Ah yes DGISPR Kapoora , Bajwa le Bund, SheikhChilli, Dimran and on and on... The more we delve into these matters, the better the puns and nicknames, we come up with. @madrao99Good point Your Excellency. Naxalism and Maoists are an internal matter for India, just like JnK.
PoJK is a bilateral matter and we want to have a dialogue on how and when you will return it. We hope your leadership will follow in letter and spirit its much repeated statement - resolution of pending bilateral issues is necessary for the development of the subcontinent.
IAF said you used F-16s. IAF said you fired AMRAAMs. You remember what DGISPR Kapoora said?
Do I need to remind you of the pathetic lame "Tiawan" spin you tried?
You say you dont want to lie and yet here we are.