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I just cannot concentrate at work - I have a big analytics code review and I am glued to the monitor on the flight radar..
Same thing here, pushed off development work all day.
I have been glued to my desk just scavenging for any news, couldn't sleep last night either.
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Please stop posting any info about any troop movement from Indian side.
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Indian airspace in area is pretty defined to DEL-BOM corridor. So the airspace "reopening" wasn't really a big deal....plenty of options are on the table.

That looks to be the erieye near Lahore right now with transponder on.
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Indian airspace in area is pretty defined to DEL-BOM corridor. So the airspace "reopening" wasn't really a big deal....plenty of options are on the table.

That looks to be the erieye near Lahore right now with transponder on.
its only flying over the Lahore airport for a while now.
They don't have the bomb. If that's what you mean. From what I've read, in case they decide to restart their N program now, they'd be able to possess a crude device in the next couple of years. The knowhow is intact .The facilities are either dismantled or under tremendous scrutiny.That's what has the Israelis spooked.

Personally, I have always considered Iran to possess a few bombs. Never discount North Korea. Even the Pakistanis had some even before they managed to make their own.
Personally, I have always considered Iran to possess a few bombs. Never discount North Korea. Even the Pakistanis had some even before they managed to make their own.

The hard part is uranium enrichment. Once you got some material, makign a gun type bomb is super easy.

Plutonium its something of the reverse.....easier material production (as long as you have a basic reactor)...but tough design to fabricate.
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The hard part is uranium enrichment. Once you got some material, makign a gun type bomb is super easy.

Plutonium its something of the reverse.....easier material production (as long as you have a basic reactor)...but tough design to fabricate.

Won't be surprised if the Iranians have hidden their nuke capability just like the Israelis have.

When the EU nations call the deal imperfect and the Iranians staunchly support the deal, then you know something is wrong.

Anyway, I suppose we are way off topic.
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Personally, I have always considered Iran to possess a few bombs. Never discount North Korea. Even the Pakistanis had some even before they managed to make their own.
There's no resolution to this argument. To each his own, I'd say. Where did I declare the North Koreans don't have it? They have been in possession of it since the beginning of this century. Pakistan received its N bomb from China followed by the designs and enriched uranium.
Won't be surprised if the Iranians have hidden their nuke capability just like the Israelis have.

When the EU nations call the deal imperfect and the Iranians staunchly support the deal, then you know something is wrong.

Anyway, I suppose we are way off topic.
The Iranians agreed to it coz their economy was collapsing. Look at the timelines for when they decided to ink the agreement and their economic outlook and the internal unrest thanks to the collapsing economy. The gambit was to buy time and get the economy going. Both the Obama led US & the EU knew it. Just that nobody wanted to open up a new front apart from the ones going viz Iraq, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Yemen & Afghanistan.

It also had much to do with the antagonism Obama had for both Netanyahu & Israel's policy towards the Palestinians. As far as Europe goes, Israel is fast approaching pariah status.

That's one reason why the EU isn't siding with Trump on Iran now. However, thanks to the near collapse of the agreement with the US, the knives are out for Rouhani & Zarif. In fact the FM of Iran - Jawaad Zarif has already put in his resignation. It's only a matter of time before Rouhani resigns or is impeached. The Mullah takeover will be completed then. What happens next will be very interesting for our part of the world. It may explain why Trump is in a hurry to get out of Afghanistan.
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