True that sir. But there was a very good observation by a senior Pakistani member in the other forum a couple of months back (when he let slip his veneer of Indian hating in interaction with me, something he is per force required to assume by his own country(wo)men in general) that till date, it was the Indians who were willing to negotiate on J&K at the table and were willing to seek diplomatic solutions and the 'Establishment' at Pakistan undermined it both the times it came close to being achieved but this time, the body language of Indians has changed. There is more confidence that Indians bring to table based on their economic growth and development and with that comes the change in attitude, from willing to accept a negotiated settlement to only one demand - vacation of PoJ&K. Now Pakistani Establishment wants to seek peace but Indians are not playing ball anymore.
I kind of agree. I doubt we will now let Pakistan settle. They had the last chance under NS when Modi flew in unannounced, Modi was still looking for peace on equitable and respectful terms, but they blew it (more so by removing NS from power).
I think this same observastion was made eihter by Nazam Sethi or some analyst on Pak news Channel a year or two ago.