Well, to fully defeat an enemy, will certainly take months, may be years. But when we talk of defeat, we talk in terms of failure of the enemy to mount an effective defence to check advance in their territory.
Please understand that holding of nodes is not exactly our priority - unless it significantly alters their ability to mount an effective defence.
In mountains, you can simply bypass resistance, as PLA did in 1962 in Arunachal.
His idea was IA will get stopped at the border and then it will take months to penetrate into Pakistan. Basically, PA will defend against Indian attacks successfully for many months. He gives the example of Kargil, and how it took a long time before IA could actually make progress.
His basic point was we need 40-50 divisions (forgot the actual number) to sucessfully mount an offensive into Pakistan and also achieve GoI's stubborn and unyielding interest in not losing land while at it. So the current strength of 27 divisions will not be enough to break their lines.