Kashmir : Counter Terror Operation Updates and Discussions

Clutterji on how to put slippery eels to shame in the art of wriggling . Notice he never attributes blame on the ethnic cleansing to anybody in particular. It's just one of those acts of God in ways the Gujarat riots never is.

Support independent & free journalism is a text all his videos carry. For if you don't they'd definitely prostitute themselves or they would in any case is the sub text which these videos don't carry.
@_Anonymous_ one of your 'friends' here has decided to put a ROFLMAO smiley for all your posts regardless of their content.
He's a fan boy. He also has an extremely limited vocabulary. Plus he's starved of attention. Nice kid but a little soft in the head & full of aggro courtesy all those hormones that can only rage in a teen.

Add ADHD to it. I did suggest usage of a pacifier. As per a study working on such kids I read it's extremely efficient & works wonders on teens.

I think he's sucking on a pacifier. 3 months ago he'd have blown his top here. Now he's much more retrained & domesticated. Isn't it sweetie? @WHOHE
Kashmir files croses 120 crore rupees as revenue, and this money should be used for the kashmir cause. Or else Hindu baniyagiri it is nothing else.
Kashmir files croses 120 crore rupees as revenue, and this money should be used for the kashmir cause. Or else Hindu baniyagiri it is nothing else.
Agnihotri has already announced that 50% of the profits will be given to Prime Ministers relief fund for kashmiri Pandits welfare
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Agni hotri has already announced that 50% of the profits will be given to Prime Ministers relief fund for kashmiri Pandits welfare
Pledge 50% profit from ‘The Kashmir Files’ for displaced Kashmiri Pandits: Karni Sena

Karni sena has said it that Agnihotri and producers should be doing the needful if they are honest. I haven't heard Anupam Kher or Agnihotri or producer to mention any donation.

They for sure did not expect that people will ask them to donate for the cause :P . Indians especially the youth getting clever :D
Pledge 50% profit from ‘The Kashmir Files’ for displaced Kashmiri Pandits: Karni Sena

Karni sena has said it that Agnihotri and producers should be doing the needful if they are honest. I haven't heard Anupam Kher or Agnihotri or producer to mention any donation.

They for sure did not expect that people will ask them to donate for the cause :p . Indians especially the youth getting clever :D
Its there on twitter. he has announced it already before karni sena asked for it. They never expected it to make such profits. so they have done it.
Its there on twitter. he has announced it already before karni sena asked for it. They never expected it to make such profits. so they have done it.

Unfortunately I couldn't find anything. (If some one can find then please share)

And in case it's not committed, then it's a hypocrisy of a Hindu mindset like always. Requested to do the needful for the cause.
Haan bhai .. where is the evidence that kashmir files producers will donate money for the cause? There is no ego problem just need evidence because from next time no hindu will fall in their trap .
As expected we really need to upgrade the entirety of CRPF and RR and base it on the Russian FSB. It's just a matter of time before we have explosives and rockets being smuggled and the situation could turn like chechenya. A lot of Russian weapons would be useful in Kashmir.View attachment 22785
View attachment 22786View attachment 22787
A lot of this hardware will be exceptionally useful in Kashmir and the Russians would love to sell these.

The private sector can deliver everything necessary, and at higher quality and more competitive prices.
we will wait until the shit hits the roof and then scramble to procure the equipment. We need to maintain the pressure which means constantly upgrade and outclass the terrorists.

It will take time, but we are moving into a system of rapid procurement for the infantry.
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Pledge 50% profit from ‘The Kashmir Files’ for displaced Kashmiri Pandits: Karni Sena

Karni sena has said it that Agnihotri and producers should be doing the needful if they are honest. I haven't heard Anupam Kher or Agnihotri or producer to mention any donation.

