Indian Political Discussion

Just the way Lachaman Das who later became Banda Bahadur has been variously reported in wiki as a Khatri and Rajput. Those idiots who wrote on wiki did not even know that no Rajput ever has Das as his middle name or surname. They write Singh. Buddy you have shown your lack of knowledge here. Have you ever seen any of his statues in Maharshtra or any of his pictures without a choti? Since when have kayasthas started keeping a choti? Only Brahmins kept one.

Chandraseniya Kayastha Prabhu - Wikipedia
Unlike you I live here. And have lived here since 1989.

I don't wiki Maratha issues.

Cheers, Doc

And not that it matters or is relevant but I'm Maharashtrian by birth. And maternal ancestry that goes back to the birth of Bombay.

Not just domicile.

And my dad's clan fought alongside Shivaji Maharaj on his Gujarat campaign.

So yes @Deathstar I'm as Maratha as you are. Have no doubt on that score.

Cheers, Doc
And not that it matters or is relevant but I'm Maharashtrian by birth. And maternal ancestry that goes back to the birth of Bombay.

Not just domicile.

And my dad's clan fought alongside Shivaji Maharaj on his Gujarat campaign.

So yes @Deathstar I'm as Maratha as you are. Have no doubt on that score.

Cheers, Doc
I have no problem if u want to call yourself a Maratha , more the merrier.
But i am proud of the fact that i belong to a land of Shivaji Maharaj who dared to fight against barbaric regime when every king chose to become puppets of the outsiders.
Yes i support trifurcation of UP , too much political power for one State.

Let me talk to you one Maratha to another.

For a moment forget you are a Hindu talking to a Parsi.

This whole crap that has hijacked the national discourse and derailed our growth and split us so radically all emanates from the weakness and insecurity of the Hindus of this one state.

We have less Muslims?

We had less Muslim issues?

We knew what had to be done and we did it. In the 90s.

Now even the IM and SIMI run from our state to the bordering areas for refuge.

Bombay is cleaned up. No shit will ever be tolerated.

These guys have a Muslim problem. Plain and simple.

And they are too fukin weak to handle it on their own.

So the rest of the country pays.

Seedhi baat. No bakwaas. Ala ke lakshat?

Cheers, Doc
I have no problem if u want to call yourself a Maratha , more the merrier.
But i am proud of the fact that i belong to a land of Shivaji Maharaj who dared to fight against barbaric regime when every king chose to become puppets of the outsiders.

My point is so am I.

And you don't get to choose to keep me out or let me in.

My people paid for that in blood.

Cheers, Doc
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Anushka S. Nayak (@ANaayak_) Tweeted:
AUDREY TRUSCHKE: An intellectually bankrupt and darling Princess of "Win India for Christ mission".

• Audrey is married into the Rehn family to the son of 'Pastor' Nate, whose original name is Nathan Rehn.
1/n Anushka S. Nayak on Twitter ( )

Check out the whole thread. Makes for a very interesting read.
She looks like Sweet Snake Poison and a Wolf in Sheep's clothing
Jharkhand seems lost.

Keeping my fingers crossed.

Bagu ...

Cheers, Doc
For BJP to cross 350 on its own in 2024, it is important that BJP loses these states. Let the population of these states get the taste of corruption of non BJP govts. In any election in Maharashtra, BJP will trounce everyone and the so called Maratha will meet same fate as Sadashiv Rao Bhau.
For BJP to cross 350 on its own in 2024, it is important that BJP loses these states. Let the population of these states get the taste of corruption of non BJP govts. In any election in Maharashtra, BJP will trounce everyone and the so called Maratha will meet same fate as Sadashiv Rao Bhau.

You're an optimist.

Accha hai.

Cheers, Doc
Hope Jharkhand wakes up BJP and RSS.

There are common/normal people beyond 'cultural' activists in India. BJP has exceptional capability to turn a positive bill into Hindu Muslim and public suffer.

And what's this obsession with making people's life more difficult? Stupid DTH regulations that lead to every household making their own packs, paying more and yet receiving less channels. Now this fastTag thing, geniuses who give this idea must be awarded bharat ratan.

Must be some piece of work who not only listens to these nutjobs but implement them, shoves them down public's threat.
Hope Jharkhand wakes up BJP and RSS.

There are common/normal people beyond 'cultural' activists in India. BJP has exceptional capability to turn a positive bill into Hindu Muslim and public suffer.

And what's this obsession with making people's life more difficult? Stupid DTH regulations that lead to every household making their own packs, paying more and yet receiving less channels. Now this fastTag thing, geniuses who give this idea must be awarded bharat ratan.

Must be some piece of work who not only listens to these nutjobs but implement them, shoves them down public's threat.
FasTag is actually good but depends upon its implementation. Why should public listen to government when we dont even get roads worth our money.
I have seen congestion on even FasTag lanes due to slow server
FasTag is actually good but depends upon its implementation. Why should public listen to government when we dont even get roads worth our money.
I have seen congestion on even FasTag lanes due to slow server
It's good and people will adopt it eventually at their own, provide just 5%-10% discount and see mass adoption. But when you shove it down, make it mandatory with cash transactions to cost twice, WTF is that?

Not everyone takes car on toll every day, some don't take it for month, why should they get hassled and pay twice? This chutiyapa is slowly creeping into every minister of government. They don't want to get the job done, they just want to make it a spectacle, that they tried, they are powerful.