We haven't avenged the deaths of the Pulwama attack.
We haven't deterred Pakistan from any future attacks.
The impact of Balakot strike was quickly neutralized.
We have been beaten in the perception war.
So nah
Let me address your points here.
Please recollect what I have maintained here throughout. Leave aside the odd trolling mode post I have made, which were done precisely where the crux of information was very correct.
The thrust of our strategy has been to escalate, put pressure on the Pakistani military, diplomatically refuse to engage with Pakistan on their terms (of making violence be linked to Kashmir issue thereby trying to give terror a colour of being a struggle for independence) instead insisting on terror being dismantled prior to any meaningful and implementable talks on all issues and maintaining an enhanced military presence even after international powers intervened to seek a pause in Indian escalation by assuring tremendous amount of pressure on Pakistan, which is real, present and continuous, just to ensure that the message remains clear to all, that we will resort to violent means to win peace, if needed.
Towards that end, it can be unofficially confirmed that PA and GoP was very clearly conveyed by US through multiple channels, that release of captured IAF pilot was an immediate priority if Pakistan wanted to avoid a military conflict, as that would enable US to work out a pause with India.
There is no two opinion about what would have been Indian course of action, had PM Mr IK Niazi not made the announcement of release of IAF pilot as goodwill gesture - when the Pakistani members say that Indian BrahMos were ready, one should not be in any doubt about the fact that PM Mr IK Niazi undertook the step not out of magnanimity, but under clear threat.
Even then, GoI was willing to fore go the release of Pilot, as GoI was very clear that terror is going to be dealt with, in the most violent of means, if need be. US assured that Pakistan will face the music, and since then, US, UK, France have spearheaded all initiatives against the terror infrastructure. Russia, has been the quiet and non-vocal yet steady supporter.
The only hold out China, has cut back the finance it was to provide, apart from public lip service, China has with held any further financial investments. OIC we have discussed already.
Along LC, not a single ingress has taken place. The pressure is being maintained all along the LC. In hinterland, the last engagement - grapevine has it that one of the militants wanted to surrender. He did - to eternal peace.
No more prisoners, no more dealing as if 'wayward citizen'. They are being hunted and Indian Army has opened the Tourist Company for their travels and tour onwards.(not sure about their entertainment though)
And all this, without repeating the moves we undertook in aftermath of Parliament Attack.
We are hitting in depth, we are hitting across the entire length of LC and we are doing it at will. All the while, diplomatic pressure on Pakistan remains (in the backdrop of military threats).
Lot of People call Op PARAKARAM a failure, but it was one of the most comprehensive victory for India in terms of diplomatic fallout and the effects of Musharraf curbing the militants ... and by 2006 we had hardly any militancy in J&K and troops were being drawn down. This is precisely what is happening.
Those who want gore and guts with so called gory, are in for a disappointment. Of course, they can realize their dream by going for it themselves .. one can always join the territorial army till 42 years of age