I usually tend not to reply seriously to posts on K valley politics, cuz its is impossible for the nationalists and the "India ought to Introspect" type Left of Centre to have an sense of the Quagmire. Both quaters are as asinine and pedestrian in their assesment as it can possibly get.
The bold highlighted part is way off the mark. so lets clear some basics up.
Basics First :
- PDP and NC are not Pro-India, you can argue if not PDP at-least NC... but you'd be wrong there too.
- PDP and NC are not pro Kashmir or pro Kashmiri people.
- The Muslims of Kashmir or say of south Kashmir (to be precise) are not the only inhabitants of the erstwhile J&K State.
If Kashmir hasn't worried you for the past 3 decades, or even 5 decades. Your worries are very very misplaced or driving jitters from the wrong sources. The Clock never turns back in Kashmir, it was true in 1960s... it is true now, the K Valley population knows this...
Every thing that was wrong with the place and its political system arose from the special status it had. Kashmir was mostly 'normal' till the late 60s. The loss of political good will started after 1971, this was largely fueled by NC and only later picked up by PDP... and for some reason or the other New Delhi dissipation started treating Gulam Nabi Azad as some unofficial viceroy. NC and PDP in the 80s became brokers of power in J&K and that had disastrous consequences. Since then "Show Kashmir and Make Money" has been the motto of the so called mainstream & separatist 'leaders'. This was possible, all thanks to the Speacial Stautus... that made matters worse for everyone except who gamed the system to make money and retain power.
Much of the muck in J&K is India's own making after the insurgency started, Pakistan was more than happy to add fuel. Our political handling was pathetic irrespective of the dissipation in New Delhi, indecision and lack of clarity and pussyfooting on decision making, especially on protecting who were pro India was our fault (case point Kuka Parray & Abdul Ghani Lone). All gains made by forces on ground was lost by Political inaction.
Add agency chiefs such as AS Daulat, NSA like Brijesh Mishra, PMO officers like Sudheendra Kulkarni (yes I am focussing on the NDA 1 tenure, I can lay thread bare everything from Indira to NDA 2.0 but you see I'll not get a PhD on thesis or something so I am not very keen on investing that much time, I'd assume you've extensive collections of J&K news papers to get a gist of what had happened). UPA 1.0 and 2.0 just maintained status quo.
The Big question is What's next?
The Union government has assumed the worst and has prepared for it. Sit Rep : So far So good. Now as we Inch closer to two months since August 5, Much water has flowed in Jehlum, Chenab and Indus also given the secession of J&K is off the table for any party in the game, what will happen next ? Your guess is as good as mine.