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The only purpose of this troll on this forum is to derail this thread and take it to his level. @nair Why not thread ban him as he is constantly engaged in Pakistani IQ posts? Let him jump around other threads.

He flamebait other user users and for 2-3 pages we see a troll fest of his *censored* getting whipped by other users, in this process he essentially take down this thread to the level of gutter he is used to now. I bet he posts here specifically for this purpose or some other insecure little kid in Pakistan ask him to do so to see Indians "burn" in their propaganda. By allowing him on this thread we are helping such elements, just a suggestion. There are other Pakistani users too like @The Deterrent who engage in civil and informed discussion.

He seems to be somehow mentally inept or something wrong with him. We can pity over him on other threads why derail this one?
we are anyway not getting much info from LOC apart from what baba tells us, we need intermittent funny things from @safriz to keep this thread alive.
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Most of you in your nationalistic zeal missed the main points.
The tiny aircraft on right is Squadron 24 Blinders Falcon 20.
So there was a a lot of jamming going on that morning and passive surveillance.
The aircraft on left is Erieye, so the PAF jets were having live data feed from AWACS and had situation awareness from very long distances.

Chinese Sam can recognize F16 as friendly ?

Pardon me , am not well versed with IFF
Most of you in your nationalistic zeal missed the main points.
The tiny aircraft on right is Squadron 24 Blinders Falcon 20.
So there was a a lot of jamming going on that morning and passive surveillance.
The aircraft on left is Erieye, so the PAF jets were having live data feed from AWACS and had situation awareness from very long distances.

Are you aware that the Russians have made a beeline asking India not to proceed with ASRAAM upgrade since Russian R73 shot down F 16? So they will make a pitch to buy more of their weapons knowing fully well that we lied, because they expect us to believe in our own lies?
even If 100 pound Artillery lands on Ground there is huge explosion

Su-30 mki Weights More than 35 ton Its Impossible to hide huge Debris Unlike F-16 Amraam produced by IAF there is no Evidence of MKI's Even Engaged by Pakistan's Accounts that they even engaged Su-30

There Is no way SD-10 has Survived Spot jamming by Elta 8222 SPJ

And It Was Twice Mentioned by DG ISPR that they have captured Two pilots in their custody
Of course, there will be claims and counter claims until Pakistan can show SU-30 wreackage or India can show F-16 wreackage.
Of course, there will be claims and counter claims until Pakistan can show SU-30 wreackage or India can show F-16 wreackage.
Point Is
  1. IAF Showed what in Military terms evidence of Raytheon Aim-120c AMRAAM That counters the Pakistan DG ISPR Claims of not Using F-16
  2. Second Now PAF have To Show Evidence if JF-17 even Engaged Su-30MKI By Providing Radar Radar signature Recorded in KLJ radar Of JF-17
As of now No official statement by Pakistan Military or PAF that they even engaged Su-30 MKI ???


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Are you aware that the Russians have made a beeline asking India not to proceed with ASRAAM upgrade since Russian R73 shot down F 16? So they will make a pitch to buy more of their weapons knowing fully well that we lied, because they expect us to believe in our own lies?
Thats the problem here... You boys come up with rediculous arguments and then call me funny (Which i dont mind ;) )
R-73 are not being ordered due to exceptional performance but due to maintinance requirements. Most have been sitting in the warehouse for too long and have expired and India does not have Overhaul facilities for the missile, or Russia did not give them as Business tactics,as they saw money making oppertunity.
Also what you and most here dont know is that the equation changes drastically when an air to air missile is pulled out of its sealed container in the warehouse and deployed. In a sealed container in warehouse an AIM-120 AMRAAM has expiry date of 10 years. If the fighter jet flies with the AIM-120 then it expires in 1500 hours of flight and needs thorough checks of electronics and replacement of the propellant after 1500 hours of flight to be operational again.
Likewise is the story of R-73. Now that IAF is regularly flying with the Missile under their wings, they are bound to expire as many have been flown in previous years too and then put in the warehouse and no after escalation between India and Pakistan pulled out from warehouse again and flying again. All th ehours spent in the air in previous years have to be counted along with new hours currently being piled up .
Some Russian missiles have only 40 hours of flight when they expire and need overhaul.
I am not sure bout expiry flight hours of R-73..
But there..
Point Is
IAF Showed what in Military terms evidence of Raytheon Aim-120c AMRAAM That counters the Pakistan DG ISPR Claims of not Using F-16

Second Now PAF have To Show Evidence if JF-17 even Engaged Su-30MKI By Providing Radar Radar signature Recorded in KLJ radar Of JF-17
As of now No official statement by Pakistan Military or PAF that they even engaged Su-30 MKI ???
Plenty of footage of that day sits with PAf and not being released in Public domain but being shown to diplomats and visiting dignitaries.
No wonder Malaysia's PM Mahatir was thrilled to see JF-17 and very interested in Buying the ship. He was shown all those footages.
Neither PAF nor IAF cares what we minions write on these corners of Internet. They have better and bigger issues to take care of and just to satisfy us muggles no footage willl be released.
We have to wait and see.

