Indian Air Force : Updates & Discussions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tarun
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Apart from their pivot to the Indo-Pacific, the Germans are using this opportunity to hard sell the EF, MRTT and A400M to the IAF.

Air chief VR Chaudhary was in Germany recently and got a ride on the EF. Looks like the Germans are taking over from the Brits in pitching for MRFA.

Imo the IAI B767 MMTT is a better bet for our IFR needs.

Not sure if the IAF is aiming to replace the IL76 with the new MTA contest. Don't see them replacing a jet with a turboprop design.
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#Future Projects:
• Under Procurement:
1. HAL HTT-40 = 70
2. Tejas Mk1A = 83
3. Sudarshan AA Guns = 244

1. Su-30MKI = 12
2. Tejas Mk-1A = 97
3. Prachand LCH = 66

1. Boeing 767 Mid Air-Refueller = 6
2. ISTAR = 3
3. Netra Mk-1A = 6
4. Airbus A-321 AEW&C Block 2 = 6
5. SCA Aircraft= 3

1. Medium Transport Aircraft= 40-80
2. HAL LUH = 61
3. MRCA 2.0 = 114
A good video of IAF's S/w Development Institute. It showcases Su-30MKI, LCA, MiG-29, turboprop trainer, AWACS.
AVM K N Santosh, the commander of S/w dev. institute, said that MLU is supposed to happen every 10 years. He believe in achieving 100% self-relliance.
Hats off to my fellow computer/electronics guys. I wish if i was good enough scorer to get into such priviledged place.

What rules does the IAF follow regarding carrying AAMs when flying sorties in intl exercises, at home and abroad?

I noticed that US aircraft almost always carry a pair of CCMs on exercises (Cope India?) Even RAF F35s flying with IAF MKIs carried wingtip Asraam in a recent exercise.

Is this left to the discretion of respective AFs or governed by a formal agreement? TIA.
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What rules does the IAF follow regarding carrying AAMs when flying sorties in intl exercises, at home and abroad?

I noticed that US aircraft almost always carry a pair of CCMs on exercises (Cope India?) Even RAF F35s flying with IAF MKIs carried wingtip Asraam in a recent exercise.

Is this left to the discretion of respective AFs or governed by a formal agreement? TIA.
Nearly every aircraft that goes up for air combat carries a recorder missile which is identical to the actual missile. These recorder missiles capture the launch conditions when the pilot says he has fired a simulated missile. The wingtip missiles or WVRAAMs are carried excatly for the same reason as they record the lock on by seeker head. They too are recorder missiles and not war shots.
You mean ACMI pods? Or training rounds that have those double stripes? Training rounds are inert, right? No warhead, no rocket motor? Sorry, too many questions. I'm quite intrigued by this.
What rules does the IAF follow regarding carrying AAMs when flying sorties in intl exercises, at home and abroad?

I noticed that US aircraft almost always carry a pair of CCMs on exercises (Cope India?) Even RAF F35s flying with IAF MKIs carried wingtip Asraam in a recent exercise.

Is this left to the discretion of respective AFs or governed by a formal agreement? TIA.
I think combo of 4-8 inert BVR-AAMs + CCMs are carried, for safety the propellant & explosive parts are removed with dummy weight to simulate a CAP load & avoid accidents. In case of jets like Su-30MKI, it has not been seen usually during exercises carrying inert AAMs, may be bcoz that weight can be included in 11 tons fuel capacity.
ACMI pods are attached to each jet which transmitts real-time flight data, limited radar data, HUD video, weapon lock & fire data.

think combo of 4-8 inert BVR-AAMs + CCMs are carried, for safety the propellant & explosive parts are removed with dummy weight to simulate a CAP load & avoid accidents.

Right. The Russians have dedicated training versions of AAM's like the R-73 distinguishable by the 3 black stripes around the missile body.

The USAF calls them captive air training missile (CATM) like in the case of AMRAAM. The CATMs are identical to the combat versions though.

So it's possible the USAF flies with these and not live rounds during exercises (as that would reduce airframe life).

And because the two versions look exactly the same, you'd think they were carrying live AMRAAM/AIM-9s in exercises.

But it's not completely implausible they might use live rounds. After all, they abandoned $8 billion in weapons in the blink of an eye when they were getting out of Afghanistan!
Right. The Russians have dedicated training versions of AAM's like the R-73 distinguishable by the 3 black stripes around the missile body.

The USAF calls them captive air training missile (CATM) like in the case of AMRAAM. The CATMs are identical to the combat versions though.

So it's possible the USAF flies with these and not live rounds during exercises (as that would reduce airframe life).

And because the two versions look exactly the same, you'd think they were carrying live AMRAAM/AIM-9s in exercises.

But it's not completely implausible they might use live rounds. After all, they abandoned $8 billion in weapons in the blink of an eye when they were getting out of Afghanistan!
IDK if there is a hard switch or S/w feature to put live weapon into training mode & back, but it is possible.
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BREAKING: IAF MiG-29 fighter crashes in Barmer, Rajasthan. Pilot said to be safe. No damage on ground. Details awaited.

Crash all the fighter planes and close IAF ones for all because at this rate of new fighter induction & old ones dropping out of the sky IAF won't have any planes left in a few years.... 😂😂
We will crash all jets on Pak assets. :ROFLMAO: