Indian Political Discussion

Modi should have been kicked out after demo. Hope to see someone more competent at the center with an educated batch of ministers. Balakot aunty, smriti bhiryani and co will drown the economy.
Lots of BJP fanboys here, can someone make BJP aware that extreme cow protection policy is wrecking havoc on farmers?

Traveling thru most fertile lands of UP and found so many farms getting rampaged by stray animals!.

You want to save cows, nobel thought, please keep them in government sheds. Even then they will be saved with taxpayers money not from your own pocket but that way destruction of farmers can be prevented.

CAA and violent protests will help you a bit but massive financial loss to farmers will kill you. They are bearing it from past many years, eventually their patience will run out. This is becoming an epidemic as I said an year before.
Shadows and mirrors my junior medico friend.

Maharashtra is what you get when REAL Hindus say ENOUGH.

Cheers, Doc
Hehe real Hindus? Going against the party founding ideology and kissing Italian mates feet. Yep real Hindus do that, not yo worry Maharashtra will be back in BJP pocket soon, in the meantime SS votes jump to BJP for becoming sickular party.
You know who made an example of whom in Maha Rashtra?


Lots more to come on that template.

Trust the Marathas to win the land back from Abrahamic forces.

Once again.

Jai Hind.

Jai Maharashtra.

@vstol Jockey did you like it?

Cheers, Doc
Keep living the dream, see a repeat of Karnataka again. Meanwhile all cadres of SS are busy joining BJP.
I wonder why Jamia Milia Islamia is referred to as just Jamia by all news outlets? You don't refer to Aligarm Muslim Univ as just Aligarh or Benaras Hindu Univ as just benaras?
I wonder why Jamia Milia Islamia is referred to as just Jamia by all news outlets? You don't refer to Aligarm Muslim Univ as just Aligarh or Benaras Hindu Univ as just benaras?

Because it's in jamia nagar, Okhla, the same place where batla encounter happened
whole jamia nagar is infested with kashmiri separatists and ISI , illegal Bangladeshi
It's good and people will adopt it eventually at their own, provide just 5%-10% discount and see mass adoption. But when you shove it down, make it mandatory with cash transactions to cost twice, WTF is that?

Not everyone takes car on toll every day, some don't take it for month, why should they get hassled and pay twice? This chutiyapa is slowly creeping into every minister of government. They don't want to get the job done, they just want to make it a spectacle, that they tried, they are powerful.
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