India's Entry to International Groups.

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India's EBRD membership paves way for more joint investment
India has joined the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) as the 69th shareholder, paving the way for more joint investment with Indian companies across the EBRD’s regions, the bank said in a statement on Wednesday.

The headquarter of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is seen in London, Britain, November 22, Britain 2016. REUTERS/Stefan Wermuth/Files

The EBRD’s board of governors, which represents all existing shareholders, voted unanimously in favour of the country’s application in March 2018.

India takes a shareholding in the EBRD but will not be a recipient of EBRD financing. But it may benefit indirectly through EBRD projects or if Indian companies invest alongside the bank.

The London-based bank has already worked with Indian companies on joint projects worth almost 1 billion euros ($1.18 billion), including investments with Tata, SREI, Jindal, and Mahindra and Mahindra.
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India re-elected as member of ITU council till 2022
India has been elected as a member of the International Telecommunications Union Council (ITU) for another 4-year term - from 2019 to 2022, the government said Tuesday.

"We are delighted to see India as a member of the ITU Council once again. This is a recognition of the role our country plays in the area of Telecom and ICT on the global stage," Telecom Minister Manoj Sinha said in a statement.

The elections to the council were held during the ongoing ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2018 at Dubai, UAE.

India secured 165 votes and ranked third among the 13 countries elected to the council from the Asia-Australasia region, and eighth among the 48 countries elected to the council globally.

The ITU has 193 member states who elect representatives to the council.

The presence of India in the council of global body will help the country have its say at a time when global standards for technology will be freezed and currently work is going on around 5G standards.
India has been an active member of the ITU since 1869, earnestly supporting the development and propagation of telecom in the global community of nations.

The country has been a regular member of the ITU Council since 1952, and has played an important role in harmonising the contributions of member states from the region, always respecting the principles of equality and consensus-building.

"India shares the dream and vision of ITU to realise the world as one nation and knowledge society. Our strong partnership with the ITU is also demonstrated in the recent ITU decision to set up the ITU South Asia Area Office and Technology Innovation Centre in New Delhi. We are on target to have this Centre operational by January, 2019,"
India re-elected as member of ITU council till 2022
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Cabinet apprises of India joining as member of AMF TCP under IEA
The Union Cabinet Thursday apprised of India joining as member of Advanced Motor Fuels Technology Collaboration Programme under International Energy Agency on May 9.

The programme TCP works under the framework of International Energy Agency (IEA) to which India has
"Association" status since March 30, 2017, an official statement said.

The primary goal of joining the programme by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas is to facilitate the market introduction of advanced motor fuels/ alternate fuels with an aim to bring down emissions and achieve higher fuel efficiency in transport sector.

"The benefits of participation in AMF TCP are shared costs and pooled technical resources. The duplication of efforts is avoided and national Research and Development capabilities are strengthened," it said.

After becoming member, it said India will initiate R&D in other areas of its interest in advanced biofuels and other motor fuels in view of their crucial role in substituting fossil fuel imports.

AMF TCP also provides an opportunity for fuel analysis, identifying new/ alternate fuels for deployment in transport sector and allied R&D activities for reduction in emissions in fuel intensive sectors, the statement said.

The programme is an international platform for co-operation among countries to promote cleaner and more energy efficient fuels and vehicle technologies.

Its activities relate to R&D, deployment and dissemination of advanced motor fuels and looks upon the transport fuel issues in a systemic way taking into account the production, distribution and end use related aspects.

The other members are the US, China, Japan, Canada, Chile, Israel, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Spain, Korea, Switzerland and Thailand.
Cabinet apprises of India joining as member of AMF TCP under IEA
India signs ascension pact to the 30-member Trans Regional Maritime Network
India Monday signed an ascension pact to the 30-member Trans Regional Maritime Network that will give it an access to the information on ships passing through the Indian Ocean Region. India already has bilateral White Shipping Agreements with 36 countries. "India today signed Ascension Agreement to the Trans Regional Maritime Network (T-RMN). The multilat (sic) construct comprises 30 countries & is steered by Italy. Cmde KM Ramakrishnan signed the agreement at Rome in Italian Naval Hq on behalf of #IndianNavy," the Navy's spokesperson tweeted.

The pact will give India the access to information on ships which pass through the Indian Ocean region that will greatly help the security forces in keeping a tab on any suspicious activity, an official said. The IOR is India's backyard and first respondent to any crisis situation.
India signs ascension pact to the 30-member Trans Regional Maritime Network
The New Anti-China 'Quadrilateral Security Dialogue'
Saturday, December 02, 2017

The Australian government has recently released a foreign policy white paper providing a basis for the country’s foreign policies over the next decade. It suggests broadening and deepening Australia’s military alliance with the US through ANZEC, but introduces new Indo-Pacific features and policies with China being seen as the main threat. Why?

Jeff Schubert, an Australian visiting professor at Moscow's Higher School of Economics discusses this topic.

"The White paper discusses the stationing of more US military personal in America, and a lot of the language in the document is concerned with containing China," Jeff explains. "China is becoming economically and militarily strong, it is becoming a threat to the rules based international order….That means the order of maritime security, and various institutions, which were established in the post-War period under the guidance of the US. So all this is about making sure that the prime position of the US in political and military terms is maintained in the face of what is sees as Chinese cavalier expansion."

