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PM should come out and say that for peace
1. Pakistan should unconditionally
a. Release IAF pilot and other Indians in Pakistani jails unconditionally within 24 hours.
b. Hand over Hafeez Sayeed , Masood Azhar, Dawood , etc unconditionally within 24 hours.

That Pakistan has
1. Supported terrorists who did Pulwama
2. Violated Indian Airspace and did bombing
3. Attacked IAF aircrafts and captured a pilot.
This amounts to war and we are at WAR.
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well - getting entire Pakistan airspace to shut down for 24 hours - thats got to hurt them.. and I look at it this way:
1) we entered Pak airspace and they never expected that
2) they couldnt scramble in time
3) we left the place unscathed
4) they came in to our space but couldnt leave unscathed

1) air defence wise, we showed them we are better
2) we also showed them we dont mind following and hitting them even if we are in an old Mig and they are in their f-16s.

and if a non-state actor hitting us can get us to cross the border, a state actor hitting us should really mean we will hit you and no country in the world can have a say against that.
Assuming there are no further major actions taken by each side what lessons can be learned from this standoff and who is the "winner"?

At the moment I think we can agree that the Pakistanis have the upper hand militarily, They have confidently and openly shown their results whereas the claims by the Indian Government remain just

I would say Pakistan hasn't won the media war. However, I would say they haven't really lost the PR war like they usually seem to. I think the very public diplomatic outreach by Imran Khan as well as the absolutely off-putting media hysteria coming out of India played a part in that. Pakistan's seemingly humane treatment the captured pilot and public display was a major PR win. There is still the perception that they are retaliating on behalf of terrorists...but at the current rate I'm sure that narrative will shift into that of a nation defending its sovereignty.

I can't speak of the state of Indian Armed Forces but.... this has to be a wake up call to finally begin an earnest modernization program right?
PM should come out and say that for peace
1. Pakistan should unconditionally
a. Release IAF pilot and other Indians in Pakistani jails unconditionally within 24 hours.
b. Hand over Hafeez Sayeed , Masood Azhar, Dawood , etc unconditionally within 24 hours.

That Pakistan has
1. Supported terrorists who did Pulwama
2. Violated Indian Airspace and did bombing
3. Attacked IAF aircrafts and captured a pilot.
This amounts to war and we are at WAR.
this - I agree only with the second part.. we cannot let them get away with a hit on us. unless we get to be on top and DECISIVELY, we should not let go.

It will take less than 10 days to get their economy to the drain. hold on until then.. keep them high alert - they are doing all this because of their "political and moral support" to kashmir.. we need the common citizen of Pakistan ask "is it really worth this hassle?"
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Assuming there are no further major actions taken by each side what lessons can be learned from this standoff and who is the "winner"?
I really cannot believe there will be "no further actions" I mean.. we hit them because of a non-state actor.if anything else, this will show clearly that any terrorist attack, the Pak establishment is also liable. we will defend our country from them.

Also - I am going to take a stance against the folks going "the army jawans are also human and we need to end the war for their sake". I have folks there.. and I am telling you - they are asking to be allowed to fight.. begging for it.. because. this of it - in Pulwama we lost 40+, Pathankot, 26/11 all combined easily in the 100's.. all this for what?
I really cannot believe there will be "no further actions" I mean.. we hit them because of a non-state actor.if anything else, this will show clearly that any terrorist attack, the Pak establishment is also liable. we will defend our country from them.

Also - I am going to take a stance against the folks going "the army jawans are also human and we need to end the war for their sake". I have folks there.. and I am telling you - they are asking to be allowed to fight.. begging for it.. because. this of it - in Pulwama we lost 40+, Pathankot, 26/11 all combined easily in the 100's.. all this for what?

Well, I personally believe that neither Indian or Pakistani governments want to be the first to back down. If it really starts to escalate you can bet the world will start pressuring both sides to sue for peace. I personally believe that major escalation is more detrimental to India (in the long term) than Pakistan.

I am more interested in the take-aways from this conflict when it ends.

On a side note:

I'm also of the opinion that soldiers, while human, are assets of the state and people and should be used accordingly. Police officers fight crime even though it's dangerous and firemen fight fires despite the risks. I'm aware the stakes are much higher but soldiers know what they signed up for. Less favorably wars for less honorable causes have been waged and will be waged, it's just the nature of nations.
I think they have planned everything if matter escalates before conducting air strikes... So, why they are taking time now. Not a single statement comes from Modi till now
Kayamat ki raat kaha reh gyi??
I really cannot believe there will be "no further actions" I mean.. we hit them because of a non-state actor.if anything else, this will show clearly that any terrorist attack, the Pak establishment is also liable. we will defend our country from them.

Also - I am going to take a stance against the folks going "the army jawans are also human and we need to end the war for their sake". I have folks there.. and I am telling you - they are asking to be allowed to fight.. begging for it.. because. this of it - in Pulwama we lost 40+, Pathankot, 26/11 all combined easily in the 100's.. all this for what?

Yes it’s coming. The price of not acting is not emboldening pak armed forces. We can maturely handle that without war. The price of not acting will be emboldening terrorists. If we don’t act terrorists will believe that they can act with impunity because Pakistan will protect them with their army even to the extent of war.
Well, if this is it then this is it. Pakistan certainly has a upper-hand in PR war right now..

India, I don't know. Things are looking doubtful. Either we should have not gone the "announced action" path.... Or we should have backed it up with action and results and evidence.
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