Looks like we are waiting for winter to move in.
- Current chaos in Congress, the gold smuggling scam in Kerala, and the recent attempt by UDF for a no-confidence motion against CPIM suggests that the govt. is on the final stages of silencing its internal enemies or what we call .5 of the 2.5 front war.
- Another hint is the massive investment and works towards developing the infrastructure in LAC. Ensure the troops fighting in the front have the supplies moving in, in case we have to fight the Chinese and the Pakistanis.
I don't think the infrastructure needed will be completed so soon. We are 5 years away to ensure parity with Chinese infrastructure according to this article.

India pushes to complete 61 strategic roads on China border by 2022
These roads add up to a total length of 3,417km, of which 2,350km has been completed.
So BRO plans to finish construction of 61 roads by Dec 2022. CPWD is building 12 roads, with no completion date mentioned. All stuff planned in 1997.
And 44 roads were awaiting clearance at the time of the article, which I presume are expected to be completed before 2025.