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Sawhney may have his idiosyncrasies but the points he raises in this case are valid. Our responses were tepid and projection of military power found lacking - all the brave pronouncements of Operation Gagan Shakti notwithstanding.
OK Pakistani's has the War Which Doesn't Even Escalated Yet

Now Start a new Thread How India Lost its first conventional War after 1947 And how Three Tri services Chiefs Should Resign For the Amateur Amusement Of fanboys (y)(y)
Don't shoot the messenger for the message. Praveen Sawhney may have his idiosyncrasies but the points he raises in this case are valid. Our responses were tepid and projection of military power found lacking - all the brave pronouncements of Operation Gagan Shakti & the heoics of Wing Co Abhinandan notwithstanding.

Any how it's a gone over case, India has to prepare itself for WHAT NEXT. The retaliation is due.
Even the the Bangladesh creation did not stop them so most of the people in Government are aware of it. Point is India should be able to beat them and not give space to lie and do PR stunts at international level.

The Humiliation is the only solution for Pakistanis. Humiliate them on every platform. Chinese's can't do this to us.

Bangladesh loss was instrumental in moving them to Sub-Conventional warfare. They lie so good that they start believing it themselves. They pull off such shenanigans because they have invested in such tactics historically, we haven't. Some reorganization is underway to counter that, but that is not the issue. Issue is Sub Conventional warfare, and no matter how much punishment they take, no matter the humiliation, Their Singular agenda is to keep fighting India at any an all costs. It is the mindset of Pakistan, and the army through its system has ensured that it continues to who ever becomes the General. Gen. Kiyani, Gen. Raheel or Gen. Bajwa, it is the intititution of Pak army that threatens us, and it doesn't operate in a vacuum, hence by extension the existence of Pakistan.
Any how it's a gone over case, India has to prepare itself for WHAT NEXT. The retaliation is due.
There's no retaliation due. As of now this episode is behind us, the chapter closed and de escalation followed. Till the next such episode, where we shall take off from where we left. What we are seeing now is a prolonged show of shadow boxing.
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Ok So you u think India Don't have capacity To hit Beyond the LoC like that bufoon claimed

So It Should be Cake walk For Pakistan army mard e momins To take IOK by force Why Didn't they ??

They Took there chances 4 times Why didn't they try 5 times If there larger than life friend PRC on there Side ???

Ok by your logic, we have a bigger force did we take PoJK ? what stops us from 'taking it' ?

PRC's role will be only diplomatic support, and it will bolster Pakistan's Sub Conventional warfare. Chinese have willing pet which intends to bite us and it will support it no matter what. China is the adversary that we need to worry about, and Pakistan is it's instrument, that allows it plausible deniability. We didn't even name China in our Diplomatic releases after the UN block on Masood Azhar. We can take on Pak but what we are facing is Sino-Pak.
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Ok by your logic, we have a bigger force did we take PoJK ? what stops us from 'taking it' ?
Never are goal india always happy for status quo that are policy since ABJ and Musharraf talks
PRC's role will be only diplomatic support, and it will bolster Pakistan's Sub Conventional warfare. Chinese have willing pet which intends to bite us and it will support it no matter what. China is the adversary that we need to worry about, and Pakistan is it's instrument, that allows it plausible deniability. We didn't even name China in our Diplomatic releases after the UN block on Masood Azhar. We can take on Pak but what we are facing is Sino-Pak.

You Expecting Chinese to support us While We are holding there Biggest enemy in India

Diplomacy is A policy of give & take We maintained our aggressive approach since Nehruvian times

Did China Stopped Motion for Hafiz saeed ??? Did it affected his activities
What was the plan which got spoil by Abhinandan?

Hit arrest caught the attention of India media and propelled govt to shift it's attention from Masood to getting back the private Ryan, fearing they would kill him like Capt Sourbh Kaliya and Ajay Ahuja. In our own country Pakistan was being applaud this led to the international intervention.

Even this could be countered if government had announced that it was due to missile threat which Pakistan feared, but from day 1 , our government is mum.
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I am pissed at the article, but having said that... A breach is a breach. We gave a statement that they had purpose to attack an Army bde HQ (ofcouse they couldn't). Our RoE could have been better.

If our ROE is implemented our pilot should have been dismissed for disobeying a direct order, loss of military equipment through carelessness and attempting to create conditions wherein the nation was about to be pushed into a war. Their task, as delegated by the Political Leadership of the country, was to prevent the ingress of the PAF, which they undertook. Till the gentleman, in quest to get a personal kill, crossed the Line of Control, thereby undertaking an aggression against the neighbouring country thereby undermining the diplomatic position of Government of India of the IAF strikes being pre-emptive anti-terror strikes. His biggest crime - getting shot, and after that getting captured. That was a very serious set back to our diplomatic posturing, let there be no doubt of that.

In short, he disobeyed all orders, both issued and implied, of all concerned all along the chain of command.

