Line of Actual Control (LAC) : India & Tibet Border Updates

All his tweets are pro China only. From what I hear from some sources we have done a fair amount of readjustment both in depsang and kailash region. The chinks are up for a rude shock if they try acting smart.

Lately, we keep hearing a lot, from our own, and we won everytime.
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The S400 are deployed close enough for destruction by assymetrical means incase the push comes to shove.
I was never a fan of either S300 or S400. Too much propaganda. S400 radars will struggle with false targets , clutter, radar shadow / dead zone due to the mountainous terrain and hitting targets will be equally difficult especially those flying nap of the earth missions ( terrain hugging mode / terrain masking )
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The S400 are deployed close enough for destruction by assymetrical means incase the push comes to shove.
How effective is the S-400 minus it's full complement of weapons in the mountains? Don't SAMs as a rule face more limitations in mountainous regions than in the plains. Ditto for the air forces too & it's not only the Chinese SAM systems or air forces we're discussing here plus these are the Himalayas we're talking about which adds to the penalty over other mountainous regions.
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Some pretty reliable sources in twitter have gone silent. Either something is cooking - the current narrative is a diversion or, things are actually going haywire. Only time will tell. I don't see how any sensible organization/people would fall for the same Chinese trick repeatedly. If anything has been done with perfection with this Ladakh fiasco, it's media management. There has been a tight control on the information coming out in public domain. This alleged understanding, as per our news agencies and Chinese mouthpiece GT, that both countries agreed not to increase troop strength at the front, doesn't make sense from a strategic point of view - specially for India.
If we honestly have agreed to do that - as the general public is made to believe, something is seriously amiss. Trusting China to hold up its end of the bargain has proved to be costly time and again. It would take some really, and I cannot stress enough the "really", stupid people to actually take that decision and implement it.
As I see it, from GoI perspective, if we cannot go back to SQA (at the very least) it will be a major setback from the votebank perspective for the next election, and a major loss of face - internationally. If we lose land (koi nahi ghusa, has already been taken to the cleaners), even worse for GoI. All things considered, the chances things de-escalating looks pretty slim.

Or, are we going to beat up Pakistan again just as a show and diversion for the general mass from the Chinese issue. Not even sure if that will work now.

How effective is the S-400 minus it's full complement of weapons in the mountains? Don't SAMs as a rule face more limitations in mountainous regions than in the plains. Ditto for the air forces too & it's not only the Chinese SAM systems or air forces we're discussing here plus these are the Himalayas we're talking about which adds to the penalty over other mountainous regions.

There was a post from @vstol Jockey with an example - if your radar is on the roof vs if it's on the ground ... That's very relevant in the mountains. It's the general perception now that matters, all these SAMs and stuff are quite secondary. The main question should be - shall we fight, coz if not the S400s or our arty are just as good as my cricket bat. It's a battle of strategy and will. I trust IA with the strategy but do we have the will, that is the main question!
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How effective is the S-400 minus it's full complement of weapons in the mountains? Don't SAMs as a rule face more limitations in mountainous regions than in the plains. Ditto for the air forces too & it's not only the Chinese SAM systems or air forces we're discussing here plus these are the Himalayas we're talking about which adds to the penalty over other mountainous regions.

S400 radars will struggle with false targets , clutter, radar shadow / dead zone due to the mountainous terrain and hitting targets will be equally difficult especially those flying nap of the earth missions ( terrain hugging mode / terrain masking ) . Aircrafts flying low and using terrain masking will be able to evade detection more or less .

Sam's face considerable problems in mountains . Long range Sam's do a decent job at mission kill ( not target kill ) provided the pilot is not asleep in the cockpit , if the pilot is smart the long range Sam's will even struggle at that and that too if the pilot is foolish enough to fly in the LOS of the radars . Even if radars are placed at the highest point of terrain , it opens itself up to clear LOS attacks from the opposing force with standoff weapons.
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There were satellite pics of chinese S-400 regiment deployed in Beijing or Shanghai..
China has bought only 2 S-400 regiments.. So, going by @vkthakur China has redeployed both of them on the India China border ? Sounds improbable
We can take out a significant portion of the regiment of S-400 in a saturation strike...

That's the only way we can take it out with our current capabilities. And the S-400 and its supporting SAM network has been made to deal with such attacks. We simply can't penetrate with what we have.
There were satellite pics of chinese S-400 regiment deployed in Beijing or Shanghai..
China has bought only 2 S-400 regiments.. So, going by @vkthakur China has redeployed both of them on the India China border ? Sounds improbable

Since they have paid $3B for it, it's likely that they have ordered 3 regiments. However 2 have been delivered.

Anyway, the Indian border is a good place to test it, especially if we end up fighting. The Chinese are going to test everything they have on India. Including the 2 regiments of J-20 they have now.
That's the only way we can take it out with our current capabilities. And the S-400 and its supporting SAM network has been made to deal with such attacks. We simply can't penetrate with what we have.
I will love to see S-400 taking on a barrage of rocket artillery.
Anyway, the Indian border is a good place to test it, especially if we end up fighting. The Chinese are going to test everything they have on India. Including the 2 regiments of J-20 they have now.
The ones flying with Su-35 engines? I say bring them on. Time to once and for all prove that Chinese know nothing about engineering or war fighting for that matter.

An even better idea will be to hit the airbases hosting these fighters with a barrage of conventional ballistic missiles.
India can effectively neutralize Chinese s400 threat when we get s400 systems of our own and update spectra's and ELTA pod threat library with frequencies of s400 radars. Until then we have to rely on ARM and couple of air launched Brahmos to take out s400.

And J20s isn't a capable platform to outdo IAF on its own.
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AFAIK, we are going to go forward a bit more and much more very soon in Galwan/Gogra/Hot springs area. We have to cut them out in south. In Depsang we are very nicely placed now and PLA does not even know where all we are. Their deployment in Chumar is defensive in nature as they have no air defence there. They are now coming to realise the stupidity they did.
Finally, PLAAF does not have S-400. only some elements minus missiles. The information as posted in the tweet is wrong.


If they fully deploy S400, do we have the ways and means to neutralize it?