Joe Biden or Donald Trump: Who will be better for India?

Joe Biden or Donald Trump: Who will be better for India?

  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 24 58.5%
  • Both will be the same

    Votes: 14 34.1%

  • Total voters
Some real talk since Biden is going to win what are the chances of Pakistan getting the new f16 block 70's and upgrading their block 15 and 52's with Sabr AESA radar..

US does not need them in Afghanistan

The entire focus will be on China

China has overplayed its aggressive intent and behavior
Some real talk since Biden is going to win what are the chances of Pakistan getting the new f16 block 70's and upgrading their block 15 and 52's with Sabr AESA radar..
Its less Biden more Pentagon.

Biden is a bumbling idiot.
Its less Biden more Pentagon.
But Biden will be doing the lobbying for them. He already has a chicom-pakistani lobbys supporting him.
Pakistan aid-money tap will be reopened post-february 2021. I think Biden election might actually accelerate aatmanirbhar bharat so that's good...
Biden will be 78 Years of Age on 20th November and 82 in 2024

On Twitter , some Americans are even joking that He will Die in office

We will have to Flatter Kamala for protecting India's interests 🤣

Anyway Modi had a Good relationship.with Obama so he will.find a way to "Flip" Biden in India's favour

Our Friends on PDF are of the view that Pompeo , the present Secretary of State will fight Biden in 2024
we will be better off with biden or trump but certainly not with kamala. Indians need to get rid of that stupid emotional or cultural link baggage, this is politics.
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we will be better off with biden or trump but certainly not with kamala. Indians need to get rid of that stupid emotional or cultural link baggage, this is politics.

We will Manage

Ideology alone does not deliver tangible results

And we can resist interference in domestic matters like CAA and 370

Man, this is turning out to be a joke & a rather sick one at that! Especially after the fiasco of 2000 . One would have thought, the US would undertake necessary reforms to avoid a repeat. It seems only civil wars bring about such changes.

However dysfunctional our democracy, at least our electoral processes are first world & a thing of pride compared to the US. I mean if this results in violence & court cases - which looks extremely likely , with what face will the US comment on the fairness or otherwise of the electoral processes of any nation.
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Biden wins if he keeps Michigan and Nevada.

Honestly, this election was stupid. Mail-in votes, counties unable to keep count, counting taking too long etc.
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with what face will the US comment on the fairness or otherwise of the electoral processes of any nation.

Just an exemple:

#BREAKING A source in the Donald Trump campaign says Kenyan legislator, Otiende Omollo, who is in the US to observe the election, has been recruited to join its legal team. Mr Omollo was part of the legal team that successfully overturned the Kenyan presidential election in 2017.
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  • Haha
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Nevada and Michigan , if Biden continues with lead he will reach 270. But the difference is less than a percentage open to recount and court battles.
We will Manage

Ideology alone does not deliver tangible results

And we can resist interference in domestic matters like CAA and 370
Cumala doesn't have any ideology she is just a power hungry harlot who will shift wherever the money and power is. So what we have to do now is get some good indian lobbying that can replace the Islamist and start funding these democrats. We have the money. The problem is the Indian Americans are self hating unlike the islamist-chicom lobby..
Cumala doesn't have any ideology she is just a power hungry harlot who will shift wherever the money and power is.
That statement is essentially true for all politicians.

Need I remind you what a certain Trump Jr posted on twitter after the polling?

Basically all political ideologies are like toffee wrappers around the "interests" of politicians. Thats why I said, its not a politician that will make or break the deal, it will be negotiations between US deep-state and our "idiots" aka south block dwellers.

US does not have a (un?)popular poll-worthy opinion of India. We are just a big poor country in eyes of people from both sides. There are some small quarters who like to make a fuss about us from time to time. If we are acting in a way that is not in interest of US deep-state / interest group, then they will use that "fuss" as a cover to launch sanctions against us.

As far as Pakistan goes, they have themselves wrapped around China too hard. Unless they delink themsleves from China, they will find hard to negotiate with US. Their usefulness is waning too. Afghanistan is becomeing less and less important of an issue for US.
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So what we have to do now is get some good indian lobbying that can replace the Islamist and start funding these democrats. We have the money. The problem is the Indian Americans are self hating unlike the islamist-chicom lobby..
Till recently, in USA, ethnic Indian participation in polls was somewhat of a go with the flow thing. The biggest agenda for Indian diaspora in US is immigration. There, democrats have a bit better record than republicans. So, natural inclination of diaspora is towards democrats. It also does not hurt that democrats follow a "big tent" policy of inviting everyone and their grandmother --litereally-- in their folds. Its a position of giving imporatance to everybody --and hence no body. Thats democrats 101.

Recently, these folks have started to become vocal. Vocal about India, about themselves and so on. Modi helped to instill a sense of identity based on ethnicity. We .... need to take that to next level.

Indian government has made one critical mistake in its own citizenship policy, ie not allowing dual citizenship. Its a psychological thing but being a citizen keeps people connected and more invested in the country than being a "OCI/PIO". There is a reason why OCI was marketed as Overseas "Citizen" of India while it is essentially a perpetual visa. This model of not allowing people outside of India to be a citizen of India dates back to Congress and its own insecurity and deep mistrust of its own people living outside India. BJP actually encashed it during 2014. I hope it goes step ahead and pulls these folks from certain countries as acceptable dual citizens. If it announces such a dual citizenship program, I am sure many people will line up to sign up for it. In due time, they will develop more ties (more property, participation in electoral process, more interest in Indian political developments, more time spent in India) to India and will be easier to motivate them to work for Indian interests.

So one thing government of India should deeply consider doing is to pull these folks thoroughly in its folds by allowing selective dual citizenship.
The biggest agenda for Indian diaspora in US is immigration. There, democrats have a bit better record than republicans.
democrats are like congressi ppl using muslims for votes. Democrats did nothing whatsoever when obama was president other than DACA. Their immigration record is all bluff. Democrats will only keep complaining that they dont have control over senate and continue the game. Atleast republicans are open about it.
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democrats are like congressi ppl using muslims for votes. Democrats did nothing whatsoever when obama was president other than DACA. Their immigration record is all bluff. Democrats will only keep complaining that they dont have control over senate and continue the game. Atleast republicans are open about it.
Well, US immigration policy is a quagmire. Both sides say they want to fix it, both side undermine each other's effort to fix it. In early 2010, Obama "pocket veto'd" a bill to enable "stapling" Green Card with US degrees and called for a "comprehensive reform". It never happened. Likewise, the house of that time dominated by republicans shot down another similar bill. Both will oppose each others actions to do something good.

That said, when it comes to practical policies, like allowing spouses to work while of H4, democrats are more liberal. When it comes to granting extensions and visas, USISC controlled by democrats is less hostile. I know many people who were dumbfounded that they need to hand over ALL the internet handles due to "extreme" vetting during Trump time. All these many many little little inconveniences add up.
Till recently, in USA, ethnic Indian participation in polls was somewhat of a go with the flow thing. The biggest agenda for Indian diaspora in US is immigration. There, democrats have a bit better record than republicans. So, natural inclination of diaspora is towards democrats. It also does not hurt that democrats follow a "big tent" policy of inviting everyone and their grandmother --litereally-- in their folds. Its a position of giving imporatance to everybody --and hence no body. Thats democrats 101.

Recently, these folks have started to become vocal. Vocal about India, about themselves and so on. Modi helped to instill a sense of identity based on ethnicity. We .... need to take that to next level.

Indian government has made one critical mistake in its own citizenship policy, ie not allowing dual citizenship. Its a psychological thing but being a citizen keeps people connected and more invested in the country than being a "OCI/PIO". There is a reason why OCI was marketed as Overseas "Citizen" of India while it is essentially a perpetual visa. This model of not allowing people outside of India to be a citizen of India dates back to Congress and its own insecurity and deep mistrust of its own people living outside India. BJP actually encashed it during 2014. I hope it goes step ahead and pulls these folks from certain countries as acceptable dual citizens. If it announces such a dual citizenship program, I am sure many people will line up to sign up for it. In due time, they will develop more ties (more property, participation in electoral process, more interest in Indian political developments, more time spent in India) to India and will be easier to motivate them to work for Indian interests.

