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You asked how much Indian territory we conquered in 1965
I didn't say how much territory you "conquered". I said how much you gained. Its ZERO. Zilch.

Your "gains" are like pumping oil in the muscle. It look okay during the shooting day but then.... Well.

This image explains Pakistan and its adventures in '65:

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I didn't say how much territory you "conquered". I said how much you gained. Its ZERO. Zilch.

Your "gains" are like pumping oil in the muscle. It look okay during the shooting day but then.... Well.
We gained what we wanted.
India was blocking Pakistani rivers which started the war, and India backed off from those plans since then until This decade...So we did benifit from our victory for about 50 years..
Now Modi blocking our rivers again and that will surely atart another war..for simple reason that nobody can live without water...Either die thirsty or fight...
Your Mad Modi will cost you a lot...
We gained what we wanted.
India was blocking Pakistani rivers which started the war, and India backed off from those plans since then until This decade...So we did benifit from our victory for about 50 years..
So thats what they teach you about '65 war?

Indus Water Treaty: Everything you need to know - ClearIAS
IWT was signed in '60.
Now Modi blocking our rivers again and that will surely atart another war..for simple reason that nobody can live without water...Either die thirsty or fight...
I dont know what you Indians were told, but we grew up with 1965 war veterans. The main reason was same as today. Indian attempts of blocking Pakistan's water. Thats why we went to war
Yeah. The same veterans who told you that '71 was a victory till the last minute.
Why is Pakistani air space still closed? Anyone?

They are acting like a little girl who saw a spider.

Is Pakistan really so out of the world economy that it doesn’t cost them anything to cut off the country this long?

What’s going on guys?
US and India trade dispute is small matter to begin with. I've seen plenty take "India's" side on it too. It just depends where you go for the news/perspective.
Point made.
Basically the P3 (US, UK, France) patience is wearing thin over time with the P2 (China and Russia). This should be recognised and worked upon relevantly by other aspiring powers that want better representation.
Come on now, how much can we hope to gain by trying to get the P3 to break up with P2. Considering the P2 here, we have good relations with at least one of them. The more troublesome one in the eyes of the P3. I would argue we would have a lot to lose if Russia is out of P5. At our current diplomatic,economic and military capacity these things are "Mungerilal Ke Haseen Sapne" at best.
Wrong reading & analysis posted above
In the matter in question - its P4 Vs China
Russia voted with rest of P3 on Masood Azhar, & have consistently done so even in past. Cant see the curtain or is it cataract, thats prevailing
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Wrong reading & analysis posted above
In the matter in question - its P4 Vs China
Russia voted with rest of P3 on Masood Azhar, & have consistently done so even in past. Cant see the curtain or is it cataract, thats prevailing
Actually we weren't talking about Azhar at all, sir. I would recommend reading post #4584 and #4623 to get the whole picture.:)
we conquered in 1965, we went 300 Km in..

That fort is just 11km in Indian territory and for that you idiots left Lahore undefended, we really wish you stay in that same mentality, gain desert for provincial capital and 2nd major city.

I dont know what you Indians were told, but we grew up with 1965 war veterans.
India was blocking Pakistani rivers which started the war,
are you real? are you seriously that delusional, even Pakistanis are not that delusional, that ghetto living in UK made you like that? your wet dream was is and always will be Kashmir and for that we will make you eat grass for real if you are not already eating. Now go back to those veterans and ask again how could we possibly stop water in '65 when we still (50yr later) dont have infra to stop our own share of water running into Pakistan. A little, tiny application of brain wont kill you but then again you are Pakistani, finding brain in one of you will be a miracle.
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