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The motor you are pointing too ,if that is indeed r-73 is the intact r-73 on the left.
Please do explain how why the entire warhead section of the right R-73 is missing?We all know where that went.

Its very easy for PAF to embarass IAF here,just call an international observer and line up f-16s with serial number as it once did with mirages.
First you said no f-16s used,then after AMRAAM proof forced to concede 'all aircraft airborne' lol.
First you said 2 planes shot down,2 pilots in custody.Then lol.2nd pilot disappeared.Poof.Is he still in hospital?
You keep saying only trees destroyed in balakot,except spice wouldnt make craters-rather mounds of dirt and if a 2k pd bomb dropped,the explosion would burn all the nearby vegetation to crisp.Most of all,if nothing happened why have you cordoned off the area for over a month.Easiest way to humiliate india is let international reporters through and let them inspect the building.What have you to hide if no damage was done?
This is the army that doesnt accept its own dead as we saw in kargil.We buried your dead,despite the many soldiers of ours they killed because for us enmity ends in death.10 years after kargil you accepted bodies.
This is the army that doesnt disclose its casualities to its own senate.
And we are still waiting for shahbaz haider to return to pakistan from exercises.Good joke.Airspace is closed,all jets are on emergency duty and pilot is exercising in usa for over a month?Who are you fooling?

Chacha gafoor can keep his propaganda for domestic consumption.No one is fooled here about his antics.
There are even simpler counter to this whole argument of un-used missile. The length and the width.

R-73 is 165 mm wide and R-77 is 200 mm wide. R-73 is 2.93 meter long and R-77 is 3.6 meter long. This physical difference is so stark that it is visible even from a longer distance. Here :


See those?

The outer most missiles are R73s... Inner two are R-77s.

See the difference between their widths? Lengths? And these are distant shots. Closeby the difference will be even more stark.

Now look at the image posted from Pakistan.

These guys either forged the missiles poorly or confused between R-73 and R-77 sections.

Here another upclose shot... The difference between width and length of missiles is too big to miss.

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I wonder quite, how are the rest of the PA taking the appointment of a Qadiani as their CoAS, given that they aren't considered Muslims in the first place in the land of the pure? Ditto for the rest of Pakistan. It also brings up interesting possibilities. What if you theoretically have a Hindu or a Sikh or a Christian CoAS tomorrow? Same for a Zorashtrian Or even a Jew. I realize that being in the West for Long has shaped your views and made them egalitarian @safriz . So much so that you won't mind a Jew as your CoAS too, if you find a suitable candidate and he promises you Kashmir. The former is a tad unlikely but the latter is knowing how canny Jews are especially when it comes to gullible Pakistanis. Note Balakote ( damn, that rhymed) & the Israeli connection.

The Israeli Connection

Perhaps you'd like to venture in with your views @Nilgiri , given you're a veteran in PDF and an avid observer of human social behaviour especially the Pakistanis ( Though I share your views that nouns & adjectives like human and social don't sit well with Pakistanis and we'd have to make do with standard nomenclature till better alternatives are found but, I trust you get my larger point)
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From BRF by sudeepj
"Video evidence of two fighters going down posted on DFI by the mod there.. ...

Clearly shows two fighters going down."

BRF jamwal
"Upload date of video is 26th Feb. People in video are speaking Dogri/Pahari/Punjabi (?) . It is definitely of the right region though. After halftime, they are talking about 2+ explosions."
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From BRF by sudeepj
"Video evidence of two fighters going down posted on Other Forum by the mod there.. ...

Clearly shows two fighters going down."

BRF jamwal
"Upload date of video is 26th Feb. People in video are speaking Dogri/Pahari/Punjabi (?) . It is definitely of the right region though. After halftime, they are talking about 2+ explosions."
The dogfight was on 27th Feb. How could they upload it on 26 th Feb?
From BRF by sudeepj
"Video evidence of two fighters going down posted on Other Forum by the mod there.. ...

Clearly shows two fighters going down."

BRF jamwal
"Upload date of video is 26th Feb. People in video are speaking Dogri/Pahari/Punjabi (?) . It is definitely of the right region though. After halftime, they are talking about 2+ explosions."
2 jets are shown clearly with sound of 2nd jet crashing. 2nd jet on curve matches with 2 parachutes ejecting video from different side so that will be 2 seater.

Also the bellingcat photo of part of fuselage of Mig21 crash is in doubt for reasons:-

  • Colour is not of Indian jets matches more with PAF colour schemes, let's just think it is some kind of defect.
  • The other portion looks like of rear fuselage of jet when the soldiers carrying it turned it. The other section is smooth like in F16 and not riveted like Mig21
  • F16 drop tank was also found at the exact same spot.
  • Those debris were cleared instantly with all parts being loaded into truck however Mig21 debris were left out for photo session.
  • The location of this suspicious fuselage and drop tank is not same as of Mig 21, however it was realised almost immediately along with wreckage video mistaken as Mig21, NO OTHER video of these debris is available however plenty of HD videos of Mig21 crash are available, which looks like some armature created this video without knowing the difference between two debris, called it one and after ISPR realized the evidence is leaked by someone either by mistake or by bystander all videos or pictures are confiscated or public removed from crash site.
  • There are atleast 3-4 videos of locals claiming seeing the 2nd pilot one was telecasted on new channel on which a person claimed 2nd pilot.
  • And lastly both ISPR and Imran Khan on record told us about second pilot.
The distance between the jets is not much and if Mig 21 came down first and F16 next as corroborated by another video where two pilots ejected from a jet following curve path it looks like F16 was shot down by another missile.

Hear the sounds in the video closely and you will see multiple little explosion and 2nd jet on curve path leaving white trail and then disappearing and then leaving the trail again before getting down.

The first trail looks like flares and jet taking evasive maneuver right before getting hit by missile. Then the second trail few seconds later that's when jet got shot.

The sound in background could be Anti Aircraft Guns, or SAM or flares (I don't know if they create any sound during ejection). So it's possible f16 could be shot by Pakistan own missile and a similar incident happened yesterday at Multan with Chinese SAM system not compatible with US F16.
But Bajwa still has two more years to go. But if we do have this kind of rebellion in PA, the nukes will surely fall into wrong hands and can create a catastrophy.

It may have the potential to create a catastrophe, but before that it'll give India (and sympathetic countries) a once in a lifetime opportunity.
I've learnt one thing in my life for sure. If it's too good to be true, it's too good to be true.
Yeah all this talk of somehow getting Pakistani nukes amuses me. We always forget that Pakistan have an army of 5 Lacs, they can very well defend a complex with nukes when that's the only thing keeping them alive. Don't know why people say things like that.
Yeah all this talk of somehow getting Pakistani nukes amuses me. We always forget that Pakistan have an army of 5 Lacs, they can very well defend a complex with nukes when that's the only thing keeping them alive. Don't know why people say things like that.

For India alone, it's definitely impossible. But if you start adding certain countries to the mix for a coordinated effort, it's not as downright impossible as you may think. And really, at some point we may end up in such a situation where possible or not, there's not much of a choice but to try.

Also, getting does not always necessarily mean picking up & taking with you.
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For India alone, it's definitely impossible. But if you start adding certain countries to the mix for a coordinated effort, it's not as downright impossible as you may think. And really, at some point we may end up in such a situation where possible or not, there's not much of a choice but to try.

Also, getting does not always necessarily mean picking up & taking with you.
That I agree that we can try with others but snatching them is impossible, there would be some nuke somewhere hidden and just one use will create a havoc. There are better ways to target it though to render it useless. The Iranian nuclear fuel enrichment program was almost put on pause by Stuxnet and if they created virus more lethal it could have blown the entire complex. That's something that will work because all those nukes are interconnected someway or other, one infection can render all of them useless but that's easier said then done. Will require extreme intelligence on designs and then infecting them is another thing in a very securely guarded facility.
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