Indian Hypersonic Propulsion Developments

The kill vehicle config is kinda similar maybe due to form factor and having a very good confidence on the design much like how PDV/prithvi general aerodynamic config is reused into other application like ASAT. We have seen that they use the control fins from AD-2 article to the NASM MR.
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DRDO conducts Scramjet Engine Ground Test

Posted On: 21 JAN 2025 6:38PM by PIB Delhi

Defence Research & Development Laboratory (DRDL), a Hyderabad-based laboratory of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has taken the initiative in developing a long-duration Supersonic Combustion Ramjet or Scramjet powered Hypersonic technology. DRDL recently developed these technologies and demonstrated a cutting-edge Active Cooled Scramjet Combustor ground test for 120 seconds for the first time in India. The successful ground test marks a crucial milestone in developing next-generation hypersonic missions.

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Hypersonic missiles are a class of advanced weaponry that travel at speeds greater than Mach 5 i.e., five times the speed of sound or more than 5,400 km/hr. These advanced weapons have the potential to bypass existing Air Defence Systems and deliver rapid and high-impact strikes. Several nations including USA, Russia, India and China are actively pursuing Hypersonic technology. The key to hypersonic vehicles is Scramjets, which are air breathing engines capable of sustaining combustion at supersonic speeds without using any moving parts.


The ground test of scramjet combustor showcased several notable achievements, demonstrating its potential for operational use in Hypersonic vehicles, like successful ignition and stable combustion. Ignition in a scramjet engine is like ‘keeping a candle lit in a hurricane’. Scramjet combustor incorporates an innovative flame stabilisation technique that holds continuous flame inside the combustor with air speed in excess of 1.5 km/s. Many novel and promising ignition & flame holding techniques were studied through many ground tests in arriving at Scramjet Engine configuration. Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation tools were used for their evaluation & performance prediction.

The indigenous development of endothermic scramjet fuel, the first time in India, jointly by DRDL and Industry is central to this breakthrough. The fuel offers dual benefits of significant cooling improvement and ease of ignition. The team developed a special manufacturing process to achieve stringent fuel requirements of DRDL at Industrial scale.

Another key achievement is the development of state-of-art Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) which is designed to withstand extreme temperatures encountered during hypersonic flight. A new advanced ceramic TBC having high thermal resistance & capable of operating beyond melting point of steel has been jointly developed by DRDL and Department of Science & Technology (DST) Laboratory. The coating is applied inside the Scramjet engine using special deposition methods that enhance their performance and longevity. With demonstrated capabilities in stable combustion, enhanced performance and advanced thermal management, this breakthrough sets the stage for next generation Hypersonic missions.

DRDO conducts Scramjet Engine Ground Test

Posted On: 21 JAN 2025 6:38PM by PIB Delhi

Defence Research & Development Laboratory (DRDL), a Hyderabad-based laboratory of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has taken the initiative in developing a long-duration Supersonic Combustion Ramjet or Scramjet powered Hypersonic technology. DRDL recently developed these technologies and demonstrated a cutting-edge Active Cooled Scramjet Combustor ground test for 120 seconds for the first time in India. The successful ground test marks a crucial milestone in developing next-generation hypersonic missions.

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Hypersonic missiles are a class of advanced weaponry that travel at speeds greater than Mach 5 i.e., five times the speed of sound or more than 5,400 km/hr. These advanced weapons have the potential to bypass existing Air Defence Systems and deliver rapid and high-impact strikes. Several nations including USA, Russia, India and China are actively pursuing Hypersonic technology. The key to hypersonic vehicles is Scramjets, which are air breathing engines capable of sustaining combustion at supersonic speeds without using any moving parts.


The ground test of scramjet combustor showcased several notable achievements, demonstrating its potential for operational use in Hypersonic vehicles, like successful ignition and stable combustion. Ignition in a scramjet engine is like ‘keeping a candle lit in a hurricane’. Scramjet combustor incorporates an innovative flame stabilisation technique that holds continuous flame inside the combustor with air speed in excess of 1.5 km/s. Many novel and promising ignition & flame holding techniques were studied through many ground tests in arriving at Scramjet Engine configuration. Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation tools were used for their evaluation & performance prediction.

The indigenous development of endothermic scramjet fuel, the first time in India, jointly by DRDL and Industry is central to this breakthrough. The fuel offers dual benefits of significant cooling improvement and ease of ignition. The team developed a special manufacturing process to achieve stringent fuel requirements of DRDL at Industrial scale.

