India's Entry to International Groups.

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Fillip to 'Act East' as India joins key sub-regional group (Lead, correcting para 1)


Bangkok/New Delhi | Saturday, 2019 10:20:54 AM IST

In a big fillip to its Act East Policy, India was formally accepted as a partner of a sub-regional grouping comprising Myanmar, Lao, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam, that would provide greater impetus to connectivity, trade and people-to-people ties with its Southeast Asian neighbours.


External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar co-chaired the 10th Mekong Ganga Cooperation Ministerial Meeting in the Thailand capital, along with his Vietnamese counterpart Pham Binh Minh, India was accepted as a development partner of the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS) Initiative as a Development Partner.
Jaishankar thanked the five countries for admitting India as development partner.
"We are pleased to accept Thailand's invitation for India to join the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS) Initiative as a Development Partner. I am told our senior officials have had preliminary discussions on the ACMECS Master Plan 2019-2023," Jaishankar said in his remarks at the 10th MGC Ministerial meeting.
The five countries represent half the membership of the 10-member ASEAN organisation, comprising over 240 million people, and are among the fastest growing. The ACMECS regions is connected to India by land through the northeast region, and water, through the riverine route and sea.
ACMECS is also strategically located, between China and India, two of the largest and fastest growing economies in the world.
Jaishankar, in his speech, stressed on connectivity with the region, on the early completion of the India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway and its extension to Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.
He also stressed on quickly finalising the India-Myanmar-Thailand Motor Vehicle Agreement to facilitate seamless movement of goods and passengers across borders, thus leading to greater trade and tourism, at the next meeting in October this year.
On connectivity with the MGC countries, Jaishankar said India had announced a $1 billion Line of Credit (LOC) for connectivity projects in ASEAN, and urged the countries interested in specific projects to hold discussions to take them forward.
On measures taken for direct air connectivity, which would help in business and tourism, he said that IndiGo is to start direct flights on the New Delhi-Ho Chi Minh City sector from October this year and daily services from Kolkota to Yangon from late September. "We have also notified IndiGo and Vistara as designated Indian carriers under the India-Cambodia bilateral Air Services Agreement. We encourage them to start direct flights based on the airlines' commercial considerations," he added.
In another move stressing on the common cultural and historical linkages between India and Southeast Asia, India is working towards operationalization of the Common Archival Resource Centre (CARC) at Nalanda University, in Bihar.
Jaishankar sought the help of the countries in sourcing copies of historical documents and replicas of art works and artefacts for the CARC. "These artworks and artefacts will be made digitally available by the CARC to scholars from around the world interested in academic research on India-Southeast Asia historical and civilisational linkages," he said.
The third international conference on ASEAN-India Cultural and Civilisational Linkages is to be held in Hanoi in October 2019 and will be attended by Minister of State for External Affairs V. Muraleedharan.
In another move to highlight the common cultural linkages, he said India is working with Cambodia to make the MGC Textiles Museum in Siem Reap, financially self-sustaining, including by promoting the Museum as a tourist attraction. He urged the members to contribute artefacts and exhibits from all their countries to enhance the displays, and help in making the Museum a hotspot by hosting academic and cultural events at the venue.
He said that India has begun work on developing an MGC website to disseminate information about joint cooperation activities, as well as on important trade and travel fairs and cultural events. "We should look at launching it before January 2020," he said.
India is also planning to hold a regional conference on traditional and complementary medicine in November this year, where health regulators and traditional medicine practitioners of the region would be invited.
The first MGC Business Forum, held in New Delhi in January 2018, was very well-attended. "We should plan to hold this event perhaps biennially, and organise the second edition in Vietnam to coincide with a large trade event," he suggested.
Earlier, in his speech, he said the Mekong Ganga Cooperation turns 20 next year. "The MGC is as much a celebration of our long and rich history of trade, cultural and people-to-people exchanges as it is a vehicle to advance modern day cooperation to bring progress and prosperity to our peoples," Jaishankar said.
In the joint statement, the Ministers adopted the new MGC Plan of Action 2019-2022 that envisages project-based cooperation in seven areas -- tourism and culture, education, public health and traditional medicine, agriculture and allied sectors, transport and communication, MSMEs as well as three new areas of cooperation, i.e. water resources management, science and technology, skill development and capacity building.
They welcomed India joining the ACMECS, and directed senior officials to identify specific projects from the list of ACMECS priority projects for joint implementation, "focusing particularly on projects that can also complement joint projects already being undertaken by India with the ACMECS countries both under bilateral and other multilateral frameworks such as the MGC, the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) and ASEAN-India Dialogue Relations".
The Ministers welcomed India's assistance to Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam under the MGC Quick Impact Projects (QIP) Scheme and noted that since its inception in 2014, 24 projects have been completed so far. In 2019, 18 QIPs will be implemented in Cambodia, Vietnam and Lao PDR at a cost of $900,000. Myanmar was urged to identify projects of mutual interest under the QIP Scheme.
The Ministers also appreciated India's pledge of Rs 5 billion (equivalent to $72.5 million) under a Project Development Fund to facilitate Indian investments in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam
Fillip to 'Act East' as India joins key sub-regional group (Lead, correcting para 1)
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More details on this: PM to woo small island countries in New York, meet 30 leaders during India-Caribbean and India-Pacific Island Summit

Though maybe it should be in a different thread as it's not exactly an entry in an international group.

