. 280-320 kg of combined total TNT inside the hypothetical bombs. This is NOT an insignificant amount.
It is true that penetrator munitions work on this principle of combining estimated delay figures with smart features like microphones to detect number of penetrated floors. However, a SPICE-2000 kit (or any PGM kit) is DECOUPLED with the 2000lbs munition, as far as fuzing is concerned. The fuze of a penetrator munition is built into the casing, so that it can also survive the penetration shocks alongwith the explosive. This rules out the possibility that SPICE-2000 itself packs the sensors and fuzing mechanism for detonation.
What is also interesting to note is that many other structures also survived the 2005 earthquake. Were they all hardened bunkers as well, built for JeM's leadership?
This is a VERY MISLEADING comparison, specially because the entire henceforth article is based on the premise that the hypothetical 'penetrator bomb' (a 2000lbs munition used with the SPICE-2000 kit) had the characteristics of BLU-116. The BLU-116 Advanced Unitary Penetrator has 109 kg of explosive filling, SIGNIFICANTLY higher than the figure used in the later calculations (80 kg).
Regardless, is the author implying that US or Israel sold such a penetrator munition to IAF? When did this happen?
If not, did DRDO develop such a munition for IAF? When did this happen?
I commend the author for the analysis involving the actual mathematics, specially overpressure. But it seems that it has been written with the intent to justify IAF's claim, by hook or by crook. Misleading assumptions have been made, and clever 'rounding off' has been done to prove the point.
Besides there are still some questions remaining to be addressed here. IAF claims that only 20% of the weapons missed their targets. Considering that 4x of them hit 100-200m off target, where did the rest of the 16x weapons hit?
I will conclude by stating the only possible explanation that would have made more sense. Most probably, the IAF struck the target 100-200m away with 4x SPICE-2000 SOWs (with general purpose munitions), INTENTIONALLY, to send a message to Pakistan. GoI (BJP) probably had already decided (in consent with the IAF & IA) to politicize the strike, regardless of any real damage. As it can be seen so far, the strike achieved its results at home for the GoI. Until the elections are over, explanations and theories will keep coming on Indian TV channels to justify the validity of GoI's claims. As long as the strike remains controversial, it will work out in GoI's favor.
I'm guessing the second photo is the latest one. The northeast corner of the roof has been replaced for sure.
Look at the contour line on the right side of the roof. There is an uneven break between 2 asbestos sheets. That is because it's been replaced and the size wasn't exactly cut properly. it was placed in a hurry.
I have merely put forward a possible explanation, going by Occam's razor. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, you're welcome to put forward a better explanation that sits well with the evidence.Man you talk sense sometimes but then you insert elections into everything and that makes it all look like joke. Also the clever insertion of this is wrong that is wrong, where is evidence however you don't provide a thing about what you claim wrong.
Elections maybe alien thing for you since your army rules half of the time but elections here are normal, every six month we have an election and some important state is going into polls. This government didn't even bother to offer soaps like every other do in election budget, they even removed railways budget as it was one of the most politically motivated budget and was used to make feel good stories.
You people really need to give up your obsession with elections otherwise you'll never be well, it's worst then a broken record unless of course
"No irrefutable evidence"
Are the keywords you are pushing trying to slide in ISPR narrative by creating doubts and of course the great election theory.
I am taking down this post (Hiding).... this can be picked by anyone who access the site.... if needed will restoreThe reason is the source....
Source is European Space Imaging... Its a satellite image reseller. Quite an old one too.
Images - India, Pakistan Airstrike | European Space Imaging
The file has a time stamp and I have low res pictures from my quotes too... This is most likely the right now.
Fair enough. Remove it from quote as wellI am taking down this post (Hiding).... this can be picked by anyone who access the site.... if needed will restore
India won't escalate situation with Pakistan, but won't take Pulwama as its destiny: Sushma Swaraj - Times of India ►
Whenever Sushma Swaraj opens her mouth, its always a tone of surrender.
Honestly, I have no idea what goals have been achieved.Likely because we have achieved the goals we had set out to achieve.
We haven't avenged the deaths of the Pulwama attack.Likely because we have achieved the goals we had set out to achieve.
Mod edit: Fake Picture@safriz
India said we attacked bnb balakot terror camp.....
Pakistan said India attacked Balakot
Pakistan said bombs fell on a valley and few trees were damaged and a crow died
India said 80% of bombs hit the target (Most probably 4/5)
India did not deny that the bomb fell in valley... could be the 20% India mentioned...
Everyone knows and agrees that there is a madrassah at jabba hill top
India says it hit the building in jabba top
Why cant Pakistan take the journalists to the hill top which is not very far away from where the crow's body found?
Why the weather in jabba top is so bad that no one is allowed?
Can you answer these questions without prejudice