Indian Political Discussion

from bbc:

The 53-year-old subway conductor has been luckier than most Dalits back home, women especially, who suffer unspeakable cruelty, are employed in menial jobs including cleaning of human excreta and are segregated by their communities.

Unlike most of her lot, her family was "middle class", thanks to the help of Canadian missionaries in her region who aided in education and offered them religion. Her family was thus Christian and benefited with education. Her parents held jobs as college teachers.

Gidla says that proselytization didn't help her lot. "Christians, untouchables - it came to the same thing. All Christians in India were untouchable. I knew no Christian who did not turn servile in the presence of a Hindu."

no mention about reservation, no mention of abolishing caste system, no mention of how many meritorious open category people have to forego their education, jobs, promotions - only praise the other countries so they give you a job as a subway conductor.
Clear case of her being a traitor to her beliefs and nation. No need to stoop down to her level.
Modi govt. Is going to take a big drubbing in the next elections for sure. The way they cheated people of A.P and are secretly in talks to form an alliance with YCP, while still having the audacity to call themselves hindu nationalists in ridiculous.
can you please explain this? I have been out of loop from AP politics - would love to get the gist of this.

Watch the link from 7.00 when you get time. TDP mp points out how modi made huge promises to A.P while allocated only about 1800 cr in the last 4 yrs, which is less than the money made by bahubali. From the look of it amit shah wants to ramp in ysrcp as an ally while ditching TDP in 2019. This way jagan could be out of jail while bjp can contest from more M.P seats in A.P. The local bjp leaders who are mostly ex-congress party workers that shifted base after death of the party are supporting jagan who is an ex- congressi too. Why central politicians want to treat south Indians the same way as cow belt people is beyond me.

Personally, I feel that the present BJP leadership is devoid of the any ethics, that older generation of BJP posessed. With policies like these bjp will lose whatever little favor that people have upon them.
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Told you before, Congress is bankrupt after Demonetization , Now the Congress engine is running on fumes.
Another term of Modiji will make INC go negative,( they are probably negative in ledger now) beyond 2019 , no one would be willing to lend them or finance money. That is how you wither a tree by denying it water, sun, and other nutrients.

There is a need of opposition. Unless there is some other political force opposing BJP nationally, congress will remain and there will always be money reaching them, internally sourced or externally.

Please dont have a naive over simplistic understanding of removing congress. It is impossible. Lets instead hope congress is forced to reform and take a more nationalistic tone compared to the rest of the treasonous lot. Because, BJP WILL lose power one day, and the nation must have a good alternative that will serve us well.
The biggest mistake Modi is making is to go soft on these issues, probably to avoid political confrontation.

I have a feeling that a lot of those things (corruption cases, going after Opposition parties and people etc) are being set aside for now and will likely be pulled out at a more opportune time to maximize impact.
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I said it on other thread the big fish of INC got money stashed safely outside India, it is the cadre,local,regional leaders who went Bankrupt, they are asking for money from INC HQ but, the message they got was, manage it on your own. Until UPA comes to power, we cant risk taking our stash and getting caught by Intel agencies while moving it. That was the reason Many INC leaders were joining BJP in droves, to save whatever is left and to stop IT raids, CBI etc. from frisking them .
The Congress lost a lot of cadre strength as its coffers went empty, the HQ is only giving cash to sure winners in state elections and What INC lost it is trying to make it up in Karnataka and its giving them a even more corrupt image as MR.10%CM Siddaramiah in Karnataka, if they lose Karnataka its game over. As there won't be any source of cash nor avenues to money launder stashed cash into white and bring it into circulation in country.

Speaking of that, what's it looking like, now that elections are so close? Is either side likely to get close to a majority? And if it's gonna be a hung assembly, is JDS likely to go with BJP, since they have more money and power than INC?
There is a need of opposition. Unless there is some other political force opposing BJP nationally, congress will remain and there will always be money reaching them, internally sourced or externally.

