If its on SM a pinch of salt is advised, as always. Still posted it incase it is later reposted by media. Like :Isnt Sun Xiaochuan some kind of a fake name they use everywhere. Like John Doe or Ashok Kumar?
Oh and more economic measures:
If its on SM a pinch of salt is advised, as always. Still posted it incase it is later reposted by media. Like :Isnt Sun Xiaochuan some kind of a fake name they use everywhere. Like John Doe or Ashok Kumar?
They are not. In terms of capability and pure tonnage the Americans ships far outclass the PLAN. They have nothing close to zumwalt nor do they have something on the level of ford class carriers. The reason the PLAN has more ships now is because they are mass producing frigates and light destroyers. The bigger class ships are slowly being made but are not equal in terms of any of the American ships. Those type 56 and type 52 can't operate beyond the second Island chain. They are meant for the defence of the Chinese mainland and assisting in the invasion of Taiwan. They become useless in an IOR context . The PLAN is still not a blue water navy because it's focus has been to dominate the SCS. They don't have any carrier experience. They have way more ships than the people they can train properly so they fall in the same trap the PLA has fallen which is recruiting virgin teenagers as sailors. The PLA will only get dangerous in the next 10 years that I agree and could surpass the Amreekis but right now they are in no shape or form to match the Americans in capability, experience or training.Sadly, you missed the point completely. Although I agree with everything you said, but US would never allow any country to reach even half of its conventional might. PLAN is already bigger than USN in terms of warships. Chinese are rapidly modernising their air force and land force. So yes there is a real chance of China overtaking the conventional capabilities of US in coming decades. If you think US would wait for it, then you are wrong.
There are Full Time Army Officials
Who work on Strategies , Doctrines ,
New and Disruptive Technologies
We have several in house institutions
Engaged in research
Somehow self appointed experts believe
That ALL intelligent and knowledgeable
People are outside the Govt
India has only problem
Indian Army's orthodox doctrine distorts military strategy in Ladakh-type conflicts: Study
Stanford researcher writes why New Delhi in recent times has been left with an invidious all-or-nothing choice in the use of military force—either start a major war or abstain from action.theprint.in
Read it. I don't want to selectively quote portions but it conveys what I long suspected and advocated. India's problem lies in South Block and not in economy. Money won't change the situation.
The author is a professional analyst with a resume to go with : https://1c7f8822-ae2c-465b-93b9-f5a...d/4733de_e78b8cc413814ca8a73d8b8a2330ef79.pdf
The whole article criticism isn't unique or new. This is a pretty old criticism done for the Indian armed forces. It's similar to what Pravin Sawhney wrote if you have ever read his Force Magazines.How on earth did you come to that conclusion? He's blaming the generals. He's basically claiming IA should change their doctrine from an offensive one to something else entirely. Nothing to do with civilians in South Block.
There are plenty of people with glitzy resumes who want India to become weaker than it is. The article was written to fool people like you.
Look at his conclusion:
Punitive incursions into enemy territory, using mass and firepower, are rarely effective in wartime, and even less useful as coercive options in peacetime or crisis. If the Indian Army remains focused on conventional offensive operations, it will become increasingly irrelevant as a tool of national security policy.
He doesn't give a real solution. He basically says the IA should disband and become a militia that's subservient to the air force and special forces. In other words, he wants the IA to become toothless.
Guarantee fake. No signatures, no seals, no addresses. No message classification.
The fingers are wrongly depicted in this map but the IB shown in redline is correct.
The whole article criticism isn't unique or new. This is a pretty old criticism done for the Indian armed forces. It's similar to what Pravin Sawhney wrote if you have ever read his Force Magazines.
The thing is indian military has made some headway when it comes CSI4R which was the only valid criticism in tactical terms. The defense white paper is a requirement but it's not the Army's fault. This is the often repeated bs done by defence analyst which is basically a copy of what people have been saying for the last 10 years. People don't have much knowledge when it comes to how the IA operates it's even more secretive compared the Pakistani Army because most of its Operations are done using local mujahideen. It's just dhoti shivering to belittle India...
Right now what India has done to PLA is an offensive operation capturing territory on the other side of the LAC.. and use this as a bargaining chip.. As per all knowing Arzan Tarapore this is of no significance.. Maybe his masters were surprised by what India did to China here, and told him to spout some non sense..How on earth did you come to that conclusion? He's blaming the generals. He's basically claiming IA should change their doctrine from an offensive one to something else entirely. Nothing to do with civilians in South Block.
There are plenty of people with glitzy resumes who want India to become weaker than it is. The article was written to fool people like you.
Look at his conclusion:
Punitive incursions into enemy territory, using mass and firepower, are rarely effective in wartime, and even less useful as coercive options in peacetime or crisis. If the Indian Army remains focused on conventional offensive operations, it will become increasingly irrelevant as a tool of national security policy.
He doesn't give a real solution. He basically says the IA should disband and become a militia that's subservient to the air force and special forces. In other words, he wants the IA to become toothless.
Guarantee fake. No signatures, no seals, no addresses. No message classification.
Right now what India has done to PLA is an offensive operation capturing territory on the other side of the LAC.. and use this as a bargaining chip.. As per all knowing Arzan Tarapore this is of no significance.. Maybe his masters were surprised by what India did to China here, and told him to spout some non sense..
Then why we have Spyder with Derby ER and Barak 8 and Akash deployed in Ladakh.India risks a Israeli type pre emptive air strike from the Chinese side by being only reactive.
The Chinese have laid some ground work by loudly protesting India's breach of their perceived LAC.
Pre emptive strike from India is difficult as their airbases are far from the LAC. So how to minimize our casualties , whether of soldiers or the airbases , since our army is a bit exposed and digging in at those altitudes and rocky terrain is difficult ?
India risks a Israeli type pre emptive air strike from the Chinese side by being only reactive.
The Chinese have laid some ground work by loudly protesting India's breach of their perceived LAC.
Pre emptive strike from India is difficult as their airbases are far from the LAC. So how to minimize our casualties , whether of soldiers or the airbases , since our army is a bit exposed and digging in at those altitudes and rocky terrain is difficult ?
In 1962, PLA had battle hardened soldiers who were pure infantry guys. PLA has now deployed one Mech div and one motorised infantry div. Both these Divs are incapable of fighting in mountains as they are fit to fight highly mobile warfare in plains. In mountains, it is basically infantry and arty who decide the outcome with Mech and Armour in supporting role. India has done its deployment in this exact manner. We have inducted close to one additional corps of soldiers to fight on the two fronts in Northern command. And these forces are composed in a manner which allows us to fight holding battles in the high mountains and also go into offensive in the plains of Aksai Hind.The only possible Chinese action that can guarantee them some success or win is if they deploy their mechanized formations, SOWs, arty, CMs, BMs all at same time I.e, hammer approach. They will lose limited escalation war. Or they can choose to accept defeat and run back.