May I know where are the intact bombs then? Have they been displayed by IA?
There were many photos on twitter
They were identified as H 4 Sow
May I know where are the intact bombs then? Have they been displayed by IA?
What he has forgotten is that IAF has claimed that bombs were dropped which missed the targets. This means that nearly all bombs did explode also. But I did see some pics here of unexploded H4May I know where are the intact bombs then? Have they been displayed by IA?
There were many photos on twitter
They were identified as H 4
The Reason why Abhinandan could kill F 16
Was because he was at a Higher level than F 16
The Ground conteoller correctly vectored
Him and He pounced on the F 16 which was exiting the area
That is when the high speed Chase began
Your point makes sense. But that is not the case. The GoI is simply under tremendous pressure by world powers to allow the diplomatic means to address the issue. Let us be very clear, we can do naught without support. We are not that economically or militarily strong. We have to cater to China at every juncture
Baba ji is compared to DG ISPR .. not to offical sources..
We need Baba ji effect for fanboys and also officials for truth & confirmation.
Finally, like all good Pakistanis he believes Pulwama to be a home grown operation much like all other acts of terrorism inside J&K which in his view is an independence movement with JeM providing "peripheral" Support at best.
I can not retrieve them now
It is too late
I dont even remember who posted them
But of course Twitter is a God Send for
Common people like us because Most experts are on Twitter
Was seeing The Najam Sethi Show on You Tube. He made some very interesting observations. According to him, the Kashmir issue is finally internationalised. He points out to most prominent international media organizations and Think Tanks devoting more space than necessary on the present Indo Pak imbroglio. There couldn't be a better advertisement for Kashmir and India's repression there. He also stressed that as long as the Americans are in Afghanistan, they wouldn't allow any escalation of the issue coz they need Pakistan on board to cut a deal with the Taliban and exit with their head held high. Thirdly, KSA has played a significant role in de escalation with US blessings thanks to the massive investment it has promised in both economies.Fourthly, he doesn't see Pakistan entering the FATF black list coz once that happens Pakistan economy would be in a free fall and that's the last thing the international community would want - A N armed state with a whole host of terrorists not in control.The international community will continue to keep Pakistan in the grey list on a tight leash. Fifthly he forsees much more complications with Iran thanks to KSA investment in Gwadar for an oil, gas & petrochemical complex. That means curtains for the IPI & TAPI pipelines.More dependence on KSA and more reason why Pakistan deep state will be forced to destabilize Iran on US / KSA's bidding.
Finally, like all good Pakistanis he believes Pulwama to be a home grown operation much like all other acts of terrorism inside J&K which in his view is an independence movement with JeM providing "peripheral" Support at best.
Those who this March 5 / 6 mystery
That was India's revenge for Feb 27
Sir, this is something that has bothering me. Why do we keep gasoline near fire?It is homegrown in the sense that the involvement of Kashmiris is at the forefront.
There is no doubt on that. JeM claimed, and they got hit and will be hit.
Rest all is a general summation of where we stand - nowhere - yet.
Sir, this is something that has bothering me. Why do we keep gasoline near fire?
Why are we keeping civilians in the war-zone?
Why don't we permanently move Kashmiris away from Kashmir and into some other place. Heck even Sentinel Island.
Then understand that you also have the moral responsibility to differentiate nonsense from truth.
I had very categorically stated in this thread long back that get what tweet you feel needs to be posted so that it can be verified or debunked. The intent of my spending time here is so that am able to put across points to help you learn to discern.
I never knew that after 15 days since I saw
Those H 4 , those tweets would be deemed as necesaary evidence , in our forum
I think the GoI decided at that very point ( the shooting down & capture of Wing Co Abhinandan) to de escalate using the incident as an excuse. For all you know, they may have laid the blame at the door of the IAF. We have nothing in the public domain to go by, to suggest otherwise.
All this could be controlled ie the narrative could be controlled if we had a proper doctrine to take care of Pak sponsorship of terrorism at its roots.This after Doval stated before he became the NSA that if Pakistan stages another 26/11, they make lose Baluchistan.I wonder what does he have to show after 5 years in spite of being the espionage / counter espionage biz all his life.
I've always held that the most effective way to combat terrorism is initiation of such activities in the state supporting such undertakings in our land. Nowhere is this more true than of Pakistan, where this may be the most potent weapon in our arsenal. Much more than surgical strikes or CSD, leave aside a full blown war.
As I remarked earlier, we still haven't rid ourselves of our Pussilanimity in toto.
Pakistan army chief about our Pussilanimity
Army Chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa said on Saturday a “hybrid war” had been imposed on Pakistan to internally weaken it
‘Hybrid war’ imposed on country to internally weaken it, says Bajwa - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Actually... Neither do I.Nobody cares for the Kashmiri. Let us be very clear on that.
Pakistan army chief about our Pussilanimity
Army Chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa said on Saturday a “hybrid war” had been imposed on Pakistan to internally weaken it
‘Hybrid war’ imposed on country to internally weaken it, says Bajwa - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
H-4 is LGB? Or is it GPS/INS guided?
That is to justify their crackdown on everyone who is opposed to their diktats i.e. GoP which may pressurize them to act against the banned organizations.
Okay enough ... am out of this forum.
@Ashwin @nair @Milspec
just keep an eye, too many wild stories are being bandied around here now ....![]()