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@screambowl There are several parts of this story

Part 1 : Indian Public

Indian public was .satisfied when Abhinandan was Returned in 2 days and
When F 16 was Shot down

Infact the IAF statement was that the 24 plane PAF formation was foiled by 10 plane Indian formation

INDIAN people wanted a war on 27
but cooled down the Next day
when Imran announced Abhi' s release

Hindi channels were saying
Pakistan has lied down in front of Modi


Part 2 of this Story is Indian Military

And their Anger and morale

This is Where I believe 2 things happened

March 5 / March 6 event which that Babaji
Called an attack on Pakistan Military Installation

And the free Hand given to Army after Abhi came back

Some sources are saying that at least
500 Pakistan Army soldiers have been killed by Indian Army


The Part 3 of this story
It is Indian election and Opposition parties

If we had escalated , the opposition would have accused Modi of War Mongering

Especially after When Indian Public was
Dancing after Abhinandan came back


The part 4 of this story
Is the International Intervention by all big countries , which we could not overlook

Also Remember that War is expensive
And Inflationary and when Shit Hits the fan

People will blame Modi for Inflation

We will get more opportunities to Hurt and Kill Pakistan

It is not over yet
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So IAF's official statement was incorrect?

Can you put up the IAF statement? I seem to have misunderstood it as being:

"The Pakistan Air Force aircraft attempting to target our military installations were intercepted by IAF aircrafts, which foiled their attack. "

And "Although, PAF bombs have fallen in the Indian Army Formation compound, however, they were unable to cause damage to our installations."

Now let us examine what has happened. IAF went into Pakistan, hit targets of JeM and egressed with zero loss. GoP and Pakistani Armed Forces were naturally under pressure to retaliate. What did Pakistan do?

Just putting a few of my earlier posts as had planned to put all up for you to understand how picture was being formed, but got tired of taking screenshots. So head back and collate:


This is much before Mirage 2000s news came out with media speculating the take off from forward bases. The mixed package of fighters from both No 1 'Tigers' and No 7 'Battleaxes'.


If you note my second point, it was always clear to everyone that they will retaliate.

Self explanatory


And what happened? The crackdown on JeM and others, lots of noise, and dropping of 04 x stand off weapons with GPS/INS guidance within Indian military compound, thereby allowing themselves to claim a response and yet not hit a military target within India to provoke India to strike across the board.

Please understand what narrative and position was being built up.
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One thing puzzling is if PAF wanted a symbolic raid to pacify domestic audience by firing weapons from stand off range as it looks by the nervousness of ISPR and Imran after things got hot and accounting their current situation where they certainly can't afford escalation and are begging world powers to avoid it why did F16 fired upon Su30?

You are claiming that they targeted Su-30 MKI, they are claiming a kill of the same, what if the AIM-120C were the multiple lauches of AAM at Mig-21 Bison which was shot down? Remember it was operating under the protective top cover of Su-30 MKI which were jamming? That would mean that the Mig-21 was ahead and below?

And they were in their airspace and ours were in our, heading westwards, a lucky shot could have led to the aircraft crashing across LOC, just like Mig-21, if indeed Su-30 MKIs were targeted.

This is not how you prepare for war or even fight a war.

Who said we are preparing for war?
Too much has been written criticizing Abhinandan for not following RoE, went for glory etc, getting captured & India coundnt move up the ladder of escalation due to it etc

Incorrect, India can escalate when it wants.

I would only like to say onething, has anyone pondered that early intercept by Abhinandan was the reason that the LGB were released so soon in haste,

H-4 is LGB? Or is it GPS/INS guided?

Had it not been for one man head on intercept against an overwhelming 24 aerial assets, that Pakistan LGB might have hit Indian brigade headquarters, ammunition dumps and administrative bases causing extreme damage & loss of life. Surely the Indian objective could not have been to let Pak kill a ton load of Soldiers/Officers to start a full fledged war.

Logic would hold if it was indeed a LGB. But it is not.

Yes his actions, gave pak the temporary upper hand in perception warfare, but he may be the cause which saved 100's of life on ground & India got one off Pakistan best bird, acknowledging its demise for them, would tantamount to them saying they are totally vulnerable. And a big boost for India, that even the worst Indian assets can bring down the best assets & that too in a overpowering 24 active birds scenario.

If pak objective was peaceful & not provoke hostilities ie LGB delebretly in ground & not to kill/damage Indians, it wont have released so many of ARMAAM missiles on other hand, now would it?

Rest all, speculative and based on incorrect information.
You are claiming that they targeted Su-30 MKI, they are claiming a kill of the same, what if the AIM-120C were the multiple lauches of AAM at Mig-21 Bison which was shot down? Remember it was operating under the protective top cover of Su-30 MKI which were jamming? That would mean that the Mig-21 was ahead and below?