Very clear!

We have ROEs because they are meant to control conflict escalation. Otherwise, if a bullet is fired and, sans ROE, we retaliate with artillery guns and the other side, in turn, bring in Air Force, what will you be having?

Our ROE was in consonance with the directive given to the Defence Forces of the Indian Union, sworn by the Constitution of India to follow the legal political directive to undertake military operations within the scope as defined by the Government of India, duly elected by the People of India.

Let me know if any of our members here have objection to the said control mechanism. I shall surely enlist their support and overthrow the GoI and appoint myself the dictator.
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Sir, the payload did fall inside the military compound. It would be foolish to say that retaliation was due only when it had to fall on the quarters and barracks with hundred of casualties.

My Dear Sir.

Please re-check the last time 04 x GPS guided bombs completely missed their targets? Will surely wait for your revert.
Providing proofs to the world and letting the Pak cry of forgery is far better than providing proofs to none.

Yes. And no. Not if it compromises my assets.

What kind of classified capability are we referring? Radar painting whats happening in front of it and recording the flight paths?

That the other side wants to know to. Suffice to say, very clear data has been captured.

Let me just say that to enter the area of that platform, one would find it very difficult to do so with the Identity Card of a serving Military Officer. To get on board, I doubt many have been on it. If that is the level of classification, a serious 'need to know' and 'need to see' - then you can very well imagine.

And we are not living in dark ages anymore. Institutions have their accountability. In this whole fiasco one of the institute - either Pak or India is lying. In Pakistan, post likes your from Pakistanis are convincing people to trust their forces blindly.

When was the last time you filed an RTI on a military operation/platform's capability?

Let me know how successful you were.

Let us now extend that analogy - of accountability.

When the Army says it has destoryed enemy BOP, did you ask for the proof? When the SF guys got Kirti Chakra, which is associated with a significant financial gain also, have you asked for proof of the same, that the concerned personnel did indeed undertake the said action?

Or did you file an RTI to check how many rounds are expended per kill of enemy of the state? Because 1 bullet in head should kill, and if they are taking 20 bullets and a few grenades to kill 1, your money through taxes, the source of defence allocation and pay of soldier, is being wasted indeed. How about ask for that?

You are right, Armed Forces have accountability - to their own chain of command. Not to the public, not to you not to me.
My Dear Sir.

Please re-check the last time 04 x GPS guided bombs completely missed their targets? Will surely wait for your revert.

Sir, they did miss the target because of the CAP deployed by the IAF, that's an official statement. They intruded , we stopped them. Now they have been deploying drones and sending them inside Indian airspace near Rajasthan and we are shooting them down. My point is, even if IAF had raided their Forward posts this would have not given third parties chance to intervene only because Imran Khan is reluctant in returning the POW. My point is we gave them chance to conduct PSYop through our media with the help of POW.

Aggression is not down, IN is all deployed and ready for action, the ball is in our court, Pakistanis are expecting a retaliation. Because time is ticking and Masood Azhar is still out.
If our ROE is implemented our pilot should have been dismissed for disobeying a direct order, loss of military equipment through carelessness and attempting to create conditions wherein the nation was about to be pushed into a war. Their task, as delegated by the Political Leadership of the country, was to prevent the ingress of the PAF, which they undertook. Till the gentleman, in quest to get a personal kill, crossed the Line of Control, thereby undertaking an aggression against the neighbouring country thereby undermining the diplomatic position of Government of India of the IAF strikes being pre-emptive anti-terror strikes. His biggest crime - getting shot, and after that getting captured. That was a very serious set back to our diplomatic posturing, let their be no doubt of that.

In short, he disobeyed all orders, both issued and implied, of all concerned all along the chain of command.

Very clear!

We have ROEs because they are meant to control conflict escalation. Otherwise, if a bullet is fired and, sans ROE, we retaliate with artillery guns and the other side, in turn, bring in Air Force, what will you be having?

Our ROE was in consonance with the directive given to the Defence Forces of the Indian Union, sworn by the Constitution of India to follow the legal political directive to undertake military operations within the scope as defined by the Government of India, duly elected by the People of India.

Let me know if any of our members here have objection to the said control mechanism. I shall surely enlist their support and overthrow the GoI and appoint myself the dictator.

Abhinandan did do all that.
Sir, they did miss the target because of the CAP deployed by the IAF, that's an official statement. They intruded , we stopped them. Now they have been deploying drones and sending them inside Indian airspace near Rajasthan and we are shooting them down. My point is, even if IAF had raided their Forward posts this would have not given third parties chance to intervene only because Imran Khan is reluctant in returning the POW. My point is we gave them chance to conduct PSYop through our media with the help of POW.

Aggression is not down, IN is all deployed and ready for action, the ball is in our court, Pakistanis are expecting a retaliation. Because time is ticking and Masood Azhar is still out.

This is true. But I guess till elections are over the status quo will be held.
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