Another key achievement is the development of state-of-art Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) which is designed to withstand extreme temperatures encountered during hypersonic flight. A new advanced ceramic TBC having high thermal resistance & capable of operating beyond melting point of steel has been jointly developed by DRDL and Department of Science & Technology (DST) Laboratory. The coating is applied inside the Scramjet engine using special deposition methods that enhance their performance and longevity. With demonstrated capabilities in stable combustion, enhanced performance and advanced thermal management, this breakthrough sets the stage for next generation Hypersonic missions.
GTRE should initiate a study on a hybrid engine, a turbofan with a scramjet. This should be worthy of a 6th generation fighter engine. Instead, an afterburner uses a scramjet. Or better to give it to an institution or startup to start the initial study with a small fund.
DRDL recently developed these technologies and demonstrated a cutting-edge Active Cooled Scramjet Combustor ground test for 120 seconds for the first time in India.
DRDO's HSTDV scramjet engine is optimized for intake speed of Mach 6 & will produce a nominal thrust of 5.78 kN. 120 seconds at Mach 6 will get you ~250 km in range. For a ground/naval system we will have a solid booster 1st stage that will give us a range of ~100 km. So overall, we can have around 350 km range.

DRDO eventually plans to have 250 sec of scramjet ignition which gives us a total range of ~515 + 100 = ~615 km.
DRDO's HSTDV scramjet engine is optimized for intake speed of Mach 6 & will produce a nominal thrust of 5.78 kN. 120 seconds at Mach 6 will get you ~250 km in range. For a ground/naval system we will have a solid booster 1st stage that will give us a range of ~100 km. So overall, we can have around 350 km range.

DRDO eventually plans to have 250 sec of scramjet ignition which gives us a total range of ~515 + 100 = ~615 km.
You can always add a solid booster to extend the range and keep the scramjet burn for the endgame and sea skimming.
DRDO's HSTDV scramjet engine is optimized for intake speed of Mach 6 & will produce a nominal thrust of 5.78 kN. 120 seconds at Mach 6 will get you ~250 km in range. For a ground/naval system we will have a solid booster 1st stage that will give us a range of ~100 km. So overall, we can have around 350 km range.

DRDO eventually plans to have 250 sec of scramjet ignition which gives us a total range of ~515 + 100 = ~615 km.
original 20s test was for around exactly that sort of distance area, 350-370 km? I assumed before that 200 plus few more sec burn time would be enough for a 700-800km coverage, enough as a primary anti ship mission. The final config will be likely mach 7 or 8, cruise speed maybe 6.5-7. Similar figure is for Brahmos too except at 25km altitude ie further below hence better performing.

You can always add a solid booster to extend the range and keep the scramjet burn for the endgame and sea skimming.
Scramjet burn is for the mid phase mostly, why need at the endgame ? your sam fuzing system will be destroyed at such speed before the warhead detonates. Only kinetic energy impact is not preferable. End impact should happen in same profile as Brahmos ie max mach 2 impact. Then you got chance to use both kinetic and detonation impact damage equally satisfactory way.
original 20s test was for around exactly that sort of distance area, 350-370 km?
Yeah, with the Agni-1 booster & 20 sec of scramjet will get you 350-400 km. I was thinking a missile booster fit for a ship-launched AShM. Something like this:
I assumed before that 200 plus few more sec burn time would be enough for a 700-800km coverage, enough as a primary anti ship mission.
Inertia from a Mach 6 cruise phase will push it to 700+ km unpowered.
The final config will be likely mach 7 or 8, cruise speed maybe 6.5-7.
We can probably push the current HSTDV engine up to a max of Mach 6.5. Anything beyond that would require a redesign of the intake ramp. That will be a significant redesign.
Taht will add to the weight of Missile.
Boosters are jettisoned from the actual missile once the missile obtains the desired Mach speed, so when the HSTDV flies, it will be without the booster part. Ground launchers have no issues of weight and size. We can fire any size of booster to get the range. Yes, for ship or airborne, we need to check the limitation.
Apparently, we also have plans to make a HGV that could hit targets 15k away. I hope we seriously pursue such a weapon without worrying about Uncle Sam.
Those 2 slides were discussing theoretical ranges and general scientific concept of hcm and hgv systems. Nothing about the systems that DRDO would develop based on the same theoretical knowledge.