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As for F-16

Have tried to confirm what has been posted by @nair to best of my ability. The F-16 was 'snagged' by a Mig-21 Bison. Confirmation through two channels - military sources as also civil sources on ground who saw the whole thing.

I may still be wrong, catering to bragging, but multiple sources who have impeccable standing for me, have confirmed kill of F-16. Pertinent to note, they had 'captured' one pilot who was injured and transferred him to CMH. But suddenly, they have only one pilot of ours. You can take your guess.
As for F-16

Have tried to confirm what has been posted by @nair to best of my ability. The F-16 was 'snagged' by a Mig-21 Bison. Confirmation through two channels - military sources as also civil sources on ground who saw the whole thing.

I may still be wrong, catering to bragging, but multiple sources who have impeccable standing for me, have confirmed kill of F-16. Pertinent to note, they had 'captured' one pilot who was injured and transferred him to CMH. But suddenly, they have only one pilot of ours. You can take your guess.
As for F-16

Have tried to confirm what has been posted by @nair to best of my ability. The F-16 was 'snagged' by a Mig-21 Bison. Confirmation through two channels - military sources as also civil sources on ground who saw the whole thing.

I may still be wrong, catering to bragging, but multiple sources who have impeccable standing for me, have confirmed kill of F-16. Pertinent to note, they had 'captured' one pilot who was injured and transferred him to CMH. But suddenly, they have only one pilot of ours. You can take your guess.

No point without proof man.
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No one said war is easy,no one said victory will come cheap.Our goal should be strategic like retaking POK and this loss should only strengthen our resolve towards it.I am ready to put myself and my family life in harms way and I am sure most of the people share the same emotions.If the route to victory need to be soiled with civilians and armed forces blood ,then let it be, but we should not cower down.

It is time for PM Modi to lead from front ,to come on tv and declare war.Those who question the resolve of common public ,must remember it is the same people who faced all the hardship of demonetization but still cheered it ,just because it was for our nation.A Nation which is much bigger than all of us.Our people have always been like this, only to be let down by our political and administrative class.


आरम्भ है प्रचंड
They lost one and got one. Thats it.

We have no proof.These claims and sources are irrelevant,world is laughing at us.We want blood.Their pilots are bragging on twitter,i want their blood.Let loose the whole IAF,lets see how these junk fighters and 76 f-16s stand up to 250 sukhois and 100 mirage and m,ig-29s.Need to saturate their whole defense with massive assault rather than playing cat and mouse game.If we leave it as it is now,they have won.We will live in shame.I want a devastating reply and soon.And video proof or pics this time,we are living in information age.Empty statements and press release won't cut it.To win the narrative war we need to put their pants down in front of teh world.Right now they have humilated us with several videos.We have only claims.Minhas base should cease to exist from the face of the earth.
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They lost one and got one. Thats it.

Lost an F-16 for a MiG-21 after failing to hit their original military targets; the engagement actually went very well for India until the pilot ended up in Pakistan.

Nonetheless, I am confident that the Pakistanis have just walked into a trap.
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