So one thing government of India should deeply consider doing is to pull these folks thoroughly in its folds by allowing selective dual citizenship.
Well the Pakistanis have it. But a similar arrangement might compromise our security situation..
That statement is essentially true for all politicians.

Need I remind you what a certain Trump Jr posted on twitter after the polling?

Basically all political ideologies are like toffee wrappers around the "interests" of politicians. Thats why I said, its not a politician that will make or break the deal, it will be negotiations between US deep-state and our "idiots" aka south block dwellers.

US does not have a (un?)popular poll-worthy opinion of India. We are just a big poor country in eyes of people from both sides. There are some small quarters who like to make a fuss about us from time to time. If we are acting in a way that is not in interest of US deep-state / interest group, then they will use that "fuss" as a cover to launch sanctions against us.

As far as Pakistan goes, they have themselves wrapped around China too hard. Unless they delink themsleves from China, they will find hard to negotiate with US. Their usefulness is waning too. Afghanistan is becomeing less and less important of an issue for US.
Well someone here was saying the Cumala has an ideology or a plan. The only one with a concrete ideology in that political establishment include Bernie Sanders and maybe Rand Paul. The rest are more issue based and lobbying based politicians..
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Indian government has made one critical mistake in its own citizenship policy, ie not allowing dual citizenship. Its a psychological thing but being a citizen keeps people connected and more invested in the country than being a "OCI/PIO". There is a reason why OCI was marketed as Overseas "Citizen" of India while it is essentially a perpetual visa. This model of not allowing people outside of India to be a citizen of India dates back to Congress and its own insecurity and deep mistrust of its own people living outside India. BJP actually encashed it during 2014. I hope it goes step ahead and pulls these folks from certain countries as acceptable dual citizens. If it announces such a dual citizenship program, I am sure many people will line up to sign up for it. In due time, they will develop more ties (more property, participation in electoral process, more interest in Indian political developments, more time spent in India) to India and will be easier to motivate them to work for Indian interests.

Can't do that. Most of our immigrants are in the Middle East and can create problems in India with dual citizenship. Especially those that do not share the same interests as the aam Indian.

Cherry-picking countries or providing citizenship to all is subject to changing the laws which is very difficult when even NRIs are not allowed to vote, let alone OCIs/PIOs.
Can't do that. Most of our immigrants are in the Middle East and can create problems in India with dual citizenship. Especially those that do not share the same interests as the aam Indian.

Cherry-picking countries or providing citizenship to all is subject to changing the laws which is very difficult when even NRIs are not allowed to vote, let alone OCIs/PIOs.
Yes india will never allow it. It will create political meddling nothing more. even without it there is massive meddling as we speak.
Can't do that. Most of our immigrants are in the Middle East and can create problems in India with dual citizenship. Especially those that do not share the same interests as the aam Indian.
You are wrong on the first part.

Most of Persons of Indian Origins are NOT in middle east. You are confusing NRIs with Persons of Indian Origin. NRIs are citizens of India.

Here is a break down :

Qatar : 775
Saudi : 2781
UAE : 5269
Kuwait: 1587
Oman: 1790
Bahrain : 3366

Its not even 20K people. By contrast Portugal only hold 70K People of Indian origin.

Cherry-picking countries or providing citizenship to all is subject to changing the laws which is very difficult when even NRIs are not allowed to vote, let alone OCIs/PIOs.
I think the current Modi Government in India can easily do this. It won't even be a controversial issue.

As far as not sharing same interests with the Amm Indian goes, well, even if they don't (which I contest they do), they bring much value in terms of finance and lobbying for Indian interests abroad.