If it is any Consolation , I would like to say here for the First time ,That Regarding your
Feb 27 Raid ;. The Idea was Good
But the Execution was Poor

So many negatives
You lost a F 16 at the hands of MiG 21,
WC killed , Amraams defeated , PAF is afraid of WVR conflict with IAF

Your entire Strategy in Two words is
Bait and Ambush

Your pilots could not the A to G mission

The only thing you got was WC Abhi
And a MiG 21 Bison

That was also not a Dog fight
It was a Bait and Ambush

Today also Your JF 17 was Running Away
From a Su 30 , when it was downed by your

Dark Days Man :ROFLMAO:
I rather not post thge pics and videos i want to post in reply to your comment, or i will be blamed of trolling and flame baiting.
If what you wrote makes you slepp better at night, i am happy for you ;)
Plenty of footage of that day sits with PAf and not being released in Public domain but being shown to diplomats and visiting dignitaries.
No wonder Malaysia's PM Mahatir was thrilled to see JF-17 and very interested in Buying the ship. He was shown all those footages.
Neither PAF nor IAF cares what we minions write on these corners of Internet. They have better and bigger issues to take care of and just to satisfy us muggles no footage willl be released.
We have to wait and see.
I am Just quoting Facts of the Whole Saga

  1. Pakistan Denies that it used F-16's . IAF proved it has parts of Aim-120c wreckage
  2. Pakistan Said that no F-16 Shoot Down but Claims Two pilots in their custody in Press briefing of DG ISPR IAF Said there Was local siting of two parachutes
  3. In All this Not Even single instance PAF quoted it engaged Su-30 With JF-17 and shot it down News is just conjuncture of Media
  4. IAF Submitted Report To US authorities over F-16 use US said got Indian authorities objection
  5. Taiwan Rejects Pakistani media claims of AMRAAM being from there inventory Quoted by taiwan times
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I am Just quoting Facts of the Day

  1. Pakistan Denies that it used F-16 IAF proved Its With Aim-120c wreckage
  2. Pakistan Said that no F-16 Shoot Down but Claims Two pilots in their custody IAF Said there Was local siting of two parachute
  3. In All this Not Even single instance PAF quoted it engaged Su-30 With JF-17 and shot it down News is just conjuncture of Media
  4. IAF Submitted Report To US authorities over F-16 use US said got Indian authorities objection
  5. Taiwan Rejects Pakistani media claims of AMRAAM being from there inventory Quoted by taiwan times
Yes, there are a few confusions. But in the fog of war, clear info is hard to come by.
Propaganda and disinformation is part of Military tactics and all parties involved use these tactics.
Those who have trained with military will know that propaganda is taught as a subject in military.
Nope. One R-73 was missing. The one shown was with no warhead? Where did it go?
Also that R-73 rocket motor was found next to the aircraft .
There is no way a missile gets fired and rocket motor remains with or near the aircraft.
Look at pics yourself.
We Pakistanis dug up videos of the wreckage and did frame by frame analysis in public domain and identified all 4 missiles before military released the pictures.
May be you Indians should indulge in similar research instead of useless mud slinging?
F16 is made into aggressor squad ?

It means for cross border action...?

Then it means US has not enforced any restrictions..?
Yeah right! The only missile with warhead burnt was the one claimed to be used. Sure!
Also that R-73 rocket motor was found next to the aircraft .
Not recognizable at all!
There is no way a missile gets fired and rocket motor remains with or near the aircraft.
Can be picked up and put there. Seriously any lump of burn metal can be claimed as "rocket motor".
We Pakistanis dug up videos of the wreckage and did frame by frame analysis in public domain and identified all 4 missiles before military released the pictures.
If you do a frame by frame analysis of a false video, you will only get false evidence.
Heck your analysis is so broken that it is claimed R-73 and R77 to have same width and height.
What a joke!
May be you Indians should indulge in similar research instead of useless mud slinging?
We just have to look at width and length. I compared that on this forum and your airforce's lies are exposed.
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Plenty of footage of that day sits with PAf and not being released in Public domain but being shown to diplomats and visiting dignitaries.
No wonder Malaysia's PM Mahatir was thrilled to see JF-17 and very interested in Buying the ship. He was shown all those footages.
Neither PAF nor IAF cares what we minions write on these corners of Internet. They have better and bigger issues to take care of and just to satisfy us muggles no footage willl be released.
We have to wait and see.
Please don't use the term 'SHIP' for an aircraft - one can't take you seriously

Carry On ! :)
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