And they were in their airspace and ours were in our, heading westwards, a lucky shot could have led to the aircraft crashing across LOC, just like Mig-21, if indeed Su-30 MKIs were targeted.

Sir IAF and many Experts in India have said
That Su 30 was the Target of Aim 120

Because it has huge symbolic value

A pak expert even justified the BVR shots
By saying that Su 30 is Invincible in WVR
And PAF was asked to stay at min 25 Km away from Su 30
I think the GoI decided at that very point ( the shooting down & capture of Wing Co Abhinandan) to de escalate using the incident as an excuse. For all you know, they may have laid the blame at the door of the IAF. We have nothing in the public domain to go by, to suggest otherwise.

Your point makes sense. But that is not the case. The GoI is simply under tremendous pressure by world powers to allow the diplomatic means to address the issue. Let us be very clear, we can do naught without support. We are not that economically or militarily strong. We have to cater to China at every juncture.

All this could be controlled ie the narrative could be controlled if we had a proper doctrine to take care of Pak sponsorship of terrorism at its roots.This after Doval stated before he became the NSA that if Pakistan stages another 26/11, they make lose Baluchistan.I wonder what does he have to show after 5 years in spite of being the espionage / counter espionage biz all his life.

I've always held that the most effective way to combat terrorism is initiation of such activities in the state supporting such undertakings in our land. Nowhere is this more true than of Pakistan, where this may be the most potent weapon in our arsenal. Much more than surgical strikes or CSD, leave aside a full blown war.

As I remarked earlier, we still haven't rid ourselves of our Pussilanimity in toto.

Yup, broadly no two views.
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Our own @vstol Jockey had said that since
PAF was challenged they dropped the bombs in a hurry and fuses could not be activated because of Sub Optimal release

War will not happen because
Three Indian forums
DFI , Our Forum and BR wants it

How many keyboard warriors will pay Rs 100 for oil and still vote for Modi
I find it somehow more difficult to convince my fellow country(wo)men than Babaji. What can I say ..... ;)

Baba ji is doing better work compared to DG ISPR ...

Giving hopes to people .

GoI have to give him some renumeration..
That would mean that the Mig-21 was ahead and below?

Abhinandan's Mig 21 was quite far away from Su30

The Su 30 and Mirages were protecting the Army installations

Abhinandan and his Wingman were Northwards to the Brigade HQ at the periphery of the War zone

One Map was posted by Rohit of BR
Showing the location of All the planes
H-4 is LGB? Or is it GPS/INS guided?
Most of these guys have forgotten that the Mirage-5 flew in a tangential arc towards LOC and the intended targets to release these INS/GPS guided bombs. They never came within 10 kms of the LOC. Three F-16s breached the LOC to try and strike the ammo dump near Reasi. They were engaged by Wg. Cdr. Abhi. The Other F-16s remained within their own airspace and tried to down a Su-30MKI and failed.
Our own @vstol Jockey had said that since
PAF was challenged they dropped the bombs in a hurry and fuses could not be activated because of Sub Optimal release
Yes I did say that. even glide bombs have an altitude vs range chart and also arming system. If you release them at lower altitude than the planned height or before the launch point, they will miss the targets. Other freefall bombs have a device which is time based for arming the bombs. If you release them at a lower height, the bombs will not explode.
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Sir IAF and many Experts in India have said
That Su 30 was the Target of Aim 120

Because it has huge symbolic value

A pak expert even justified the BVR shots
By saying that Su 30 is Invincible in WVR
And PAF was asked to stay at min 25 Km away from Su 30


I shall be honored if you were to read carefully what I wrote in my post you have so elegantly replied to.
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War will not happen because
Three Indian forums
Other Forum , Our Forum and BR wants it

How many keyboard warriors will pay Rs 100 for oil and still vote for Modi

Sorry, how many will join the forces to fight? That is the pertinent question. They would rather that someone else heads out to fight.

Well, no sir, not because keyboard warriors want to feel nice in other forum.
He's not fully civilian either, seems to be well rooted in power houses in Delhi if u get my drift
I doubt, once he said he decorated spyder system in desert(which i feel creating camouflage). others, please pardon me and dont ask why are we discussing some random baba.
The Reason why Abhinandan could kill F 16
Was because he was at a Higher level than F 16

The Ground conteoller correctly vectored
Him and He pounced on the F 16 which was exiting the area

That is when the high speed Chase began
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Baba ji is doing better work compared to DG ISPR ...

Giving hopes to people .

GoI have to give him some renumeration..

You want bullshit meter to go up here? Should I ask the owners to change the name to Bullshit Defence Forum?

I can post feel good posts too .. none which can be disproved by anyone here and in Social Media. :)

But none that will ever be proved either ;)
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