(The article's writing quality is terrible, it obviously hasn't been proofread at all.)
More details on this: PM to woo small island countries in New York, meet 30 leaders during India-Caribbean and India-Pacific Island Summit

Though maybe it should be in a different thread as it's not exactly an entry in an international group.

(The article's writing quality is terrible, it obviously hasn't been proofread at all.)
I had also gone through this few days back and I felt it is about forming of some sort of group.
Russia pushes India’s entry into Eurasian Economic Union strengthening third country coop
Russia, ahead of Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s visit to India this month, has stated that Russia has pushed for Delhi’s entry into the Eurasian Economic Union or EAEU that will open up opportunities of third country partnerships in Central Asia-Eurasian region.

The EAEU member states approved a document defining the strategic goals for developing the Eurasian integration until 2025, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated last week while listing its achievements for 2019. They also endorsed a concept for forming an EAEU financial common market with a view to launching it in 2025, according to the Ministry.

“In the three quarters of 2019, aggregate EAEU GDP increased 1.4 percent, while industrial and agricultural growth was 2.7 percent. The EAEU countries improved the structure of import and export transactions and increased the use of national currencies in their mutual transactions.”

“The EAEU expanded its range of foreign partners by signing free trade agreements with Serbia and Singapore. It is implementing a programme of cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Commission and ASEAN in 2019-2020. A decision to hold talks on drafting a preferential EAEU trade agreement with India was made,” the Ministry informed.

It may be recalled that during Indian PM’s visit to Vladivostok last Sep the two sides at their annual summit encouraged India-Russia third country partnership in Central Asia, Africa and SE Asia.

“The Russian initiative of forming Greater Eurasian Partnership has become established as a concept of long-term political and diplomatic efforts...The Russian initiative of forming Greater Eurasian Partnership has become established as a concept of long-term political and diplomatic efforts,” according to the Foreign Ministry statement.
Russia pushes India’s entry into Eurasian Economic Union strengthening third country coop
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India admitted as fifth observer to Indian Ocean Commission
India was admitted to the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC: Commission de l'Océan Indien, COI) on Friday as an observer after it applied last month to be considered for observer status.

The decision was taken at the meeting of the IOC Conference of ministers in Seychelles on Friday making India the fifth observer. The other four observers China, Malta, European Union and International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF).

The five-member grouping is important given India’s plans to expand in The Western Indian Ocean (WIO) which is strategically connects the Indian Ocean to the Southeastern coast of Africa and beyond.

The member states are known to be erstwhile French colonies or partly British, partly French colonies. With France a member of IOC because of Reunion Islands, sources say they played a key role in ensuring India’s admission.

To a question on whether if this was a counter move to China’s presence in the bloc, a source denied such motives and said, This is to enhance India’s outreach in the western flank of the Indo-Pacific. Not a counter to any particular nation.

India has made some high-level visits to some of the member states like India’s Vice President visited Comoros and President Kovind visited Madagascar in 2018 following which the defence agreement was signed.

Therefore, the admission of India, even as an observer, to IOC is of great strategic significance since it will allow collective engagement with the island nations of western Indian Ocean (WIO) and further boost ties with an already strong friend, France.

The move will also lend greater significance to India’s SAGAR (Security and Growth for all in the Region) policy of the Modi administration.

The IOC was created in 1982 at Port Louis, Mauritius, and later institutionalised in 1984. It has five member nations- Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion (an overseas region of France) and Seychelles.
India admitted as fifth observer to Indian Ocean Commission
India will also be a member of the programme budget and administration committee, replacing Indonesia.
Trump postpones G7 until September; plans to invite India, Russia, South Korea, Australia

ANI |Updated: May 31, 2020 06:30 IST

Washington DC [USA], May 31 (ANI): US President Donald Trump has postponed an in-person G7 summit from the end of June until at least September, while saying that he would like to invite India, Russia, South Korea and Australia.

Trump also said that the current G7 format is "outdated", CNN reported.

"I am postponing it because I do not feel as a G7 it properly represents what is going on in the world", Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One on Saturday.

"It is a very outdated group of countries," he said.

The summit was scheduled to take place on June 10-12 in Washington, but was shifted to end of June due to the coronavirus pandemic.

White House spokesperson Alyssa Farah said that Trump wants to bring other traditional US allies as well as those impacted by coronavirus and to talk about the future of China.

Earlier this month, US National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien said that the US was postponing the next G7 meeting in Washington until late June amid the COVID-19 pandemic. (ANI)

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