One decade?
We want to kill 200 million Muslims yesterday ....
Or in the meantime at least disenfranchise them and ideally strip them of their dignity.
Cheers, Doc
How many constitute this "we" ? False bravado and posturing.
One decade?
We want to kill 200 million Muslims yesterday ....
Or in the meantime at least disenfranchise them and ideally strip them of their dignity.
Cheers, Doc
We were having a sensible discussion.
How many constitute this "we" ? False bravado and posturing.
The only sensible thing in politics- do what works and do what doesn't rock the boat. This constant theorizing about what could have been and looking at models (if we were china/ singapore/ Japan we would be better) has been the bane of this country.
Many. Too many that it depressed me.
It's not just forums and WhatsApp and shakhas and Twitter and news channels.
It's in the real world.
Super educated doctors.
It's a transformation that will not reverse at the polls.
It's societal.
Cheers, Doc
You were the reason of disappointment for many, in the same way, till few years back by your own acceptance. That's why I say give people some time to learn the right way, let them make a history to take lessons from (harsh wish I hope we dont have to).
Well it seems you are not familiar with the exclusiveness of the Islamic ideology. No matter how hard you try to include them the 1.5 billion Muslims will still deem you as a kafir and genuinely believe that you will rot in hell for eternity not to mention some of them who would like to send you there in first place.What was the problem in inclusive cultural nationalism versus what we got .... exclusive Hindu nationalism?
Did uniting a billion automatically have to mean alienation of the rest?
Cheers, Doc
Well it seems you are not familiar with the exclusiveness of the Islamic ideology. No matter how hard you try to include them the 1.5 billion Muslims will still deem you as a kafir and genuinely believe that you will rot in hell for eternity not to mention some of them who would like to send you there in first place.
Then I presume you also believe in the right of self defence. If they are not gonna change and keep attacking us stealthily then we too hold every right to protect ourselves.I'm very aware of them as most old-timers here will confirm to you with theatric rolling of their eyes.
Cheers, Doc
If it means genocide then it means genocide.
Aren't we all??Sorry, that's very primitive.
Maybe one.
Honestly till this election I thought we were still in a majority.
One of the reasons of coming back to such forums is to see whether I can find common ground.
I am deadly afraid of slowly morphing into a Naxalite or something.
Okay buddy then answer my one question. Suppose you are traveling in a jungle with a dagger. Suddenly a lion come infront of you with the intention of attacking you. What will you do? Kill it or just let him attack by saying that killing a lion with dagger is something "Primitive"?Degree varies.
Okay buddy then answer my one question. Suppose you are traveling in a jungle with a dagger. Suddenly a lion come infront of you with the intention of attacking you. What will you do? Kill it or just let him attack by saying that killing a lion with dagger is something "Primitive"?
A good analogy you deserve credit for that but Sir I was representing whole Islamic ideology and its followers by that lion not a single muslim.Will you then go back home, come back in packs, and start herding the lions into manageable areas, burn the forests, kill their feed, and then start killing them one by one when they pick up one of your cows to eat?
Cheers, Doc
Okay buddy then answer my one question. Suppose you are traveling in a jungle with a dagger. Suddenly a lion come infront of you with the intention of attacking you. What will you do? Kill it or just let him attack by saying that killing a lion with dagger is something "Primitive"?
Well my friend then you have to improve your threat perception.So somehow you want to get an answer of your choice from me even if that need a wrong analogy? Neither we are in a jungle, neither we are facing a lion and neither we are limited with options. We are free and talking over the internet with no threat to my or your life, there are just nuisances and that not warrant us to go full "Primitive".
The day it require, I will kill you to feed my kids, if that comes to it. Not today my friend.![]()
CannibalismI will kill you to feed my kids
Well my friend then you have to improve your threat perception.