Sir if a PL 15 or any other Long Range AAM is fired on any aircraft by using
Radar guidance or IRST AND if the Target Aircraft does not have a SPJ
Then , the following points and questions need to be considered
1 How will it defend itself
2 What are the chances of its survival
3 Our Su 30 survived multiple Amraam attacks on Feb 27 mainly
Because of SPJ
4 ) Abhinandan' s MIG 21 did not have SPJ
5 ) His wingman Squadron L eader Vyas , evaded an Amraam because of SPJ 8222
SPJ is not always powered on during an engagement. And you need to remember that jammers are also a source for detection and for missiles to home in to the jammer using the home-on-jam feature. So jamming is not a panacea. The point behind jamming is to make it difficult to track until you can unload your weapons on your target, which is why it's primarily used against radars rather than seekers.
The idea is simple actually. You need SPJ to protect yourself from enemy radar, but you do not need every single aircraft to carry an SPJ. You can instead use the SPJ on one aircraft to jam multiple enemy aircraft. But when it comes to dealing with missiles like Meteor and PL-15, you will need the decoys I've mentioned above since the time to target once the seeker turns on is just 10 seconds. If you point the jammer at it instead, then, even if you are successful at jamming the seeker, you will only force the seeker to go into passive mode and home in to you anyway.
Against AAMs, fighter jets use chaff and flares. And now, even pocket decoys and towed decoys are carried by aircraft so the missile homes in to the decoy instead of the aircraft.
These "little buddies" not only protect the jet, but they can be used creatively to goad the enemy into showing itself and dying as a result.
Would recommend watching these two videos.
Rafale will carry the LEA in the near future.
2 major projects have been recently revealed by the french DGA. The first one, called TRAGEDAC intends to extend passive localisation capa...
IAF Rafales specifically will also come with Israeli X-Guard towed decoys.
(Might need VPN for this link. I use Opera's inbuilt VPN.)
So this is how the future of avoiding AAMs will look like for quite sometime. Then, at some point, they will bring in dual seeker missiles, with RF and IIR seekers, to tell the difference between such decoys and the aircraft.
LCA will have to get similar upgrades to stay relevant.
Btw, even the Mk1s can be equipped with SPJ, the same as the ones on LCA Mk1A. It's just not such a high priority right now.