US walking out of an arms control agreement is not the same as India walking out of agreement to recognize tibet as part of China. An equivalent to this would be:Russia walking out of the contract to handover Alaska to USA, and not recognizing it as part of US territory... Will Russia ever do it..?IMO
Yes we can , provided we have the balls to do so
We have precidence to fall on eg the Chinese backed down from pancheel agreement with India and attacked India and the violations of border past and now is in contravention of signed agreements.
Only the weak adheres to agreements .
In realpolitiks agreements are made to be broken one day - the day you are strong enough to get away with it.
Indians are weak and hence they adhere to agreements inspite of transgressions since we lack the force and will to punish the violaters and rather hide under the hilarious notion of moral ascendency of maintaining agreements which is rather a soft cover for our impotence.
The USA Russia Europe regularly walk out of agreements , what's the big deal
Best we Indians get out of these silly notions of moral ascendancy . Its suicidal .