They for sure did not expect that people will ask them to donate for the cause :p . Indians especially the youth getting clever :D
Vivek Agnihotri and team should use the windfall profits to produce more than a dozen Files - starting with

Direct Action Day
Chitpavan brahmins
Kabaili invasion of Kashmir
Plebiscite fraud by Nehru
Transfer of Power fraud
Sadhu killings of 1966
Rape of Hindu women during Bangladesh Liberation
Emergency Files
Sikh Massacre of 1984
Hindu massacre by Maulana Mulayam at Babri Masjid
Godhra Burning Train Files
Hindutva Malegaon Files
Batla House FIles
Anti-CAA Files
Farmers Agitation Dakait Files
Delhi Riots Files
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Vivek Agnihotri and team should use the windfall profits to produce more than a dozen Files - starting with

Direct Action Day
Chitpavan brahmins
Kabaili invasion of Kashmir
Plebiscite fraud by Nehru
Transfer of Power fraud
Sadhu killings of 1966
Rape of Hindu women during Bangladesh Liberation
Emergency Files
Sikh Massacre of 1984
Hindu massacre by Maulana Mulayam at Babri Masjid
Godhra Burning Train Files
Hindutva Malegaon Files
Batla House FIles
Anti-CAA Files
Farmers Agitation Dakait Files
Delhi Riots Files

Hindus go by mode of passion (Rajas) not by Mode of goodness ( Sattv) The other religions devote their actions to the god be it Tamas, Hindus don't.

These all film directors will make a lot of money using killings of Hindu as their theme, I call this blood money. And it will never have any implications on actual cause.
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Hindus go by mode of passion (Rajas) not by Mode of goodness ( Sattv) The other religions devote their actions to the god be it Tamas, Hindus don't.

These all film directors will make a lot of money using killings of Hindu as their theme, I call this blood money. And it will never have any implications on actual cause.
The first step in revival of Hindu Self-esteem is bringing forth the truth to Indian citizens on the horror that have been perpetrated in the history of India starting with the raid of Mohammad bin Kasim in 712. India was then introduced to a never experienced barbaric rules of war of plunder, rape and murder of non-combatants.

There were the Kshatriya Rajputs, the Marathas and the Sikhs who never allowed the Islamic invaders to settle down. They offered fierce resistance and that is the reason India is still holding its culture, whereas 56 nations have lost their native culture and religion, whatever it was. These martial races defended their faith by raising their sword against the enemy till their last breath, whereas the cowards converted and wore Salwars under the threat of the sword of the enemy. These same cowards are spread across India and perpetrated the above list of Genocides, just in the past 100 years.

Those Hindus who go by Rajas seek personal gain and most of them turn Gaddars against Dharma by appeasing the two opposing sides for their personal benefit.

Those with Sattva defend their Dharma in whatever way they can - brain (Chanakya, Dayananda, Vivekananda) or brawn (Rana Pratap, Shivaji, Guru Gobind Singh, and many more).

And those with Tamas give up Dharma and wear Salwars due to fear of death.

Dharma = "धर्यते इति धर्म:" - that which can be instilled in oneself is Dharma. And what is to be instilled? Sadguna. And then one defends those Sandguna, i.e. Dharma, with all Valor and Courage.
These martial races defended their faith by raising their sword against the enemy till their last breath, whereas the cowards converted and wore Salwars under the threat of the sword of the enemy. These same cowards are spread across India and perpetrated the above list of Genocides, just in the past 100 years.

Absolutely correct. And past so many years majority of these people were making India's foreign policy with respect to Pakistan and China. You can imagine, why there is insurgency in Kashmir. Who tolerates such insurgency for so many years? (Acha Mazaak Hai)
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Absolutely correct. And past so many years majority of these people were making India's foreign policy with respect to Pakistan and China. You can imagine, why there is insurgency in Kashmir. Who tolerates such insurgency for so many years? (Acha Mazaak Hai)
True. These were traitors who colluded with the British and the Islamists to whom the "Transfer of Power" was done on 15th August 1947 by the British in collusion with Pakistan for Pakistan to act as a Great Wall against Soviet Union then for the British and the US, and left India with an undefendable border the way it was demarcated.

India gained independence from these Gaddars on 26 May 2014. And that is why there is angst and frustration in the Gaddars and their external Masters for whom they worked, that what they dreamt of achieving, the breakup of India, is slipping away from their hands. Had the UPA been successful for a 3rd term, India sure would have become part of the Arab Springs.
Kashmir files success is only due to suppression of exodus during 90s by various govts. It’s somewhat feeling of betrayal if not govt enabled displacement outright.

Now news like below find much publicity and for mullas in valley, chickens are coming home to roost.

From slogans of bhooga nanga Hindustan to bhooka nanga paxtan in reality, from not paying electricity bills in anticipation of azadi to revocation of art 370 and bifurcation of state- karma truly delivers a poetic “slap”