Please dont have a naive over simplistic understanding of removing congress. It is impossible. Lets instead hope congress is forced to reform and take a more nationalistic tone compared to the rest of the treasonous lot. Because, BJP WILL lose power one day, and the nation must have a good alternative that will serve us well.

Even if they take a "nationalistic tone," it won't be genuine, and that would be even more dangerous than Congress right now. At least up until recently they were honest about who they were and their real faces were clear for all to see, as they engaged in pseudo-secular, casteist, and anti-national politics. Now that BJP is forcing them to shift closer to the center and abandon their overt, fervent anti-nationalism and anti-Hinduism; they will engage in deception; becoming "janeu dhaari" and waving the flag on the outside, while remaining the same old scumbags on the inside.

I've always agreed that a robust, quality Opposition is vital to any democracy; but this is not the type of Opposition India needs. And if we have to sacrifice these corrupt, antinational scumbags like INC, AAP, TMC, NCP, SP, BSP, RJD etc at the altar in order to bring out a real quality opposition, and thus fortify India's democracy; then so be it.
Even if they take a "nationalistic tone," it won't be genuine, and that would be even more dangerous than Congress right now. At least up until recently they were honest about who they were and their real faces were clear for all to see, as they engaged in pseudo-secular, casteist, and anti-national politics. Now that BJP is forcing them to shift closer to the center and abandon their overt, fervent anti-nationalism and anti-Hinduism; they will engage in deception; becoming "janeu dhaari" and waving the flag on the outside, while remaining the same old scumbags on the inside.

I've always agreed that a robust, quality Opposition is vital to any democracy; but this is not the type of Opposition India needs. And if we have to sacrifice these corrupt, antinational scumbags like INC, AAP, TMC, NCP, SP, BSP, RJD etc at the altar in order to bring out a real quality opposition, and thus fortify India's democracy; then so be it.

I am speaking practically. Read that list urself. How do u make them disappear?

The best chance, the most likely to succeed, however unlikely, is for congress to reform. I know their list of anti national acts is long and very serious. But a national level opposition in a country like India will take literally decades and decades to materialise. The BJP is going to lose power before that, or even worse, going to become as bad as congress if there is no quality opposition.
I am speaking practically. Read that list urself. How do u make them disappear?

The best chance, the most likely to succeed, however unlikely, is for congress to reform. I know their list of anti national acts is long and very serious. But a national level opposition in a country like India will take literally decades and decades to materialise. The BJP is going to lose power before that, or even worse, going to become as bad as congress if there is no quality opposition.

The way the BJP is doing it. Beat them in elections, choke them of funds through moves like demonetization and keeping them out of power, use their long histories of criminal behavior/scams to first corner and later destroy them, shrink their voterbases by aggressively targeting them (and in the case of the Dalit parties - moves like Mandal 2.0). Lastly, where it makes sense, you poach any talent in those parties as well. Just look at how BSP got marginalized, look at what's happening to RJD with Lalu in jail, AAP gets destroyed everywhere outside of Delhi and will eventually lose there too, and look at Congress itself. Congress went from ruling basically all of India to only ruling 2 major states (1 of which it may lose this year) and a couple states in the Northeast (which BJP will likely take from them anyways). And in the one state where they are definitely in power, it's thanks to a regional satrap who may not necessarily obey the party High Command.

The only way the Congress becomes the Opposition India needs is by getting rid of the Gandhis, and I don't really see that happening, so I guess we'll see what happens...
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There is a need of opposition. Unless there is some other political force opposing BJP nationally, congress will remain and there will always be money reaching them, internally sourced or externally.

Please dont have a naive over simplistic understanding of removing congress. It is impossible. Lets instead hope congress is forced to reform and take a more nationalistic tone compared to the rest of the treasonous lot. Because, BJP WILL lose power one day, and the nation must have a good alternative that will serve us well.
This need for opposition stems from a fear of the unknown. The opposition that India has is like Cancer, it must be done away with if the country is to fight bigger battles vs Bigger opponents. No opposition for a period of 10 years will do wonders to development and Economy. Then there will emerge a more right of center party which will take space of BJP and BJP will remain Center party, There is simply no space for these Communists whose loyalties lie with China and Congress who will burn down the house to gain some seats.

