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Why don't we pretend targets missed in Balakote and strike again..

Until Pak says targets are missed, let's pretend acceptance and vow ee ll try hard next time.
We did some heavy pounding last night.2 sources speaking of it -

According to babaji -

''4 Pakistan Army BOP destroyed by Indian Army near Pallanwala sector today afternoon between 4:30 to 5:30.Nag missiles and rocket launchers used along with newly placed Big Guns. Heavy loss expected to enemy.''

followed by update -

''Mortar position of enemy successfully destroyed with MBRL by Indian Army around 12:30AM somewhere in Nakyal sector of POK.
Heavy loss expected to enemy.

Enemy attacked an empty BOP of IA in Pallanwala sector with ATGM and mortar bomb. No loss of life.''

Another poster A Nationalist also speaking of multiple border posts destroyed.

From pak Jeffrey

FLASH: I'm getting a lot of reports of heavy Indian jet activity over Kashmir right now. Monitoring
India’s aircraft carrier & nuclear subs deployment a ‘no-nonsense’ message to China, not Pakistan?

India’s aircraft carrier & nuclear subs deployment a ‘no-nonsense’ message to China, not Pakistan?
Published time: 19 Mar, 2019 02:26Edited time: 19 Mar, 2019 07:44

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INS Vikramaditya, Indian Navy's aircraft carrier. © Reuters / Shailesh Andrade

China is using Pakistan as a tool to contain India, so the redeployment of an aircraft carrier, warships and nuclear-powered submarines to North Arabian Sea is a clear signal to Beijing, rather than Islamabad, analysts told RT.

Despite the heated tensions around the Kashmir region, “India does not base its defence preparedness on what Pakistan does or does not do,” Gopalaswami Parthasarathy, former Indian envoy to Pakistan, said. The country is much more concerned about “what China does to contain Indian influence in the Indian Ocean,” he told RT.

Pakistan is an instrument used by China to contain India through supplies of weapons, missiles and even nuclear weapon designs.
“Pakistan, by itself, does not worry us. We can more than match and manage Pakistan,” he reiterated.

Indian Navy deploys aircraft carrier & nuclear subs to deter ‘misadventures’ by Pakistan

Indian military journalist, Shiv Aroor, also said that the naval forces of the two neighbours “aren’t near peers in terms of numbers, strength or capability — Pakistan, for instance, doesn’t operate nuclear submarines or aircraft carriers.”

However, “if maritime hostilities [between India and Pakistan] ever did break out in whatever form, China would almost definitely be in the mix,” he warned, acknowledging that such scenario would be a problem for New Delhi.

China has a significantly larger navy than India’s, with a much more robust submarine force.
As for the deployment of Indian naval assets, it is “about as no-nonsense a message, as you can send,” he said, adding, however, that “war is realistically and hopefully a very remote possibility in the circumstances.”

Dozens of Indian warships, including the INS ‘Vikramaditya’ aircraft carrier and several nuclear-powered submarines, were withdrawn from maritime exercises and sent close to Pakistani territorial waters on Monday.

In the meantime, Aroor said, deploying a naval group this powerful to “deny area – or in extreme events, create blockades across crucial shipping channels” isn’t entirely “off the table.”

“Nobody thought India would conduct air strikes inside Pakistani territory,” the journalist added. “That line has been crossed… The ball in most ways is in Pakistan’s court now.”

#BoycottChineseProducts trends on Indian social media after the latest block by China

The Indian Defense Ministry explained that the move was intended “to prevent, deter and defeat any misadventure by Pakistan in the maritime domain.” It indicated that the flare-up between the two countries, which began after a suicide attack on Indian troops by a Pakistani-based terror group in February and led to shellings and even aerial engagements in the border area, is far from over.

India’s relations with its other major neighbour, China, are also rather strained, as the two of the world’s most populous countries and fastest growing major economies are bound to compete. In 2017, skirmishes between Chinese and Indian troops broke out over China’s road construction in the disputed Doklam plateau in the Himalayas, but a major escalation was avoided.
What made you think its a Act of War ??? Which Policy of the GOI state it ???

What constitute an act of war?

An enemy nation sanctioning air strike on your military installation falls in what category as per your understanding?
Weren't the sukhoi jammers covering all the jets?

Already answered. Try and read posts posted since you logged in ;)

Yup, I realised later.
One was R-77.
So the MIG-21 was flying with four Air to air missiles and no jamming pod.

It has an integral SPJ but was under the Jamming cover of Su-30 MKI in all probability.

Sir, the payload did fall inside the military compound. It would be foolish to say that retaliation was due only when it had to fall on the quarters and barracks with hundred of casualties.


