My take.
The very fact this has gone to the SC, in whatever guise, is not good for us.
Regardless of how it panned out.
If we do not nip this bs in the bud, here and now, we are letting ourselves in for a world of pain in the future.
Perpetually hostage to the whims of each member. And the dynamics in that period of time.
Cheers, Doc
This BS has been nipped in the bud.
So, chill down and relax,
We are taking Pakistani Occupied Kashmir in next few years -
This no power on earth will stop & that's the real reason why Chinks are so terrified.
Their complete investments in Pakistani Land are about to be worth used Toilet Paper.
And the Eunuch Chinks know they can do jack Shit about it.
They can go to SC and cry all they want.
Even if the SC passes an observation, it is not binding to us - it will be worth only to wipe our Shit & nothing more.
It's time we stop caring what anyone says and just go about getting OUR LANDS back - oops, that's just what Modi is doing and SOME PEOPLE are more than a little angry.
LOL @ SC, who Gives a Fcuk? Terroristan has Shat on SC so many times that they have permanently started to smell like Shit.
Don't give too much weight to these clowns, Relax and watch the magnificent show unfolding in our lifetime.
This is practically what we have waited for decades and it's happening in front of our eyes