Hindus go by mode of passion (Rajas) not by Mode of goodness ( Sattv) The other religions devote their actions to the god be it Tamas, Hindus don't.
These all film directors will make a lot of money using killings of Hindu as their theme, I call this blood money. And it will never have any implications on actual cause.
The first step in revival of Hindu Self-esteem is bringing forth the truth to Indian citizens on the horror that have been perpetrated in the history of India starting with the raid of Mohammad bin Kasim in 712. India was then introduced to a never experienced barbaric rules of war of plunder, rape and murder of non-combatants.
There were the Kshatriya Rajputs, the Marathas and the Sikhs who never allowed the Islamic invaders to settle down. They offered fierce resistance and that is the reason India is still holding its culture, whereas 56 nations have lost their native culture and religion, whatever it was. These martial races defended their faith by raising their sword against the enemy till their last breath, whereas the cowards converted and wore Salwars under the threat of the sword of the enemy. These same cowards are spread across India and perpetrated the above list of Genocides, just in the past 100 years.
Those Hindus who go by Rajas seek personal gain and most of them turn Gaddars against Dharma by appeasing the two opposing sides for their personal benefit.
Those with Sattva defend their Dharma in whatever way they can - brain (Chanakya, Dayananda, Vivekananda) or brawn (Rana Pratap, Shivaji, Guru Gobind Singh, and many more).
And those with Tamas give up Dharma and wear Salwars due to fear of death.
Dharma = "धर्यते इति धर्म:" - that which can be instilled in oneself is Dharma. And what is to be instilled? Sadguna. And then one defends those Sandguna, i.e. Dharma, with all Valor and Courage.