Being former officers or not , does not make one patriot , nor puts them on high moral ground
Nothing is to be taken for granted as time takes its toll and importantly action speaks louder than silly assumptions.
I know of cases of very senior retired military officials , nothing to say of retired high ranking civilian bureaucrats who kind of overlooked loyalties. Just because such cases are publicly unknown or buried does not mean one needs to behave like ostriches or rather conform to their views because of vested leanings personal political or otherwise.
There was this retired general and his daughter in law and a Pakistani diplomat , damage to opsec was considerable over a period of time , but finally when the matter ended , it was so scandalous that the issue was quickly buried.
I know of many such stories , so Indians and possibly Pakistanis pretending to Indians let's not delve into morality , nobody is sacrosanct this side or the other side of the border.