Indian Political Discussion

Just see the front page advertisements of Khujli after clearingb the first budget of Delhi in 2015. he had stated 3000 buses to be inducted. He took lot of bribes from OLA/UBER to kill public transport system in Delhi. This was also done to increase the earnings of autowallas but the increase in fare of autos has gone against them and cab aggregators have benefitted. He has looted everyone.
Who is going to pay for the subsidy for free women travellers in Delhi? Their own fathers and brothers.
Indian judicial system at its best, see the arguments produced by woman, limit of absurdity yet everything was entertained by court and man was on trial for 2 years, after this much harassment she walks free destroying his life.

I was once in a Uber Pool cab, a girl was talking to her friend in loud voice telling she was raped few nights back at party. Her friend was surprised and couldn't believe it, she was saying that's not rape, during this conversation I came to know by het description her friend (maybe BF) came from behind and hugged her or hold her. The way she was talking about the boy and her friends questions made it feel like both girl and boy knew each other. She was telling her friend the future plan of action which included filing a Rape FIR, sending an email (or notice) threatening to destroy her life. The girl on other end was saying it is not rape but molestation at max but the girl was adamant to file it as rape.

The comfort and pride with which she declared herself rape victim was really mind boggling. It was like an event for her where she was calling friends and telling it, as if she cleared UPSC, looked like an attention seeking person. Such retarded minds abuse rape laws and always, every single time walk free without zero repercussion. Thanks to Indian judiciary.
Indian judicial system at its best, see the arguments produced by woman, limit of absurdity yet everything was entertained by court and man was on trial for 2 years, after this much harassment she walks free destroying his life.

I was once in a Uber Pool cab, a girl was talking to her friend in loud voice telling she was raped few nights back at party. Her friend was surprised and couldn't believe it, she was saying that's not rape, during this conversation I came to know by het description her friend (maybe BF) came from behind and hugged her or hold her. The way she was talking about the boy and her friends questions made it feel like both girl and boy knew each other. She was telling her friend the future plan of action which included filing a Rape FIR, sending an email (or notice) threatening to destroy her life. The girl on other end was saying it is not rape but molestation at max but the girl was adamant to file it as rape.

The comfort and pride with which she declared herself rape victim was really mind boggling. It was like an event for her where she was calling friends and telling it, as if she cleared UPSC, looked like an attention seeking person. Such retarded minds abuse rape laws and always, every single time walk free without zero repercussion. Thanks to Indian judiciary.
Like all one sided law this one will go the way of the Anti Dowry laws as well. Just that a lot of innocent lives will be destroyed in the process. Just goes to highlight the so called " liberal views& thought process " Of our judiciary. The one which holds that if need be they're prepared to acquit 99 guilty but would never send an innocent man to the gallows. And then we see this...... Truly law is blind. Or to amend the old adage - Law is conveniently blind.
I was once in a Uber Pool cab
Bro, don't ever take a pool cab. Doesn't matter if its Uber or Ola

Such retarded minds abuse rape laws and always, every single time walk free without zero repercussion. Thanks to Indian judiciary.
This. This right here is where the pride an comfort comes from. There are no repercussions for a false rape accusation. The accused can be the most innocent person in the world, but his life is gone. There was a recent case from Delhi where the accused wasn't even in the same city as the "victim" on the reported date and time of the incident and somehow she was raped by him. Did he rape him wirelessly ? No one bothered to ask anything and the guy was fired from his job, arrested, tried, released and made into a social outcast. YAY ! Empowerment. You won't hear the e-kwality activist speak against this.
Wasn't there a recent bust made by police, I forget where, where a female extortion gang was apprehended. Their modus operandi was basically threatening to accuse young men, usually professionals, of rape. Simply put, pay up or you're a rapist. Police only caught up to it after they noticed a pattern in all the recent rape accused.
India is going places.
Law is conveniently blind.
Well said. And that will be my signature, thanks.
So violence again in Bengal today! High time governor's report is sought and this mental incompetent case causing destruction of life and property is dispatched.

