Indian Political Discussion

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Waiting for your analysis on budget,
A deeper analysis of the nature of allocation for SC welfare schemes show that only 50.7% has been allocated towards targeted schemes for SCs and 51.24% for STs.
thank you for getting a sensible issue for discussion.

I am very much for spending more on SC/ST and getting them into mainstream.
however, separating them out of the mainstream is also an issue.

I have a question:
you say the targeted Budget allocation towards SC/STs and Dalits is low.
but should this also take into account the overall general population budget allocation?
I mean, the rest of the budget is not allocated towards only non-dalits or non-SC/STs right?

when the govt announced health care scheme for a good percentage of population, they have not targeted only non-SC/STs or non-Dalits here.

there needs to be a correct definition of "oppressed" classes as well. that debate is sorely missing, after all, there is a lot of anti-brahminism hate in India too. How come that is not considered as "social discrimination"?
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So called Christians and Muslims who have an issue with it,

At least Christians of Kerala have no problem with it, it is a part of culture here...

At least Christians of Kerala have no problem with it, it is a part of culture here...

Wanted to post in this line.... But then thought, better to be away from this....... Post the pic of kodimaram, chenda melam, ana ezhunnallippu, vedikkettu, ghoshayathra any other you could think of..... But dont blame me if some one say that these are stolen from local culture.....
Wanted to post in this line.... But then thought, better to be away from this....... Post the pic of kodimaram, chenda melam, ana ezhunnallippu, vedikkettu, ghoshayathra any other you could think of..... But dont blame me if some one say that these are stolen from hindu culture.....

Well I would call them adopted...;)

It would be funny if we we adopted practises and culture of Iraqi xtians, no ?? :ROFLMAO:. Western Christianity too adopted practises of early non Christian cultures which existed before emergence of Christianity in Europe.

Even the jews borrowed many practises and beliefs from there is no point for a faith derived from the former to preach isolationism.

So there is no point in preaching IUML kind of religious fundamentalist thought -lighting nilavilak is Haram, everything is Haram... even bathing in hot water is Haram...:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
3 messages with 3 minutes, I do not see any message deleted, What is the reason?

We do not delete any message with out reasons, So be rest assured.......

Waiting for your analysis on budget,
He keeps posting nonsense so his propaganda thread doesn't disappear from Forum top posts. That is his strategy to get views and replies, spam.:)
Told you before, Congress is bankrupt after Demonetization , Now the Congress engine is running on fumes.
Another term of Modiji will make INC go negative,( they are probably negative in ledger now) beyond 2019 , no one would be willing to lend them or finance money. That is how you wither a tree by denying it water, sun, and other nutrients.
But dont blame me if some one say that these are stolen from local culture.....
no one can blame you for stealing from local culture. the local culture belongs to you, me, everyone. an Indian Christian is as much an heir to Indian local culture as an Indian Hindu or Indian Muslim. you cannot steal something thats yours. We are also free to discard whatever you dont like and adopt any new things.

the issue comes when we openly discriminate - this is Hindu stuff, shouldnt be there, this is Haram, this is Halal. for heavens sake - its an oil lamp. I can understand if a butcher cuts meat in front of a Jain temple (sort of disturbing for a sect that preaches absolute non-violence) but what does an oil lamp disturb you?
Told you before, Congress is bankrupt after Demonetization , Now the Congress engine is running on fumes.
Another term of Modiji will make INC go negative,( they are probably negative in ledger now) beyond 2019 , no one would be willing to lend them or finance money. That is how you wither a tree by denying it water, sun, and other nutrients.

Congress maybe low on finances but they are not bankrupt, they are certainly smarter than idiots like Mamta/TMC and Kejriwal who went hysterical after demonetisation as they kept major amount in cash. Congress leaders and specially the Fake-Gandhis have tens of Billions of dollars stashed away, they could match BJP at every level if they wanted but nope, these greedy misers won't risk their personal money.

Need another 5-6 years of Congress without power at centre as well as major states to drain out their finances completely, at the same time BJP should continue attacking other vectors of Congress incomes just like they did with private medical colleges, should conduct more anti-corruption drives and raids to drain out as much money as possible.
Congress maybe low on finances but they are not bankrupt, they are certainly smarter than idiots like Mamta/TMC and Kejriwal who went hysterical after demonetisation as they kept major amount in cash. Congress leaders and specially the Fake-Gandhis have tens of Billions of dollars stashed away, they could match BJP at every level if they wanted but nope, these greedy misers won't risk their personal money.