Was going to war the aim of Government of India? Can you elaborate on that?
The second R-73 was also found. Its still attached to the pilon of right wing which broke away and was found burnt and mangled.
I will post pics later

No it was never found. 02 x R-77s and 01 x R 73. Alongwith 01 x centerline EFT.

And even in that, your side messed up and showed the centreline EFT of F-16 and a very dark colour piece of fuselage casing, not found as skin color of Mig-21 but covering the mid section of the fuselage of PAF F-16 as a stripe.
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Sir, that terrain is mountainous, if the aim itself is incorrect, the payload would fall somewhere else. And thats what happened.

Sir. Again, sincere request read about Stand Off Weapons and their guidance.

Sir you are adressing the ROE question from technical and probably tactical point of view however question is political and emotional. When BVR missile was fired it should have been end of restraint from India as it was direct attack with intent to kill. Sliding few bombs from stand off range for symbolic purpose is different.

I hope that "operations are ongoing" part holds otherwise not engaging after Su30 was fired upon in Indian territory was not logical.


It took Indira Gandhi 1 years preparation to go to war, when we had a solid Cold War USSR already backing us. People forget that.

If it is our contention that we launched " pre emptive terror strikes " across the LoC, did both the political & security leadership of the country think that the Pakistanis wouldn't retaliate?

No, it was very clearly communicated to the GoI by the Service Chiefs that they shall retaliate.

In the event, they did, in broad daylight. Whether their ingress was a few metres within our territory or a few kms, they crossed over and dropped bombs.We contend, they planned to target our military installations but upon being challenged, they had to jettison it in a place which didn't cause any material or collateral damage. This was an act of war. Their response on the 27th Feb was to our initiation of hostilities a day before irrespective of the semantics we indulge in. A response was in order.

The response is on order no doubt. But you did not have the world willing to sit out a war between India and Pakistan.

Yet , How did we respond to it? We did nothing. I don't want to delve into the Wing Commander Abhinandan episode much except to say that such events are always calculated into the matrix of retaliation or should if we decided to escalate, unless our political masters in their wisdom decided that post our Balakote strikes our defence Forces will undertake purely defensive manouvres and no offensive manoeuvres will be undertaken. In which case, the Wing Co Abhinandan episode is a very convenient fig leaf for the GoI.

Possible, probable. Not conclusive. I would file this, your point here, as being the accepted level of risk as per GoI. Can I call it as such? No, purely my speculation.

It's been my contention all along that this government is trying to win the perception battle in a war of attrition by launching spectacular strikes and claiming credit for it both for the sake of effect and for public consumption. It's also my contention that till the Feb 14 th Pulwama attacks we had no comprehensive plan or doctrine to tackle Pak sponsored terrorism at its roots in Pakistan merely ad hoc measures across the border . I wonder if we have anything since. I won't be surprised if we don't and things continue as they did in the past till another "Pulwama" Or "Bombay ".

However , We did shed our pussilanimity for once. But not completely.

No two views.

I am not exactly a fan of the present dispensation on the handling of the affair, hence my every post has been indicating no escalation. I am sure, very sure, if someone was to read my posts and draw up a timeline and review it with the declarations/data made available in public domain, one would be able to read that there was nothing new which is coming to fore.

If India fails in it's objective of cornering Masood Azhar and giving disproportionate and a bl**dy response to Pakistan then it will be first conventional and diplomatic dent on Indian image. Now India cannot step back.

The present dispensation, has boxed itself further into the corner. And in the process, created a new norm wherein our citizens will be targeted across the IB in Jammu region and LC in Kashmir and we will be sitting ducks.

I am very sure that it was a very well thought out policy - yet.

We also proved GE engine with there kind of picture. Better give a clear assembled picture like that of R77/R73.

In fact, if you get high and look close enough you can see Optimus Prime in it.

If you check the photo graph of F100 PW 229/220 (which the PAF operates as also RJAF had) as also F100 GE Engine, and put up a photo of Tumansky R25 ... it shall be interesting read for all.

So when you claim you can track and have all electronic proofs, isn't it overtly speaking of your capability?

I shall just say that it is best not to respond to you here on this open forum right now. To explain things vaguely, will be counterproductive as you will not be able to get it but those whose job is to look for information will.

What happened on 5/6 March? @Falcon @BlackOpsIndia ?

Usual slug fest ..nothing that is of importance has come to me. Wonder why people are jumping on this.

can anz

Unconfirmed reports of GHQ hit by Brahmos :p

Load of nonsense

Any chance CSD taken its effect and some territory held ?


They are accountable to us by means of our elected parliament and office holders.

Precisely. And they have handed over data to the Government.

Did something vallen on 5 th, 6th March

Please find out @vstol Jockey @Falcon

Nope. I guess second time you have asked this.

Its like herding cats and little toddlers all at the same time lol.

Worse. Cats, toddlers with plenty of fire crackers in the mix.
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