Let SC came in rescue of her and encourage violence, some shining jewell in long list of "dissent" judgements.
Indian muslims need to understand that the appeasement they received over the last 70 years is not going to continue. The last election already showed that the ultra conservative muslim block has lost it's electoral significance. The new generation of Indians give a flying *censored* about the so called "Secularism" and is only interested in transactional politics. They will vote for the party which has either delivered or has a higher probability of delivery in future based on past records.
The old generation which was systematically brainwashed to believe in useless ideals like "Secularism" is fading away and the millennials are replacing them fast. The muslim vote bank could weld such power in the past only due to this big chunk of Hindus who either voted in the name of secularism or for their respective casts. Since this category of voters are declining, muslims are loosing their bargaining power much faster than expected. And then the deadly duo of Modi and Shah are further dividing them by bringing in issues like triple talaq !! BJP has already mastered the trick of winning the election and it's only going to be more ruthless in future.
So Indian muslims must realize this ground reality and learn to live like normal citizens (without any appeasement) and integrate with mainstream society for their own interests.
Indian muslims need to understand that the appeasement they received over the last 70 years is not going to continue. The last election already showed that the ultra conservative muslim block has lost it's electoral significance. The new generation of Indians give a flying *censored* about the so called "Secularism" and is only interested in transactional politics. They will vote for the party which has either delivered or has a higher probability of delivery in future based on past records.
The old generation which was systematically brainwashed to believe in useless ideals like "Secularism" is fading away and the millennials are replacing them fast. The muslim vote bank could weld such power in the past only due to this big chunk of Hindus who either voted in the name of secularism or for their respective casts. Since this category of voters are declining, muslims are loosing their bargaining power much faster than expected. And then the deadly duo of Modi and Shah are further dividing them by bringing in issues like triple talaq !! BJP has already mastered the trick of winning the election and it's only going to be more ruthless in future.
So Indian muslims must realize this ground reality and learn to live like normal citizens (without any appeasement) and integrate with mainstream society for their own interests.
Muslims have realised that with caste lines fading, they are going to face an existational crisis if they continue to oppose BJP.
Indian muslims need to understand that the appeasement they received over the last 70 years is not going to continue. The last election already showed that the ultra conservative muslim block has lost it's electoral significance. The new generation of Indians give a flying *censored* about the so called "Secularism" and is only interested in transactional politics. They will vote for the party which has either delivered or has a higher probability of delivery in future based on past records.
The old generation which was systematically brainwashed to believe in useless ideals like "Secularism" is fading away and the millennials are replacing them fast. The muslim vote bank could weld such power in the past only due to this big chunk of Hindus who either voted in the name of secularism or for their respective casts. Since this category of voters are declining, muslims are loosing their bargaining power much faster than expected. And then the deadly duo of Modi and Shah are further dividing them by bringing in issues like triple talaq !! BJP has already mastered the trick of winning the election and it's only going to be more ruthless in future.
So Indian muslims must realize this ground reality and learn to live like normal citizens (without any appeasement) and integrate with mainstream society for their own interests.

No Bullshit, telling it like it is.
One of the thing that bugs me across the coverage is lack of Muslim MP's. I do not think MP's religion should dictate what part of the society is represented by them. That defeats the entire purpose of the constituency. If there is an elected MP he represents the constituency, i.e the constituents of that region, whether they are Hindus, Muslims, Dalits, Scientologists. It boggles me that self-identified liberal journalists like Prannoy Roy will make that an issue.
If relegious representation was the primary mechanism of representation, then aren't' these commentators in effect driving Jinnah's 10 points which were based around religion based electorate?
If relegious representation was the primary mechanism of representation, then aren't' these commentators in effect driving Jinnah's 10 points which were based around religion based electorate?
Jinnah's point was that muslims can elect only muslims and Hindus can elect only hindus if I am not wrong. If Proportional representation as per populations of particular castes is applied or reserved or voluntarily taken into account in ticket distribution to avoid alienating them little to low representation to a particular religion having big population will increase alienation in them. When identity (cased, region, religion) based politics is done so openly a normal muslim may feel isolated from illusion of power in center.

Though this alienation is mostly self inflected as they reduced their options by boycotting largest party of India time and again, not much anyone else can do they themselves have to embrace BJP otherwise always struggle for representation. Definitely new India for them where they are treated equally not specially or preferentially like before.
Jinnah's point was that muslims can elect only muslims and Hindus can elect only hindus if I am not wrong. If Proportional representation as per populations of particular castes is applied or reserved or voluntarily taken into account in ticket distribution to avoid alienating them little to low representation to a particular religion having big population will increase alienation in them. When identity (cased, region, religion) based politics is done so openly a normal muslim may feel isolated from illusion of power in center.

Though this alienation is mostly self inflected as they reduced their options by boycotting largest party of India time and again, not much anyone else can do they themselves have to embrace BJP otherwise always struggle for representation. Definitely new India for them where they are treated equally not specially or preferentially like before.
I will respond to you tomorrow with facts and you will realise that Gandhi whom we call Mahatma and father of the nation actually created the two nation theory much before anyone else on the instructions of British, But, before I do that, I want you to read the original Poona Pact signed between Madanmohan Malviya and Bharat Ratan BR Ambedkar. Read it in toto. Please once again do not use your warped intelligence to come out with equally stupid conclusions. I know that you are a fan of Rahul Gandhi and Kejriwal. Kuttay bhi unpar nahin bhonktay and you are their fan.
I know that you are a fan of Rahul Gandhi and Kejriwal. Kuttay bhi unpar nahin bhonktay and you are their fan.
Acceptance of separate electorate goes back to Lucknow pact of 1916, when Bal Gangadhar Tilak was trying to revive national struggle and compromised to keep Muslim league with congress to present it as a united front.

Mahatma Gandhi was just arrived that time and was a marginal leader in congress. He rose to power and influence in congress only after Champaran, Ahmedabad and Kheda strikes.
I know that you are a fan of Rahul Gandhi and Kejriwal. Kuttay bhi unpar nahin bhonktay and you are their fan
If only you got the joke!