It’s Islamic State. So it’s duty of every ‘Saccha Musalmaan’ to kill kafiroon.
Paxtan is the land of the pure. All deemed impure by those who can command a dozen "Insha Allah boys played well " Types & an equivalent number of AK - 47's can pronounce anybody they don't like as impure, blasphemer, etc & the only place for such ppl is 6' feet below ground level.It’s Islamic State. So it’s duty of every ‘Saccha Musalmaan’ to kill kafiroon.
This man will surely go to Jannah and get his full quota of 72 virgin to maintain the sperm cycle. He is Jehaadi committed to kill fasaadi.
The killing fields of Riyaasat e PudeenaPaxtan is the land of the pure. All deemed impure by those who can command a dozen "Insha Allah boys played well " Types & an equivalent number of AK - 47's can pronounce anybody they don't like as impure, blasphemer, etc & the only place for such ppl is 6' feet below ground level.
They're truly living up to the Quaid's expectations of Paxtan being the new Medina.
You're looking at it wrongly. The right way to look at it is it's a quest for purity.The killing fields of Riyaasat e Pudeena
Since no hopes of getting an actual F16 ,lets buy its cheap copies
If a tweet is enough for your acquisition plan then upload J20 tweet, it will look good
Bhai, he wasted half of the time by repeating inshaaallaah.
Belated happy Eid to you too.
@safriz and everybody else.Bhai, he wasted half of the time by repeating inshaaallaah.
Belated happy Eid to you too.
Dawn news will sell their mother for money, showing Indian flag for the right price is no biggy.
Happy independence day, finally Pakistanis accepted to come under Indian flag .... ☺
@Arsalan123 @safriz