Jammu & Kashmir live updates: GOI remove all provisions of Article 370

@Arsalan123 Ghafoora gave 5 different versions over a period of 45 days. Now ask yourself why would he, if not lying? Fog of war can be attributed to the initial hour only.
Here are the versions:
1. 1 pilot captured, 2 in area.
2. 1 in custody(Abhi), 1 in CMH.
3. When asked by a lady reporter about the second pilot after 15 days, he is dead.
4. It was a mistake,there was no second pilot.
5. Add to that spreading rumour through Ex-Generals about an Israeli pilot.
Have you ever seen any air Force proudly presenting a missile wreckage which destroyed their own jet? That was pathetic.no talk with India anymore until bilateral Kashmir dispute is resolved.terrorism is now a bilateral issue.

Excellency - Consumption of poor grade cannabis does not fit a man occupying your position.

The missile was an expensive fail for your country. Like the most things in your country. Actually we could say that for your country as a whole - but I digress.

However it did prove that you used F-16s which you denied. Did you not?
You then tried the painfully funny idea of JF-17s firing AMRAAMs. Did you not?
As a last resort of stupidity which is the most abundant natural resource of Pakistan - you tried photo shopping the sales document - only no one knows how to use spell check. Tiawan... really? For future reference - press F7 in word.

For bilateral talks - congrats your excellency we are in agreement here. When can we meet to discuss the return of PoJK? We would like that you repave all the roads and all infra is up to our standards. Our team of inspectors will be happy to come and evaluate your work. Please do not start counting the few pennies left in your piggy bank. You will find our terms for financial assistance are easier than what the Chinese offer.
Have you ever seen any air Force proudly presenting a missile wreckage which destroyed their own jet? That was pathetic.no talk with India anymore until bilateral Kashmir dispute is resolved.terrorism is now a bilateral issue.

As far as terror - yes its a bilateral issue. You export terror. We have to deal with it. Except for the odd terrorist or two in your pay who avail the work from home facility and blow up in Pakistan itself.
Maybe you are aware or not but below is the source of most of these funny synonyms
Hahaha @Cole_phelps that is the famous Benis thread...thanks for lighting up my day!! 😂

For all the sabre rattling, fighting till the last bullet, Kashmir is our shehrag, war can be compulsion not choice, 30 min khade ho jaao, Dim and SMQ busy making calls and publishing that they are talking, bla bla bla, everything points to the fact that the PA is not interested in a war. Simply because it knows fully well what will happen, and if that happens, the jaahil awam will be foaming at their mouths asking why the fook the army exists in the first place...As for all the China hamara hamaly se ooncha aur samandar se deepest yaar hai, the chinks are hardcore businessmen who won't throw away more good money after bad money!! Unfortunately this stark reality (since it is reality) is impossible to the average brainwashed, cheap ganja bred jaahil to view and/or comprehend. Hopefully their HIGH commissioner here might see some light, but I wouldn't hold my hopes 😂😂

All the chooran that the PA has been feeding the awam (via the captive state) is reaching the boiling point after Aug 5th, and is slowly but surely heading towards an explosive blowback...even their High Commissioner might rebel when the blowback happens 🤣🤣
I am not here to talk about paktoons and baloch.you have similar problems like naxals and moists but we don't talk about them.they are internal matters.

our problems are not related to regional and racist cases. In Pakistan the Punjabi dominance feels rest are their slaves.
A nice thread on reality of Kashmir today, sorry those waiting for violence at any cost better luck next time. ThePrint declared it end of India and whole Kashmir joining militancy and some posters here were just so sure of massive violence it amazed me. There was almost zero logic behind why people will lose their life for a thing that only benefits them still some senior members were so sure!

It's not over yet but you get the bigger picture. People have behaved sensibly instead of getting played by vested interests and also a realization that their days of blackmail are over. They can cry river playing victim for extortion, to keep the nation hostage it won't work anymore. Always so pathetic so see India giving in to those who put kids in harms way for facebook like, hope this better sense all around prevail.

Excellency - Consumption of poor grade cannabis does not fit a man occupying your position.

The missile was an expensive fail for your country. Like the most things in your country. Actually we could say that for your country as a whole - but I digress.

However it did prove that you used F-16s which you denied. Did you not?
You then tried the painfully funny idea of JF-17s firing AMRAAMs. Did you not?
As a last resort of stupidity which is the most abundant natural resource of Pakistan - you tried photo shopping the sales document - only no one knows how to use spell check. Tiawan... really? For future reference - press F7 in word.

For bilateral talks - congrats your excellency we are in agreement here. When can we meet to discuss the return of PoJK? We would like that you repave all the roads and all infra is up to our standards. Our team of inspectors will be happy to come and evaluate your work. Please do not start counting the few pennies left in your piggy bank. You will find our terms for financial assistance are easier than what the Chinese offer.
I heard that you complained Saab about their manufactured plane used by pakistan.you also complained America about f-16 and you showed amraam on live TV.if you did well on that particular day then why cried? Chinese are good in construction.they are doing lots of construction in our kashmir.both place and Pak army will welcome India on our Kashmir.
I heard that you complained Saab about their manufactured plane used by pakistan.you also complained America about f-16 and you showed amraam on live TV.if you did well on that particular day then why cried? Chinese are good in construction.they are doing lots of construction in our kashmir.both place and Pak army will welcome India on our Kashmir.
We showed that AAmraam cz Ghafoora lied through his teeth that no F16s were used, he was caught with his pants down. Also u guys falsely claimed that JF Bandar had its first kill ,blah blah ,even made badges of JF Bandar but cheeni maal utterly failed.
Tell Pak army to fight like a man instead of sending wrothless mujhahids lol
Pakistanis claim Chinese administered land? I am amused. I think pakistanis can take their requests to china about aksai chin. Watch how they get their asses whooped.

Hey @Arsalan123 I didn't know you wanted chinese administered land. This is a good opportunity to test how deep your friendship is. Ask them to hand over the land, I am sure they'll be amused as well.
I heard that you complained Saab about their manufactured plane used by pakistan.you also complained America about f-16 and you showed amraam on live TV.if you did well on that particular day then why cried? Chinese are good in construction.they are doing lots of construction in our kashmir.both place and Pak army will welcome India on our Kashmir.

Excellency I would again implore you to stop your "recreational experiments" with Cannabis as there is enough evidence to suggest that your constitution is not up for it.

Further please refrain from making random incoherent ramblings and stick to the point. Maj Gen. Kapoora is about to retire and we would prefer that you do not intrude on his only means of making a living once he hangs up his boots.

Now please come back to the point and elucidate why did DGISPR make false statements and why you tried some thing that falls in the "its so bad that its actually good" category