As stated many times before, don't expect anything major to happen until after 2030. This decade will only be spent on signing deals, and they will all deliver only in the 2030s, whether it's MRFA, FGFA, LCA Mk2 or AMCA. This decade, we scored some Rafales, and we will get LCA Mk1As. Hopefully some more upgraded aircraft like MKI MLU and Jaguar DARIN III.
AMCA is definitely happening, so is LCA Mk2.
MRFA will happen as usual. RFP will go out in a few months and it will quickly hit the negotiations wall running, I'm hoping the entire thing is wrapped up well before 2027. Any attempt at more Rafale GTGs is extremely unlikely as long as MRFA proceeds smoothly. Only a failure will result in a repeat GTG order, perhaps of 4 squadrons.
Of course, a Chinese invasion of either India or Taiwan could result in knee-jerk imports from France, the US and/or Russia. 2 squadrons each of the Rafale, F-35 and/or Su-57 are likely. Perhaps more Rafales.
As per the IAF, FGFA and AMCA are necessary. As per DRDO, AMCA is enough. So the govt's gonna allow the IAF to choose. The IAF has to figure out if AMCA is enough or an order of Su-57 is also necessary or if a proper J-XX challenger (FGFA Mk2) has to be developed, or a combination of all three. And that answer is currently with the PLAAF. Unlike before, India is now reacting to Chinese purchases, a tactic Pakistan uses against India. The earlier plan (from 2007-10) was for the IAF to begin replacing the MKIs with FGFA from 2030 onwards. That disappeared once they figured out by 2014 that the MKI has more life than that, which is why even the MLU plans were delayed by a decade.
It's possible that to stop any deal with Russia, the Americans will offer the NGAD. The Americans have very likely already started the development of the NGAD successor as per their Digital Century Series plan, where they introduce a new design every 15 years. If NGAD happens, then we will need only 20-30 jets insead of 150-200 FGFAs. The USAF plans on getting way lesser than 100.