Need another 5-6 years of Congress without power at centre as well as major states to drain out their finances completely, at the same time BJP should continue attacking other vectors of Congress incomes just like they did with private medical colleges, should conduct more anti-corruption drives and raids to drain out as much money as possible.
I said it on other thread the big fish of INC got money stashed safely outside India, it is the cadre,local,regional leaders who went Bankrupt, they are asking for money from INC HQ but, the message they got was, manage it on your own. Until UPA comes to power, we cant risk taking our stash and getting caught by Intel agencies while moving it. That was the reason Many INC leaders were joining BJP in droves, to save whatever is left and to stop IT raids, CBI etc. from frisking them .
The Congress lost a lot of cadre strength as its coffers went empty, the HQ is only giving cash to sure winners in state elections and What INC lost it is trying to make it up in Karnataka and its giving them a even more corrupt image as MR.10%CM Siddaramiah in Karnataka, if they lose Karnataka its game over. As there won't be any source of cash nor avenues to money launder stashed cash into white and bring it into circulation in country.
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By N. Paul Divakar on 02/02/20182 Comments

The Dalit and Adivasi community’s analysis of the budget shows gross under allocation – only 50.7% has been allocated towards targeted schemes for SCs and 51.24% for STs.

On the 26th January 1950, we are going to enter into a life of contradictions. In politics we will have equality and in the social and economic life we will have inequality. In politics we will recognize the principle of one man one vote and one vote one value. In our social life and economic life, we shall, by reason of our economic and social structure, continue to deny the principle of one-man one value…

—B.R. Ambedkar

Ambedkar’s words continue to be pertinent even today. Despite years of independence, the marginalised and vulnerable sections of the society, especially Dalits and Adivasis, continue to lag severely behind in the developmental paradigm and process. if we were to look at the budget presented in parliament today, development has now become only a fancy word.

The Union Budget 2018-19 is the second budget under the new financial scheme of merging the plan and non-plan aspects of the budget as well as the first since the introduction of the goods and services tax (GST). In the budget, there was a fundamental shift made towards a ‘welfare model of SC/ST’, revamping Scheduled Caste Sub Plan and Tribal Sub Plan to Scheduled Caste Component and Scheduled Tribe Component (SCC-STC), making it an unwarranted retrogressive move, and making SCs and STs mere beneficiaries of welfare programmes. In light of the new developments, the quantum of allocation towards, SCC-STC is from the entire budget as opposed to 30% of the total Union Budget. However, despite a shift in the approach, no steps have been taken in the year to introduce any guidelines by the government, making it difficult to hold the government accountable.

Our analysis of the budget 2017-18 reveals a continuation of old patterns. Finance minister Arun Jaitley presented an Rs 24, 42,213.30 crore expenditure budget. The allocations under SCC-STC continue to be much below the mandated amount. In the merged scenario of Plan and Non-Plan estimates, allocations are being made under Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CS) and Central Sector Schemes (CSS). Both these pertain to developmental outlays. Allocations under CSS and CS towards SC and ST development are to be a minimum, and not less than their proportionate population, which according to Census 2011 is 16.6% for SCs and 8.6% for STs.

In the current year, only Rs 56, 619 crore, i.e. 6. 55 % of the total budget expenditure, is allocated for the SCs and Rs 39, 135 crore, i.e. 4.53 % for the STs, with a total of SCC-STC amounting to 11 % of the total budget. The allocations under both SCC and STC continue to severely fall short of the mandated amount. Under SCC, the allocations were short by 10.5% and 4.07% for SCs and STs respectively.

We welcome the move for the Rs 12.56 crores allocation towards scholarships for students with disabilities. It is good that govt has recognised disability as an issue. The introduction of Eklavya Scheme for construction of schools in tribal areas for ST students is also good However there are already existing ashram schools which are underfunded and poorly maintained, how is Eklavya going to be different?

“From the Tribal Perspective, the 2018-19 union budget has been set back for Tribal Development Rights and mere rhetoric when it comes to the real aspirations of the Adivasi/Tribal community across the country. Various marginalised sections of the Tribal community such as migrants, women, youth, displaced and most vulnerable feel disappointed as this budget offers nothing new,” says Abhay Xaxa of the National Campaign on Adivasi Rights.

However, one of the worse affected as a result of these poor allocations are students in higher education institutions across the country. The caste system keeps both the places and mechanisms of knowledge production and institutions outside the reach of the Dalit and Adivasi community. Dalit and Adivasi students face multiple forms of discrimination and exclusion in institutions, sometimes even physical and sexual violence resulting in increased drop out rates among the communities and and/or prevalence of high suicide rate.