The money won't reach congress that is how a strangle hold woks, The first phase saw all their coffers go empty overnight the cadre,regional, local leaders are jumping ship to save themselves and get protective cover of BJP. The second phase will see all routes of money will be blocked and Scrutinized.

Nobody will lend money to a NPA(Non performing asset) for extended periods, that is how funding works.
It is like a loan from banks, you are NPA no bank will give loans to you, then you will have to rely on the local money lenders who will charge exorbitant rates like 10% or more, when even these local money lenders see you as
NPA for the money they invested in you.That is it game over for you.
Congress right now is taking money from local money lenders. Wait another term, that venue too will dry up.

If you know Modi and Amit shah , how did they eat into congress in Gujarat, the same thing will happen on a national level, the only option Congress would be given is to get rid of the Nehru(fake gandhi) family from INC, ask them to take a complete retirement from politics then Congress would be given a chance to survive.

If the members of Congress make a coup against Nehru family and oust them, then it is a War won. Later on Congress will disband itself. That is how Empires fall, Congress is number 3 position in most states and is in no mood to listen to its well wishers and still wants to play the same Sickular appeasement politics, thinking it will win them power. That era is gone. The inability to adapt,change will be its downfall, just like Dinosaurs went extinct so will Congress.

Modi will go for the kill, he is not someone who will be satisfied with total victory, he will annihilate the Congress, he didn't coin the term 'Congress Mukt Bharat' for fun. They made a witch hunt of him for the past 16 years, do you think any person would forget or forgive a person?who made your life miserable, unbearable, putting obstacles at every turn of your path for 16 years?

Shree Krishna insisted on total Annihilation of the Kauravas.

“The remnants of an enemy can become active like those of a disease or fire. Hence, these should be exterminated completely. One should never ignore an enemy, knowing him to be weak. He becomes dangerous in due course, like the spark of fire in a haystack.” — Kautilya, Indian Philosopher, Third Centuryb. BC.
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Any idea what's the price for one Lok sabha seat is ? They can make crores just selling 25 % seats.
A local Corporator seat will incur you a spending around 1 crore or 2 if its tough competition.
A local MLA seat will incur you 7-8 crores , popular constituencies will go up for more.
MP is just double of MLA around 18 crores etc.
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Speaking of that, what's it looking like, now that elections are so close? Is either side likely to get close to a majority? And if it's gonna be a hung assembly, is JDS likely to go with BJP, since they have more money and power than INC?

JDS is in no.3 position in Karnataka, whatever Deve Gowda was , it is all gone,after his son took over.
The fight is between BJP and INC.
Congress is trying to woo lingayats, but its hardly working.
The political murders of RSS and Hindu workers will play a factor in rural areas.
The Karnataka CM has a tag of "MR.10% CM" (like Asif Ali Zardari 10% President) coupled with the facts residents of Bengaluru see the lakes on fire due to pollution and the foam blocking roads, or the steel flyover fiasco, which citizens protested strongly against. Pothole deaths due to bad road works, Deliberate silence on killings ,rapes by NidraRamiah allowing criminals and organizations like PFI,SDPI to run their Jihad.
All of these will take a toll on INC, now Congress is playing Hindu as it realized it wont win without the Hindu votes, it is here that the BJP has a great edge, Yogi Adityanath is developing close links with the Mathhas and Seers of Karnataka ,who see him as another seer like themselves. The Mathhas hold a lot of sway over population. The attendance to Yogi's meetings made iNC start its temple run desperately.

I would say BJP will win by a Majority.
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If BJP focuses on better recruiting and structural evolution after the next election while keeping its progress at the same level or better, It’s going to evolve into a mini Chinese Communist Party. In a good way.
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