All of this is somewhat difficult to understand because one of the reasons that Australia is doing relatively well these days is because China is next door. Jeff points out that China has sea routes in the South China Sea which it needs to protect, but some Australians, Jeff says, "particularly those in the security and defense establishments get emotional about this and say that we have to get America to stop China, and they are trying to bring in other countries including India."

This is reflected in the proposal of what is called the ‘Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD).' Jeff explains: "The Chinese feel that their greatest problem is the threatening of the supply of energy imports, most of which pass through the Malacca Straights….China needs security in the Indian Ocean as well as the South China Sea to import energy….Exports can be replaced by demand from the internal market, but energy imports are crucial. Various policy makers in Australia the US and Japan have been pushing the idea that policy should not just about the Pacific but about the Indo-Pacific…."

Jeff suggests that India would be better off trying to come to some kind of security and trade understanding with China that such an approach could lead to lessening of international tensions in the area. The border disputes between the two countries is perhaps symptomatic of this. "I see India has a particularly strong bargaining tool here. India can dominate the Indian Ocean, which is crucial for Chinese imports." Jeff says. In geopolitical terms, India has become an extremely important country now, and host John Harrison asks if America is getting annoyed at Russia's continuing good relations with India. Jeff says: "I don't think that QUAD is related to Russia, it's definitely related to China. Australia, Japan and the US are looking at China. They do not necessarily understand the relationship between India and Russia and they do not necessarily understand how Eurasian countries see international relations. I am not a big fan of the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) but at least there are signs that these countries wish to talk to each other."

QUAD is another sign that the East in general is not becoming the new center of international politics.

The New Anti-China 'Quadrilateral Security Dialogue'

Well the good news is that someone has created a bomber for this Quadrilateral Alliance already.

My take on UNSC permanent seat.

If you can’t join the group then piss in this group from outside. It will change their mind to at least get you in and piss while no one will be watching;)

Well before that, its best to goad US under trump to leave UN altogether. Then something far better and relevant can be formed after that.
The problem with the UN is that it demands refugees from various rogue regimes be accepted by the US and Europe but it still gives the rogue regimes a seat in the UN. Can't have it both ways.
The problem with the UN is that it demands refugees from various rogue regimes be accepted by the US and Europe but it still gives the rogue regimes a seat in the UN. Can't have it both ways.

did you know that India was offered the option of joining EU if we bought EFT?
did you know that India was offered the option of joining EU if we bought EFT?
Really? I would like to know who made that offer, because as far as I know, no one person could make that offer, since there are umpteen vetos that other members hold.
Really? I would like to know who made that offer, because as far as I know, no one person could make that offer, since there are umpteen vetos that other members hold.

All members were fine with it including uk. But we decided that any weapon system that had uk as a partner is too much of a political risk.
But you don't consider HAL a risk? How amusing.

Hal is only a dpsu that messes up every now and then. Uk is like the bubonic plague. After selling us the jets when war breaks out you’ll ask for parliamentary intervention on why uk weapons are used for war. Despite knowing uk contributes very little technology
Hal is only a dpsu that messes up every now and then. Uk is like the bubonic plague. After selling us the jets when war breaks out you’ll ask for parliamentary intervention on why uk weapons are used for war. Despite knowing uk contributes very little technology
Not really, RSAF is still freely using UK weapons on Houthis despite RT's complaints.
if it's RAF you can loudly claim how your boys are teching those houthis the lesson
if it's others you can loudly complain why your weapons are being used for humanitaruan violations.
I'm not actually bothered that the Houthis are being bombed. They caused all this by their Iranian sponsored coup. Now, if you're done trying to make an argument out of nothing just because I'm British, please shut up.
I'm not actually bothered that the Houthis are being bombed. They caused all this by their Iranian sponsored coup. Now, if you're done trying to make an argument out of nothing just because I'm British, please shut up.

it is the apt description of british personality.
Going back to my original statement.

The problem with the UN is that it demands refugees from various rogue regimes be accepted by the US and Europe but it still gives the rogue regimes a seat in the UN. Can't have it both ways.

This is tantamount to giving criminals a vote.

EAM to attend 46th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation as 'Guest of Honour' to attend the Inaugural Plenary
  • The 46th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation will be held in Abu Dhabi on 1st and 2nd March, 2019. The Minister for External Affairs Smt. Sushma Swaraj has been invited by HH Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates as the "Guest of Honour” to address the Inaugural Plenary.
  • We see this invitation as the desire of the enlightened leadership of the UAE to go beyond our rapidly growing close bilateral ties and forge a true multifaceted partnership at the multilateral and international level. We see this invitation as a milestone in our comprehensive strategic partnership with the UAE. We also see this invitation as a welcome recognition of the presence of 185 million Muslims in India and of their contribution to its pluralistic ethos, and of India’s contribution to the Islamic world.
  • India is, therefore, happy to accept the invitation to attend the Inaugural Plenary of the OIC meeting and we thank the leadership of the UAE for their invitation.