In the budget, Rs 3,000 crore for SCs and about Rs 1,586 crore for STs are allocated especially towards Post Matric Scholarship. Such an amount falls severely short of addressing the mandated needs of students.

Regarding gender, budgeting again remains plain rhetoric; when analysing the allocations for women, specifically Dalit and Adivasi women, under the Union budget 2018-19, only 1.03% of allocations under the Gender Budget Statement are allocated towards SC and ST women amounting to Rs 1,251.93 crore. This is only a pittance compared to the needs of the Dalit and Adivasi women.

While construction of toilets is taking place at an alarming speed, little is being done towards the employment of women engaged in manual scavenging. It is mostly women from these communities who are engaged in manual scavenging. While emphasis is laid on construction, little or no focus is given to actual usage. Those engaged in manual scavenging are given one-time compensation, but little is done post that to ensure women’s access to gainful employment. The allocation for Self Employment Scheme for safai karamcharis has increased from Rs 5 crore to Rs 20 crore – a welcome move. However, the share of the National Safai Karamchari Finance Development Corporation has reduced from Rs 45 crore to Rs 30 crore. There is no proportionate allocation towards ensuring gainful employment of the community engaged in manual scavenging.

A deeper analysis of the nature of allocation for SC welfare schemes show that only 50.7% has been allocated towards targeted schemes for SCs and 51.24% for STs. While a majority of the allocation is under general or non-targeted schemes, that include several administration related expenses, they are contrary to the underlying principle of ‘directly benefit individuals, families and hamlets belonging to SC/ST Community’. The targeted schemes amounted only to Rs 28,698 crore for SCC and Rs 19,623 crores out of the total allocations. The special components for SCs and STs have been visionary, but the purpose remains defeated due to gross under allocations, notional and general allocations along with unspent amount. The Jadhav guidelines, meant to be followed while allocating, have been continuously flouted. Therefore, it is absolutely paramount that the sub-plans are legislated with strict mechanisms for effective implementation.

N. Paul Divakar is general secretary of the National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights and is an expert on fiscal matters with specific reference to the SCSP and TSP. Analysis and research has been done by the team at Dalit Arthik Adhikar Andolan-NCDHR.
Budget 2018: Kiska Saath, Kiska Vikas? - The Wire
Sad to see this much amount is almost being wasted in the name of SC/ST upliftment, if at all govt should provide they should only provide to the people with economically poor background, I have seen many dalits filthy rich bcz of reservation and they never cared about other dalits, social upliftment can only happen via proper education not via money(a dalit will always remain untouchable to brahmin no matter how rich they become, so here education of brahmin is important), when I meant education I mean real education with respect to what your NATION was thousand years ago.
We should end current caste basis reservation ASAP and reform the reservation process(if at all we want to keep reservation) on the basis of economic condition.
At least Christians of Kerala have no problem with it, it is a part of culture here...


Yup I have many good Christian, Muslim friends who aren't in business of routinely questioning the pretty omnipresent underlying Indian cultural customs (whatever their specific origin)!...i.e the normal folk I am alluding to heh. Kerala definitely has great examples. I mean come on, almost everyone partakes in Onam, among other festivities. Just like many Hindus participate in Christmas in India and all over the world etc.

If yer not a fan of cross-cultural stuff, no ones forcing you to be there either (certainly is not like issue of mosque loudspeakers in some areas). Its really not rocket science most of the time, people that antagonise for antagonising sake are really scummy and they can be from any community too.
This is irrelevant, this woman is not an Indian citizen and prefers to sit in her apartment in NY and troll all day long. There are many reasons to unfollow her on twitter and avoid sharing her posts.

from bbc:

The 53-year-old subway conductor has been luckier than most Dalits back home, women especially, who suffer unspeakable cruelty, are employed in menial jobs including cleaning of human excreta and are segregated by their communities.

Unlike most of her lot, her family was "middle class", thanks to the help of Canadian missionaries in her region who aided in education and offered them religion. Her family was thus Christian and benefited with education. Her parents held jobs as college teachers.

Gidla says that proselytization didn't help her lot. "Christians, untouchables - it came to the same thing. All Christians in India were untouchable. I knew no Christian who did not turn servile in the presence of a Hindu."

no mention about reservation, no mention of abolishing caste system, no mention of how many meritorious open category people have to forego their education, jobs, promotions - only praise the other countries so they give you a job as a subway conductor.