Line of Actual Control (LAC) : India & Tibet Border Updates

Basically what @Jaymax said. The Chinese could be pulling wool over our eyes. They probably underestimated the weather for this month and may come back after some time has passed, possibly during the fall.

But we most definitely should not reverse the economic gains we have made. The price should be an equivalent opening up of the Chinese economy for Indian investments in exchange, but definitely no apps. The apps have far reaching consequences and must never be reversed. Rather, more apps should join the list, including making room for future app bans as well.

I really hope those are not reversed.
However, it is equally important that we as a country invest heavily in softwares that are quality products such that they are popular world wide.
That will improve our hold and if done right will reduce the Chinese footprint all over.
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I really hope those are not reversed.
However, it is equally important that we as a country invest heavily in softwares that are quality products such that they are popular world wide.
That will improve our hold and if done right will reduce the Chinese footprint all over.

I suppose time will tell.
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I am expecting a Nazi Germany redux to PRC. Although I would prefer an USSR one.

Difficult for both. And is gonna be extremely long term. Whereas we will end up fighting China long before that.

I hope the Americans solve North Korea problem politically or militarily first, and unite Korea before China gets stronger than it already is. This will put NATO right at China's doorstep. This should be done sooner rather than later because their current situation has put them on the backfoot globally and they are going to show that with faster military modernisation. At the very least, the Chinese are going to become occupied elsewhere while we rise up.

And given China's attitude, the Russians are also not going to like the Chinese bringing up their Siberian claims as well, and those are going to come up pretty soon, in a few years.

And during this time, we should deal with Pakistan once and for all. We should most definitely avoid a two-front situation in the future, 'cause in 10-15 years, it's going to be a three-front situation, with PLAN also having a similar force like the USMC and will begin to threaten our islands next.
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China could not afford the thousands
Of casualties that would have happened in case of a war

We must continue with our preparations
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Difficult for both. And is gonna be extremely long term. Whereas we will end up fighting China long before that.
First one is a quicker option. And I agree that second one would take long but it is best for our national interest.
I hope the Americans solve North Korea problem politically or militarily first, and unite Korea before China gets stronger than it already is. This will put NATO right at China's doorstep.
Make no mistake. NoKo is red line for China. Doing what you suggest would bring a war that you are so cautious to avoid.
I had told you guys that the number of casualties of PLA was close to 150. The truth is coming out slowly. After Doklam, XI was looking to give a bloody nose to India and they thought they had done that when they killed the CO of 16th Bihar but what followed after that has shaken the entire CCP & PLA. They will come back with better preparation. But the faultlines within CCP will widen further as the time passes by.

Rogue nations very often miscalculates the response of adversaries. One pakistani general had planned morning break fast in Jaisalmer, lunch in Jodhpur and dinner Delhi.